World Boston What in the World? Weekly Quiz – January 3-9, 2022
{"name":"World Boston What in the World? Weekly Quiz – January 3-9, 2022", "url":"","txt":"President Biden and President Putin talked on Thursday about the Ukraine crisis and Russia’s threat to invade, with the US side threatening sanctions and the Russian side threatening sanctions would be a grave error and risked a “rupture” of relations. WHAT’S next? (#WACquiz), The military, which staged a coup in THIS country in February, has returned to massacres and scorched-earth tactics, according to APNews, in efforts to put down growing opposition. They have destroyed entire villages where opposition support was strong, reprising tactics used against the Muslim minority Rohingyas several years ago (#WACquiz), China’s “Zero-Covid” policy is taking a toll on THIS city as heavy restrictions and quarantine mandates have led to a “brain drain” of expats in the business sector and resignations and hub shutdowns among pilots and air carriers. Covid measures on top of a political crackdown have taken the luster off this global business center (#WACquiz)","img":""}