Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-th on Wed, 30 Mar 22
[2203.14981] Nikolay Bobev, Junho Hong, Valentin Reys: Large $N$ Topologically Twisted Indices, Holography, and Black Holes
[2203.14988] Diptarka Das, Sridip Pal, Anurag Sarkar: (Half) Wormholes under Irrelevant Deformation
[2203.15020] Marco Frasca, Anish Ghoshal, Alexey Koshelev: Quintessence Dark Energy from strongly-coupled Higgs mass gap: Local and Non-local higher-derivative non-perturbative scenarios
[2203.15028] Stefano Baiguera, Lorenzo Bianchi, Shira Chapman et al.: Shape Deformations of Charged Rényi Entropies from Holography
[2203.15033] P. R. S. Carvalho: Nonextensive percolation and Lee-Yang edge singularity from nonextensive $λφ^{3}$ scalar field theory
[2203.15114] K. C. Matthew Cheung, Rahim Leung: Type IIA embeddings of $D=5$ minimal gauged supergravity via Non-Abelian T-duality
[2203.15130] Massimo Bianchi, Guillaume Bossard, Dario Consoli: Perturbative higher-derivative terms in N=6 asymmetric orbifolds
[2203.15185] Shinya Tomizawa, Ryotaku Suzuki: Stable bound orbits in microstate geometries
[2203.15330] Paolo Benincasa: Amplitudes meet Cosmology: A (Scalar) Primer
[2203.15367] Alessandro Torrielli: On factorising twists in AdS_3 and AdS_2
[2203.15445] Jarah Evslin: Kink Form Factors
[2203.15449] Niccolò Cribiori: De Sitter, gravitino mass and the swampland
[2203.15562] Arpan Das, Wojciech Florkowski, Avdhesh Kumar et al.: Semi-classical kinetic theory for massive spin-half fermions with leading-order spin effects
[2203.15675] V. Mishnyakov, A. Oreshina: Superintegrability in $β$-deformed Gaussian Hermitian matrix model from $W$-operators
[2203.15678] Tomislav Prokopec, Vishnu Hari Unnithan: Majorana propagator on de Sitter space
[2203.15682] G. Luchini, V. B. Zaché: A zero-curvature representation of electromagnetism and the conservation of electric charge
[2203.15714] Wilfried Buchmuller, Norbert Dragon: The cosmological constant as a boundary term
[2203.15744] Richard J. Szabo: The $\boldsymbol{L_{\infty}}$-structure of noncommutative gravity
[2203.15779] F.R. Klinkhamer: IIB matrix model, bosonic master field, and emergent spacetime
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-th on Wed, 30 Mar 22","img":""}
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