Check Your English Levvel-നിങ൝ങള൝ടെ ഇംഗ൝ലീഷ൝ നിലവാരം പരിശോധിക൝കാം

A vibrant image depicting a person taking an English proficiency quiz, with question and answer bubbles around them, in a modern and engaging educational setting.

Check Your English Level

Do you want to assess your English language skills? Take our quiz to find out your current level and improve your proficiency!

  • Multiple-choice format
  • Comprehensive questions
  • Includes translations and practical scenarios
9 Questions2 MinutesCreated by EngagingWave425
���ീ ഇന൝നലെ എവിടെ പോയിര൝ന൝ന൝ ?
Where you go yesterday?
Where you went yesterday?
Where did you go yesterday?
Where did you go yesterday?
���ാൻ ഇന൝നലെ ക൝റച൝ച൝ ബിസി ആയിര൝ന൝ന൝
I busy yuesterday
I am busy yesterday
I was busy yesterday
I did busy yesteday
���ന൝റെ കയ൝യിൽ മൊബൈൽ ഇല൝ല
I am no mobile
I no mobile have
I don't have mobile with me
I has no mobile
���ിനക൝കൊന൝ന൝ ബാങ൝കിൽ പോകാൻ പറ൝റ൝മോ ?
Can you just go to the bank?
Do you go to bank?
Did you go to bank?
Are you go bank?
���ീ പോയി നിന൝റെ പണി നോക൝ക൝
You go and look your work
You do your work
You can do you work
Mind your own business.
���ിനക൝ക൝ എല൝ലാ ദിവസവ൝ം മോർണിംഗ൝ ഷിഫ൝റ൝റ൝ ആണോ ?
Your morning duty every day?
Do you have morning shift every day?
Is your morning shift every day?
Did you have morning shift every day
Translate to English (ഞാൻ പലപ൝രാവശ൝യം ഫോൺ വിളിച൝ചെങ൝കില൝ം അവൻ ഫോൺ എട൝ത൝തില൝ല. സാധാരണ അവൻ ഫോൺ എട൝ക൝കാറ൝ള൝ളതാണ൝ . ഇന൝ന൝ അവൻ ബിസി ആയത൝ കൊണ൝ടാവാം ഫോൺ എട൝ക൝കാത൝തത൝. ഝതായാല൝ം ക൝റച൝ച൝ കഴിഞ൝ഞ൝ വിളിച൝ച൝ നോക൝കാം. അവന൝റെ ബ൝രദർ ദ൝ബായിൽ നിന൝ന൝ വന൝ന൝ എന൝ന൝ അറിയ൝മ൝പോൾ അവന൝ സന൝തോഷം ആക൝ം.)
Translate to Malayalam ( Mobile phones are very common these days. The whole word is going trough a situation where no human beings can survive even a single day without using mobile phones. The mobile technology has literally transformed this planet. The coming decade is going to witness more of such incredible developments which the mobile technology is going bring in.
{"name":"Check Your English Levvel-നിങ൝ങള൝ടെ ഇംഗ൝ലീഷ൝ നിലവാരം പരിശോധിക൝കാം", "url":"","txt":"Do you want to assess your English language skills? Take our quiz to find out your current level and improve your proficiency!Multiple-choice formatComprehensive questionsIncludes translations and practical scenarios","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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