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New submissions in physics on Mon, 13 Sep 21
[2109.04506] Austin Lee, Mathew Wynn, Liam Quigley et al.: Effect of Temperature History on 3D printed PEEK Crystalline Morphology
[2109.04508] Christian Heide, Yuki Kobayashi, Amalya Johnson et al.: Probing Electron-Hole Coherence in Strongly-Driven Solids
[2109.04510] Timothy J. Barnum, Gloria Clausen, Jun Jiang et al.: Long-range model of vibrational autoionization in core-nonpenetrating Rydberg states of NO
[2109.04514] Pranav Puthan, Geno Pawlak, Sutanu Sarkar: High drag states in tidally modulated stratified wakes
[2109.04538] Paolo Pintus, Leonardo Ranzani, Sergio Pinna et al.: A low-power integrated magneto-optic modulator on silicon for cryogenic applications
[2109.04541] Ayana Ghosh, Maxim Ziatdinov, Ondrej Dyck et al.: Bridging microscopy with molecular dynamics and quantum simulations: An AtomAI based pipeline
[2109.04542] Laura D. Salas, Barbara Zamora-Yusti, Julio C. Arce: Characterization of the continuous transition from atomic to molecular shape in the three-body Coulomb system
[2109.04549] C. Gilroy, D. Koyroytsaltis-McQuire, N. Gadegaard et al.: Superchiral hotspots in real chiral plasmonic structures
[2109.04551] Hong Tang, Bimal Neupane, Santosh Neupane et al.: Tunable band gaps and optical absorption properties of bent MoS$_2$ nanoribbons
[2109.04589] Yukai Lu, Connor M. Holland, Lawrence W. Cheuk: Molecular Laser-Cooling in a Dynamically Tunable Repulsive Optical Trap
[2109.04597] Jiarui Gong, Jisoo Kim, TienKhee Ng et al.: Influences of ALD Al$_2$O$_3$ on the surface band-bending of c-plane, Ga-face GaN and the implication to GaN-collector npn heterojunction bipolar tran...
[2109.04619] Ehsan Mosadegh, Iman Babaeian: Projection Of Temperature And Precipitation For 2020-2100 For Tehran Region Using Post-processing Of General Circulation Models Output And Artificial Neural Network...
[2109.04622] Ehsan Mosadegh, Iman Babaeian: Uncertainty Analysis Of Future Projections Of Temperature, Precipitation, And Solar Radiation Under Global Warming Effect In Tehran, Iran
[2109.04644] Ehsan Mosadegh, Khosro Ashrafi, Majid Shafiepour Motlagh et al.: Modeling the Regional Effects of Climate Change on Future Urban Ozone Air Quality in Tehran, Iran
[2109.04651] Takashi Takeuchi, Kazuhiro Yabana: Numerical scheme for nonlinear optical response of metallic nanostructure: Quantum hydrodynamic theory solved by adopting effective Schrödinger equation
[2109.04662] Jiaqi Li, Aliza Abraham, Michele Guala et al.: Evidence of preferential sweeping during snow settling in atmospheric turbulence
[2109.04663] Aaron W. Jones, Mengyao Wang, Xuecai Zhang et al.: Meta-Material Enhanced Spatial Mode Decomposition
[2109.04691] Hossein Davoudabadifarahani, Behbod Ghalamkari: Comment on Scattering of electromagnetic plane wave by an impedance strip embedded in homogeneous isotropic chiral medium
[2109.04724] Louis Daniault, Zhao Cheng, Jaismeen Kaur et al.: Single-stage few-cycle nonlinear compression of milliJoule energy Ti:Sa femtosecond pulses in a multipass cell
[2109.04731] Seulong Kim, Kihong Kim: Mode conversion of extraordinary waves in stratified plasmas with an external magnetic field perpendicular to the directions of inhomogeneity and wave propagation
[2109.04739] Yuuki Matsushita, Tetsuhiro S. Hatakeyama, Kunihiko: Dynamical-systems theory of cellular reprogramming
[2109.04765] G. Koleski, J.-C. Loudet, A. Vilquin et al.: Surfactant-driven instability of a divergent flow
[2109.04773] G. Koleski, T. Bickel: Stokes equation in a semi-infinite region: generalization of Lamb solution and applications to Marangoni flows
[2109.04777] Paul Kouakou, Valerie Brien, Badreddine Assouar et al.: Preliminary Synthesis of Carbon Nitride Thin Films by N$_2$/CH$_4$ Microwave Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition: Characterisation ...
[2109.04794] Yazhou Wang, Zhengran Li, Fei Yu et al.: Temperature-Dependent Group Delay of Photonic-Bandgap Hollow-Core Fiber Tuned by Surface-Mode Coupling
[2109.04799] Andreas B. Schmidt, Arne Brahms, Frowin Ellermann et al.: Selectively pulsed spin order transfer increases parahydrogen-induced NMR amplification of insensitive nuclei and makes polarization tr...
[2109.04866] A. A. Golovanov, E. N. Nerush, I. Yu. Kostyukov: Radiation reaction-dominated regime of wakefield acceleration
[2109.04873] Luiz Carlos Ryff: Reasons, Persons, and Physics
[2109.04883] Mihails Birjukovs, Pavel Trtik, Anders Kaestner et al.: Resolving gas bubbles ascending in liquid metal from low-SNR neutron radiography images
[2109.04902] Yaniv Eliezer, Simon Mahler, Asher A. Friesem et al.: Controlling nonlinear interaction in a many-mode laser by tuning disorder
[2109.04904] R. Paul, G. Sharma, K. Deka et al.: Experimental study of charging of dust grains in presence of energetic electrons
[2109.04910] Jordan R. Stone, Gregory Moille, Xiyuan Lu et al.: Conversion efficiency in Kerr microresonator optical parametric oscillators: From three modes to many modes
[2109.04916] Maria Elena Innocenti, Jorge Amaya, Joachim Raeder et al.: Unsupervised classification of simulated magnetospheric regions
[2109.04940] Richard Weinhold: Evaluating Policy Implications on the Restrictiveness of Flow-based Market Coupling with High Shares of Intermittent Generation: A Case Study for Central Western Europe
[2109.04943] Filip Cernatic, Bruno Senjean, Vincent Robert et al.: Ensemble Density Functional Theory of Neutral and Charged Excitations
[2109.04969] Diego G. Arbó, Sebastián D. López: Interference in $ω-2ω$ atomic ionization within the strong-field approximation: Beyond the perturbative regime
[2109.04985] Leonie Neuhäuser, Renaud Lambiotte, Michael T. Schaub: Consensus dynamics on temporal hypergraphs
[2109.05005] Shanghui Huang, Michael J. Quevillon, Ernesto C. Cortés-Morales et al.: Exploring the Potential of Parallel Biasing in Flat Histogram Methods
[2109.05009] Aleksandra Pachalieva, Alexander J. Wagner: Connecting lattice Boltzmann methods to physical reality by coarse-graining Molecular Dynamics simulations
[2109.05015] O.D. Zotov, A.V. Guglielmi: Mirror triad of tectonic earthquakes
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Mon, 13 Sep 21","img":""}
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