STARDOM Wrestling Moves Quiz 01 (EASY)

What's the name of this signature move by Tam Nakano?
German Suplex
Dragon Suplex
Tiger Suplex
Twilight Dream
What's the name of this signature move by Mayu Iwatani?
Sky High
Sky Walk
What's the name of Hana Kimura's signature submission hold that Rina uses now?
Tiger Lily
What's the name of Maika's signature judo-based submission hold that once put her rival Utami Hayashishita to sleep?
Which of the following moves is NOT Saya Kamitani's signature/finishing move?
Star Crusher
Star Suplex Hold
Phoenix Splash
Firebird Splash
Which of the following combinations of "Wrestler's name / Her signature roll-up move (pinning technique)" is NOT correct?
Mai Sakurai / La Magistral
Waka Tsukiyama / Aussie Suplex
Hanan / Hanamaru Clutch
Hina / Gedo Clutch
Which of the following signature/finishing moves by Saya Iida did she acquire by learning from her mentor Mayu Iwatani?
Sheer Drop Brainbuster
Iwatani-style Armlock
What's the name of Starlight Kid's Spanish Fly, which she acquired in order to beat her rival AZM?
Eternal foe
Eternal rival
Eternal death
Eternal destiny
What's the name of an ex-STARDOM wrestler who named her own finisher Refrigerator Bomb, which later inspired Ruaka to name her version of the same finishing move Freezer Bomb?
Yuzuki Aikawa
Nanae Takahashi
Taiyo Natsuki
Which of the following classic submission holds can be considered as the precursor for Giulia's submission finisher Stealth Viper?
Indian Deathlock
Step-over Toehold with Facelock
{"name":"STARDOM Wrestling Moves Quiz 01 (EASY)", "url":"","txt":"What's the name of this signature move by Tam Nakano?, What's the name of this signature move by Mayu Iwatani?, What's the name of Hana Kimura's signature submission hold that Rina uses now?","img":""}
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