Dental Research
1. What is the advantage of using SPSS over calculating statistics by hand?
σ¾ All of the above
σ½ This is how most quantitative data analysis is done in "real research" nowadays
σ½ It reduces the chance of making errors in your calculations
σ½ It equips you with a useful transferable skill
2. In SPSS, what is the "Data Viewer"?
σ½ A table summarizing the frequencies of data for one variable
σ¾ A spreadsheet into which data can be entered
σ½ A dialog box that allows you to choose a statistical test
σ½ A screen in which variables can be defined and labeled
3. What are the main points to write the literature review?
σ¾ Literature review which responds to question of Who, When, What, Where
σ½ Literature review which responds to question of When, Where, Why
σ½ Literature review which responds to question of When, Why, What, How
σ½ Literature review which responds to question of Who, When, What, Why
σ½ Literature review which responds to question of When, What, Where, Why
4. How is a variable name different from a variable label?
σ¾ It is shorter and less detailed
σ½ It is longer and more detailed
σ½ It is abstract and unspecific
σ½ It refers to codes rather than variables
5. What does the operation "Recode Into Different Variables" do to the data?
σ½ Replaces missing data with some random scores
σ½ Reverses the position of the independent and dependent variable on a graph
σ¾ Redistributes a range of values into a new set of categories and creates a new variable
σ½ Represents the data in the form of a pie chart
6. How would you use the drop-down menus in SPSS to generate a frequency table?
σ½ Open the Output Viewer and click: Save As; Pie Chart
σ¾ Click on: Analyze; Descriptive Statistics; Frequencies
σ½ Click on: Graphs; Frequencies; Pearson
σ½ Open the Variable Viewer and recode the value labels
7. Why might you tell SPSS to represent the "slices" of a pie chart in different patterns?
σ½ Because the program tends to crash if you ask it to use color
σ½ Because the patterns form symbolic visual images of different social groups
σ½ In order to make full use of the facilities that SPSS can offer
σ¾ If you do not have a color printer, it makes the differences between the slices clearer
8. When cross-tabulating two variables, it is conventional to:
σ½ Represent the independent variable in rows and the dependent variable in columns
σ½ Assign both the dependent and independent variables to columns
σ¾ Represent the dependent variable in rows and the independent variable in columns
σ½ Assign both the dependent and independent variables to rows
9. In which sub-dialog box can the Chi Square test be found?
σ½ Frequencies: Percentages
σ¾ Crosstabs: Statistics
σ½ Bivariate: Pearson
σ½ Gender: Female
10. To generate a Spearman's rho test, which set of instructions should you give SPSS?
σ½ Analyze; Crosstabs; Descriptive Statistics; Spearman; OK
σ½ Graphs; Frequencies; [select variables]; Spearman; OK
σ½ Analyze; Compare Means; Anova table; First layer; Spearman; OK
σ¾ Analyze; Correlate; Bivariate; [select variables]; Spearman; OK
11. How would you print a bar chart that you have just produced in SPSS?
σ¾ In Output Viewer, click File, Print, select the bar chart and click OK
σ½ In Variable Viewer, open bar chart, click File, Print, OK
σ½ In Chart Editor, click Descriptive Statistics, Print, OK
σ½ In Data Editor, open Graphs dialog box, click Save, OK
12. What are does DMFT stand for:
σ½ Total mean of tooth and Total prevalence of tooth
σ½ Total prevalence of tooth
σ¾ Decay, Missing, Filling and teeth
σ½ Decay, Missing, Filling, Surface
σ½ Decay, Missing, Filling, Surface and Total mean of tooth
13. For writing up your synthesis of the literature
σ¾ To read, reflect (thinking with the title), identify (main themes), categorize by them, categorize by sub-themes.
σ½ To write, read, identify, reflect.
To read, reflect (thinking with title), categorize by them, categorize by sub-themes
σ½ Reference, thinking,
σ½ Writing, identify and title
14. What the origin of a research question:
σ½ Mastering the literature
σ½ Being alert to new ideas and technique
σ¾ Mastering the literature, being alert to new ideas and technique,Keeping the imagination.
σ½ Keeping the imagination
σ½ Mastering the literature and being alert to new ideas and technique
15. What’s FINER stand for?
σ¾ Feasible, Interesting, Novel, Ethical and Relevant
σ½ Favorite, Interesting, Novel, Ethical and Relevant
σ½ Feasible, Investigating, Need, Ethical and Relevant
Feasible, Inspiriting, Novel, Ethical and Relevant
σ½ Feasible, Interesting, Novel, Ethical and Realistic
16. How many style for written the references of research?
σ½ 2
18. How many type of the study design?
19. You can choose fonts and font sizes with the __toolbar.
σ½ Standard
σ¾ Formatting
σ½ AutoText
σ½ Drawing
20. You can open the Font dialog box by choosing Font from the __ menu.
σ½ Edit
σ½ Insert
σ¾ Format
σ½ Tools
21. When a citation includes more than __ authors,only the surname of the first author is cited followed by et al.
22. When referencing other works you have cited within the text of the report you should:
σ½ State the first and last name of the author
σ¾ Use the author, date citation method
σ½ Use an asterisk and a footnote
σ½ Insert the complete citation in parenthesis
23. Which of the following abbreviations can be used in a research report?
DT for dental decay
Sec. For second
σ½ yr. For year
σ½ mo. For month
24. Editorial style specifies that ______ should be used infrequently or sparingly.
σ½ Italics
σ½ Abbreviations
σ½ Headings
σ¾ Abbreviations and headings
27. Which of the following is not one of the seven major parts to the research report?
σ½ Results
σ½ Abstract
σ½ Method
σ¾ Footnotes
28. The abstract should be about how many words?
σ½ 50
σ½ 75
σ¾ 120
σ½ 300
29. It is in this section that you fully interpret and evaluate your results.
σ½ Introduction
σ½ Method
σ½ Results
σ¾ Discussion
30. Where do you provide a step-by-step account of what the researcher and participants did during the research study?
σ½ Introduction
σ½ Abstract
σ¾ Procedure
σ½ Design
31. Select all of the following statements which you believe to be true. An ordinal variable is one for which:?
σ¾ The data are discrete and can take one of many values.
σ½ The data are continuous and follow an ordered sequence.
σ½ The data are categorical.
σ½ The categories of response are ordered.
σ½ There can only be two categories of response.
33. A total 5000 patients of glaucoma are identified and surveyed by patient interviews regarding family history of glaucoma. Such a study design is called:?
σ¾ Case series report
σ½ Case-control study
σ½ Clinical Trial
σ½ Cohort study
34. The analytical study where population is the unit of study is:?
σ½ Cross sectional
σ¾ Ecological
σ½ Case-control
σ½ Cohort
36. The primary tool used in structured design is a:?
σ¾ Structure chart
σ½ Data-flow diagram
σ½ Program flowchart
σ½ Module
37. The step-by-step instructions that solve a problem are called __?
σ¾ An algorithm
σ½ A list
σ½ A plan
σ½ A sequential structure
38. Which of the following is not a factor in the failure of the systems developments projects:?
σ¾ Size of the company
σ½ Inadequate user involvement
σ½ Failure of systems integration
σ½ Continuation of a project that should have been cancelled
39. A problem's _____ will answer the question, "What information will the computer need to know in order to either print or display the output times?:
σ¾ Input
σ½ Output
σ½ Processing
σ½ Purpose
41. Which of the following refers to research supported by measurable evidence?
σ½ Opinion
σ¾ Empiricism
σ½ Speculation
σ½ Rationalism
42. Which of the following should be included in a research proposal?
σ½ Your academic status and experience
σ½ The difficulties you encountered with your previous reading on the topic
σ¾ Your choice of research methods and reasons for choosing them
σ½ All of the above
44. Which of the following methods would you use to enter data on gender into SPSS so you could conduct statistical analyses?
σ½ Type male or female into the appropriate column of the data view
σ½ Type M into the appropriate column for male participants and F for female participants
σ½ Enter data for male participants into SPSS first, then data for female participants second
σ½ Enter the data from male and female participants into separate data sets
σ¾ Numerically code male and female with different numbers
45. You have installed SPSS on your personal computer. In which of the following places will you ALWAYS find the SPSS icon?
σ¾ In the Programs menu
σ½ On a CD Rom
σ½ On the desktop
σ½ On a floppy disk
σ½ On your USB stick
46. You select File from the procedures across the top of the SPSS Data Editor. The three dots after save as... Mean which of the following?
σ½ A further submenu will appear when this option is chosen
σ¾ A dialogue box will open when this option is chosen
σ½ There will be a time delay after selecting this option while the computer performs the procedure
σ½ This option cannot be chosen at present
σ½ There are three further steps after selecting this option
48. A simple random sample is one in which:?
σ½ From a random starting point, every nth unit from the sampling frame is selected
σ½ A non-probability strategy is used, making the results difficult to generalize
σ½ The researcher has a certain quota of respondents to fill for various social groups
σ¾ Every unit of the population has an equal chance of being selected
49. Research method is applicable in all of the following fields, EXCEPT?
σ½ Health care
σ¾ Religion
σ½ Business
σ½ Government offices
50. All of the following are true statements about action research, EXCEPT?
σ½ Data are systematically analyzed
σ½ Data are collected systematically
σ¾ Results are generalizable
σ½ Results are used to improve practice
51. What is the smallest sample size you should consider when interviewing?
σ¾ 1
σ½ 3
σ½ 5
σ½ 10
52. What should be the content of an abstract?
σ¾ The topic, the research question or hypothesis, objectives, and methods of the study, a brief résumé of the conclusions
σ½ The topic, the research question or hypothesis, objectives and a brief résumé of the conclusions
σ½ The topic, the research question or hypothesis, objectives, and methods of the study
σ½ The topic and the research question or hypothesis
54. The "M" in DMFT stands for missing for what reason?
σ½ Congenitally missing teeth
σ¾ Indicated for Extraction due to Caries
σ½ Indicated for Extraction for Ortho
σ½ Deciduous teeth exfoliated
55. The"S" in DMFS stands for what?
σ½ Sealants
σ¾ Surfaces
σ½ Sulcus Depth
σ½ Standard
56. To put ideas together to form a new whole is:?
σ½ Evaluation
σ¾ Synthesis
σ½ Analysis
σ½ Application
57. Which is not true about projects:?
σ½ It is a purposeful activity
σ½ It is proceeded in social environment
σ½ It is accomplished in real life
σ¾ It is teacher centred activity  It is teacher centred activity
σ¾ It is teacher centred activity
58. How many stages are there to the research process?
59. Your conceptual framework is normally developed?
σ½ Before your literature review
σ¾ During your literature review
σ½ After data collection
σ½ After data analysis
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