Euro Chapter 3

Which of the following best describes Ulrich Zwingli?
Church tradition and Scripture held equal weight.
Whatever lacked literal support in Scripture was neither believed nor practiced
Church tradition trumped all.
The Church practice that upset Martin Luther and caused him to revolt was
The selling of indulgences.
How did the closing of monasteries and convents affect upper-class women?
Families were forced to take over the care and support of women who had no productive role.
Upper-class women were able to participate in art and literature, which were denied to them in the convent.
Marriage became virtually the only occupation for upper-class women.
Upper-class women were freed from the numerous restraints of convent life.
John Calvin rejected the idea of free will because he believed it would
Undermine the need for Christ.
Undermine the idea of human sinfulness
Eliminate the idea of the divine right of kings.
Detract from the sovereignty of God.
What title was awarded to Henry VIII by Pope Leo X?
Gentleman of the Privy Chamber
The Boss of the Cross
Defender of the Faith
Holy Roman Emperor
The Peace of Augsburg represented the end of Charles V's hopes to
Contain French aggression in the Rhineland
Regain his title as Holy Roman Emperor.
Restore Catholicism in all parts of the Holy Roman Empire
Defeat the Turks in Hungary
Which of the following best describes Martin Luther's doctrine of salvation?
Salvation came through God's predestined selection of those he chose to save.
Salvation came through the performance of the Holy Sacraments.
Salvation came through faith alone as a free gift of God's grace.
Salvation came through faith in God and works that demonstrated that faith
Luther's reforms spread rapidly, in part because the Holy Roman Empire was
Made up of hundreds of independent states
Made up of numerous republics
Ethnically and socially homogenous
Ruled by a powerful central government
Despite his break from Rome, Henry VIII
Was afraid he would never have excellent Italian food again; however, he remembered a terrific takeout place just outside Hampton Court that delivered - it's good to be the king!
Remained decidedly conservative in his religious beliefs and Catholic teaching remained prominent
Allowed Ireland and Scotland to remain Catholic.
Remained friends with the pope in hope of a political alliance against France.
Which of the following were seen as a threat to good order by the political authorities?
Which of the following resulted from Martin Luther's nailing his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg?
Henry VIII hosted a jousting tournament in Luther's honor.
Luther became famous overnight and German officials began official proceedings against him.
John Calvin assumed the role of chief Protestant leader and rallied believers to Luther's aid.
German peasants staged a revolt in solidarity with Luther's ideas.
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