Lessons 3 and 4

An illustration depicting Jesus teaching through parables, with elements representing St. Samuel the Confessor and symbols of faith such as a cross and a talent coin.

Explore the Parables and Saints

Test your knowledge of the teachings of Jesus and the life of St. Samuel the Confessor in this engaging quiz. From parables of talents to the history of Christian saints, see how much you know!

  • Multiple choice and checkbox questions
  • Learn about important biblical figures
  • Perfect for students and anyone interested in Christian teachings
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by TeachingLion24
Jesus used .... To teach the people
The bible
In the parable of talents, the master gave the first servant 10 talents becuase
He loves him the most
The servant asked for 10 talents
He gave each servant according to his abilties
He did not like the other servants
In the parable of talents, the master was happy from the first and second servants becuase
They earned more talents and he will become reach
The were faithful on their talents
The people loved them
"Well done , good and faithful servant; you were faithful ov er a few things , I will mak e you ruler ov er many things . Enter into the joy of your lord"
Luke 25:21
Matthew 25:21
John 25:21
In the parable of the talents, the talents are a symbol of
we will be held accountable . We are responsible for what we do for God with what He gave us , and one day we will be asked about what we did with our talents .
St. Samuel the confessor of El-Qualamoun was born in
El Monofey a
Wady el Natron
St. Samuel the confessor parents were pegans
God sent St. Samuel an angel in the for m of an old man who told him to go to the monastery of .
St. Macarius
St. Antonious
St. Mina
St. Mary
St Samuel became the disciple of
Abba Demetrius
Abba Aghathon
Abba Arsanious
Abba Thaofelous
During the time of Pope Benjamin the 38th Patriarch, the Roman State tried to force the Christians to accept the
Tome of Leo
Tome of Neron
Tome of Aghabious
the Lord Jesus as a human is separated from the Lord Jesus as Divine .
The Church celebrates St Samuel feast on the
8 th day of the month of Kiahk
9 th day of the month of Kiahk
10 th day of the month of Kiahk
11 th day of the month of Kiahk
St. Samuel is known as the Confessor because
He confessed in front of the meperror
He endured much suffering
He confeesed his sins
He encouraged people to confess
{"name":"Lessons 3 and 4", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge of the teachings of Jesus and the life of St. Samuel the Confessor in this engaging quiz. From parables of talents to the history of Christian saints, see how much you know!Multiple choice and checkbox questionsLearn about important biblical figuresPerfect for students and anyone interested in Christian teachings","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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