The Cove In-Service Quiz 1
The Cove Lifeguard Certification Quiz
Welcome to The Cove Lifeguard Certification Quiz! This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of essential lifeguarding skills and protocols. Covering a range of topics from basic first aid to specific facility rules, it's a critical resource for both new and experienced lifeguards.
Key Features:
- 50 challenging questions
- Multiple-choice format
- Instant feedback on answers
What is Negligence?
When a person is injured or suffers additional harm because lifeguards failed to follow the standard of care or failed to act at all
abandoning a person who requires ongoing care if you leave the scene or stop providing care
A person’s right to privacy is protected by laws that require you to keep information learned about the person confidential
To meet a minimum standard of care
How many hours of In-Service are you required to have by Texas Law?
What is a RWI?
Recreational Wellness Initiative
Rotation With Incentive
Recreational Water Illness
Rotation Water Initiative
How do Lifeguards enforce rules to Patrons?
State the rule and the importance of the rule.
Yell at the Patrons to get them to listen to you.
Calmly, but with Authority
They don't
How tall do you have to be to ride the Tower and Red Slides
42 inches
44 inches
46 inches
48 inches
What age do you need a parent within arms reach in the deeper water?
Under 7
Under 10
No age restrictions
Under 4
Can you cross your legs on stand?
What items should you have in your hip pack?
All of the Above
How long should a lifeguard take to recognize and respond to a drowning victim?
10 Seconds
20 Seconds
30 Seconds
1 Minute
When does a swimmer begin to show signs of being distressed?
Still able to call for help
Floating, Sculling and/or Treading Water
Horizontal, vertical or diagonal, depending on what they use to support themselves
All of the Above
What is effective Scanning?
Watching your Zone of Responsibility
Watching the Water when Patrons are in your Zone of Responsibility
Moving positions often and Enforcing Rules.
Actively Search the bottom, middle, and top layers of the Water in you Zone of Responsibility
What lifejackets are allowed at our facility?
USA Approved Lifejackets
UN Approved Lifejackets
USCG Approved LIfejackets
We don't allow outside Lifejackets at our Facility
If a spinal victim is not breathing, how do you proceed with the rescue?
Normal Spinal Extrication
Passive Extrication
In-Water Ventilations
Which entry can you not use in less than 5 feet of water?
Run and Swim
Which inline stabilization technique should you use when back boarding a spinal victim?
Head Splint Technique
Over-Arm Head Splint Technique
Head and Chin Splint Technique
Streamline Stabilization Technique
What does AVPU, the acronym to determine someone's LOC, stand for?
Alert, Verbal, Painful, Unresponsive
Avulsion, Visual, Pitiful, Unconcious
Alert, Visual, Pertinent, Unresponsive
Avulsion, Verbal, Place, Unconcious
What is an Agonal Breath?
Isolated or infrequent gasping that is a sign of Cardiac Arrest
Signs that a Victim is beginning to Breathe
The Universal Sign of a Choking Victim
None of the Above
When sizing up the Scene, what are you looking for?
Check for any potential Hazards at the Scene
Determine the Number of Victims and which victim is the most severe
Form an initial impression and determine what additional resources are needed.
All of the Above
What does L in SAMPLE stand for?
Last Sign of Life
Levels of Consciousness
Last Oral Intake
Last time they went to the Doctor
When do you usually Call First vs Care First when responding to a victim alone?
Call First for Cardiac emergencies, Care First for Breathing Emergencies
Call First for Breathing Emergencies Care First for Cardiac Emergencies
Always Call First
Always Care First
When placing a victim in recovery position, which way do you roll them?
Away form you
Towards you
When caring for an active choking victim, what do you need to do first?
Glove up
Confirm they are choking
Get Consent
Tell the Victim to keep Coughing
What is the ratio for Rescue Breathing for an Adult Victim?
What is the ratio for Rescue Breathing for an Infant Victim?
What is the Ratio of CPR Compressions to Breaths for an Adult Victim with 1 Rescuer??
What is the Ratio of CPR Compressions to Breaths for an Infant Victim with 1 Rescuer?
What is the Ratio of CPR Compressions to Breaths for an Infant Victim with 2 Rescuers?
After pulling a victim from the water and performing a primary assesment, you determine the victim has no Pulse and is not Breathing. What should your next step in emergency care be?
Begin CPR with Compressions
Perform 2 initial Ventilations to check the airway
Begin Rescue Breathing
Place the Victim in Recovery Position and await for EMS to Arrive
In the Pediatric Cardiac Chain of Survival, what is the first link in the chain?
Early CPR
Injury Prevention and Safety
Early Defibrillation
Recognition of Emergency and Call 911
For each minute CPR and defibrillation are delayed, how much is the victim’s chance for survival decreased?
About 5%
About 10%
About 20%
About 50%
How much is the compression depth for an Adult Victim while performing CPR?
2-2.4 Inches
2 Inches
1.5 Inches
None of the Above
How much is the compression depth for an Infant Victim while performing CPR?
2-2.4 Inches
2 inches
1.5 Inches
None of the Above
What is the proper compression rate for CPR?
110 Beats Per Minute
100-120 Beats for Minute
120-150 Beats Per Minute
100-115 Beats Per Minute
When the AED is analyzing, what should the rescuing guards be doing?
Stand Clear of the Victim and Rotate Rescuers
Stand Clear of Victim, Rotate Rescuers and hover over Victim
Shock Victim while continuing CPR
What is the acronym FAST stand for?
Face, Arrival, Symptoms, Time
Face, Arms, Speech, Time
Figure, Arrival, Symptoms, Time
Figure, Arms, Speech, Time
Which way should you have the victim lean when they have a nose bleed?
Slightly forward
Slightly Backwards
They don't lean at all
None of the Above
What is the most serious Heat-Related Illness?
Heat Cramp
Heat Exhaustion
Heat Stroke
All Heat-Related Emergencies are Serious
When performing a primary assessment, how do you open the airway?
Tilt the head back by placing your hand on the forehead
Place your hand on their forehead
Opening the airway is unnecessary
None of the Above
When is a child a child?
Under the age of 12
1 - Onset of Puberty
Both of these Answers
Neither of these Answers
When should you move a victim on land?
You're faced with Immediate Danger
You need to get to other victims in more serious conditions
It's necessary to provide appropriate care
All of the Above
If your first attempt at breaths does not go in, what should you do?
Start CPR for a choking victim
Re-tilt, Reseal and attempt again
When performing first aid on a victim who is bleeding, if the gauze bleeds through, what should you do?
Remove the gauze and apply more
Wrap the Wound
Add more sterile gauze until bleeding stops
Do you place an AED on an active victim?
Can you defibrillate you victim if they are in the water?
How do you apply pressure to a head wound?
Around the Wound
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