Atoc ya know

Cirrus clouds are composed primarily of
Water droplets
Water vapor
Ice particles
Salt aerosols
Frost forms when
Conditions are cold, cloudy, and windy
the dew point is 32 F or below
The dew point is above 32 F
Dew freezes
Particles that serve as surfaces on which water vapor may condense are called
Hydrophobic nuclei
Nacreous nuclei
Condensation nuclei
If you observe large raindrops hitting the ground, you could conclude that the cloud overhead was ---- and had --- updrafts
Thick, weak
Thick, strong
Thin, weak
Thin, strong
The elevation above the surface where a cloud first forms is called the
Level of free convection
Lifting condensation level
Evaporation level
Adiabatic zone
Which set of conditions, working together, will make the atmosphere the most stable?
Cooling the surface and warming the air aloft
Cooling the surface and cooling the air aloft
warming the surface and cooling the air aloft
Warming the surface and warming the air aloft
The moist adiabatic lapse rate is ---- than the dry adiabatic lapse rate because the latent heat of condensation is ---- the rising air
less, removed from
Greater, removed from
Greater, added to
Less, added to
What set of conditions, working together, will make the atmosphere the most unstable?
cooling the surface and warming the air aloft
Cooling the surface and cooling the air aloft
Warming the surface and cooling the air aloft
Warming the surface and warming the air aloft
A conditionally unstable atmosphere is ---- with respect to unsaturated air and --- with respect to saturated air
Unstable, stable
Unstable, unstable
Stable, unstable
Stable, stable
Suppose a column of air has constant air temp. What would happen if we force more air into the column?
The air would become less dense, and the surface air pressure would decrease
The air would become more dense, and the surface air pressure would increase
The air would become more dense, and the sruface air pressure would decrease
The air would become less dense, and the surface air pressure would increase
The force that causes the wind to blow is the ---- force
Pressure gradient
On an upper air chart, normally we find warm air associated with ---- pressure, and cold air associated with ---- pressure
If upper level divergence excceeds surface convergence, the air pressure at the center of the low will----, and the isobars will become----tightly packed.
Increase, less
Decrease, more
Increase, more
Decrease, less
The polar jet stream is strongest in the winter when surface temperature contrasts are greatest.
The continental united states (not including alaska or hawaii) lies within a ---- wind belt
In honolulu, Hawaii (latitude 21 N), you would likely experience winds blowing from the----
The wind around a surface low pressure center in the southern hemisphere blows ---- the center
Clockwise and outward from
Counterclockwise and outward from
Clockwise and inward toward
Counterclockwise and inward toward
The polar jet stream blows
Directly from east to west
In a wavy pattern from west to east
From the equator towards the poles
Directly from west to east
The intertropical convergence zone is a region where the
Northeast trades converge with the subtropical high
Polar easterlies converge with the air at the doldrums
Northeast trades meet the southeast trades
Polar front meets the subtropical high
Suppose that the winds aloft are geostrophic and blowing from the north. With the same orientation of isobars at the surface, the winds would blow from the
We can generally expect the air to be --- above areas of surface low pressure and ---- above areas of surface high pressure
Rising, rising
Sinking, rising
sinking, sinking
Rising, sinking
While fly fishing in a mountain stream, you notice that the wind is blowing uphill. From this you might deduce that the wind is a
Chinook wind
Valley breeze
Sana ana wind
Mountain breeze
The surface pressures at the bases of warm and cold columns of air are equal. Air pressure in the warm column of air will ---- with increasing height ---than in the cold column
Increase, more rapidly
Decrease, more rapidly
Decrease, more slowly
Increase, more slowly
Many of the worlds deserts are found near 30 latitude because
Of the sinking air of the subtropical highs
Of sinking air found near the polar front
Of the convergance of the prevailing westerlies and the northeast trade winds
The intertropical converence zone is located there
Clouds, fogs, and precipitation are more likely to form where prevailing winds are upslope than where the winds are downslope
The most practical location for bulidng a wind turbine would be
In a region that often has a slight breeze
On the downwind side of a mountain
In a region of moderate, steady winds
In a region of strong, gusty winds
On a weather map of the northern hemisphere, the northeast trade winds would be observed
Between the supolar lows and the subtropical highs
Between the polar front and the subtropical highs
South of the subtropical highs
North of the polar front
A ridge on an upper air isobaric chart indicates
Higher than average geopotential heights
Average geopotential heights
A region with calm winds
lower than average geopotential heights
During the summer along the coast, a sea breeze is usually strongest and best developed
Just after sunrise
Around midnight
just before noon
In the afternoon
A sea breeze circulation will reverse direction and become a land breeze circulation
Once per day
Once every few days
Several times per day
At the beginning and the end of the summer
Cumulus clouds that appear above isolated mountain peaks are often the result of
Valley breezes
Mountain winds
Katabatic winds
Santa ana winds
Keep going strong :)
Strong santa ana winds develop in los angeles during the fall when a ---- pressure center forms to the ----- of los angeles over the great basin
High, southwest
High, northeast
Low, northeast
Low, southwest
The atmosphere around earth would rush off into space if the upward-directed pressure gradient force were not exactly balanced by
Horizontal pressure gradient force
The centripetal force
The coriolis force
As air aloft moves from south to north, air leaves the southern area and 'piles up' above the northern area. This redistribution of air ----- the surface air pressure to the south and ---- it to the north
Reduces, raises
reduces, reduces
Raises, reduces
Raises, raises
A wind that blows at a constant speed parallel to curved isobars or contour lines is called a ----- wind
In the three cell model, areas of surface low pressure, converging surface winds and rising air motions are found at
The equator and 30 latitude
30 latitude and 60 latitude
30 latitude and the poles
The equator and 60 latitude
A ----- wind blows at a constant speed parallel to straight line isobars, with the pressure gradient force and the coriolis force in balance
On a weather map of the northern hemisphere, one would observe the westerlies
Between the subpolar lows and the subtropical highs
South of the subtropical highs
North of the subpolar lows
Between the doldrums and the horse latitudes
When the upward directed pressure gradient force is in balance with the dowward pull of gravity, the atmosphere is in
Geostrophic balance
Isobaric balance
Unstable equilibrium
Hydrostatic equilibrium
An object is falling at a constant speed. The net force is
Horziontally directed
The polar jet stream is strongest and moves furthest south in the
A gradient wind blowing around the low-pressure center is constantly accelerating because it is constnatly changing directions. This is called
The coriolis force
The pressure gradient force
Cyclonic flow
Centripetal acceleration
Winds blow slightly inward
At the poles in both hemispheres
Around surface low pressure centers in the southern hemisphere only
Around surface low pressure centers in the northern and southern hemispheres
Around surface low pressure centers in the northern hemisphere
On an upper-air chart, the winds aloft tend to blow
At an angle between 10 and 30 to the contours and towards lower pressure
At right angles to the isobars or contour lines
Parallel to the isobars or contours
At constant speed
What term describes air aloft that changes speed or direction?
Long wave
Macroscale circulation
Wind shear
Sea breeze
The pressure gradient force is directed from higher pressure toward lower pressure
Only at the poles
At all places on earth
At all places on earth except for the equator
Only at the equator
At barrow, alaska, you would expect the prevailing wind to be easterly
Suppose that the winds aloft in the northern hemisphere are geostrophic and blowing from the north. Low pressure is located to the
Cyclonic flow means ---- in either the northern or southern hemisphere.
Clockwise wind flow
Circulation around a high pressure center
Counterclockwise flow
Circulation around a low pressure center
The WINTER monsson in eastern and southern asia is characterized by ---- weather and winds blowing from ----, while the SUMMER monsoon in eastern and southern asia is characterized by ----- weather and winds blowing from-----
dry, land to sea, wet, sea to land
. dry, sea to land, wet, land to sea
Wet, sea to land, dry, land to sea
Wet, land to sea, dry, sea to land
Low geopotential heights on a constant pressure map are analogous to ---- pressure aloft and a ----column of air
12z is ---- in mountain standard time and ----in mountaint daylight time
6 AM, 5 AM
7 AM, 6 Am
6 am, 7 am
5 am, 6 am
Which combination produces the stronger corilois force?
Fast winds and high latitude
Slow winds and high latitude
Fast winds and low latitude
Slow winds and low latitude
The wind around a surface high pressure center in the northern hemisphere blow ---- the center
Clockwise and inward toward
Counterclockwise and inward toward
Counterclockwise and outward from
If at your home in the northern hemisphere, the surface wind is blowing from the northwest, then the region of lowest pressure will be to the ----- of your home
If you see lightning and hear the thunder 10 seconds later, then the lightning stroke is about ---- miles away
A cloud appears bright on a visible satellite image and ark on an infrared satelite image. Where is the top of this cloud likely to be located
Near the tropopause (in the upper troposphere)
Above the stratopause (in the lower mesosphere)
The height of the top of a cloud cannot be determined by satellite images
Near the surface (in the lower troposphere)
A weather forecast that predicts that future weather will be the same as present weather is called ------, which is usally the least accurate method of predicting the weather two days in the future during changeable conditions
A persistence forecast
The analogue method
The trend method
A steady-state forecast
You are generally safe inside an automobile during a lightning storm because
Metal cars do not become electrically charged
The cars radio antenna will act as a lightning rod
the metal car body will carry the lightning current around the passengers inside
the rubber tires insulate you from the ground
{"name":"Atoc ya know", "url":"","txt":"cirrus clouds are composed primarily of, frost forms when, particles that serve as surfaces on which water vapor may condense are called","img":""}
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