Intro to Comparative Politics (POL1060)

At present, China is not a democracy, to be sure, and political power is still monopolized by the Communist Party. But, it would certainly be too simplisitic to think that the impressive socioeconomic transformation of the past four decades have taken place in a sort of political vacuum. Some scholars would argue that China made a partial transition from a...... under Mao Zedong to a........ under Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, and Hu Jintao.
Totalitarian regime......authoritarian regime
Authoritarian regime......totalitarian regime
In China, during the so-called reform era the Chinese Communist Party's senior leadership appears to advocate (limited) political reform when:
Rising prosperity opens up new opportunities for political change
Economic modernization appeared to have stalled and growth performance was deteriorating.
Local party officials lost faith in the Communist Party
All of the above
None of the above
In the study of contemporary China, one of the apparent disparities that receives the greatest scrutiny by the media and human right groups, among others, is the gap between economic and political reform. You would say that this incongruence reflects mainly:
Rural-urban migration
Lack of an independent judicial system
Anti-modernization ruling elite
All of the above
None of the above
Unfinished state, a notion suggested by political scientist Mark Kesselman, refers to:
A political system in which the state attempts to exercise total control over all aspects of public and private life.
Centralized federal system
A state characterized by instabilities and uncertainties that might render it susceptible to collapse as a coherent entity.
State capitalism
None of the above
Writing about India in your book....Thus, the political front has seen a decline of interventionist institutions and an enhancement or growth of:
Political capitalism
Permit-license raj
Central planning
None of the above
Iran....given the so-called Supreme Leader is considered the epicenter of Iran's theocratic authority and the ultimate arbiter of Iranian politics, which of the following notions would you choose to write about the present-day Iran for a lay audience:
Hybrid political system
All of the above
None of the above
Two important institutions in India that, with the president, have, for the most part, exercised their powers on behalf of democratic transparency and accountability. These are:
The parliament and the election commission
The Rajya Sabha and the Supreme Court
The election commission and the Supreme Court
The Lok Sabha and the election commission
All of the above
If you were asked to typify the contemporary Nigerian federal state, you would principally point to its:
Decentralized character
Cohesive political culture
Polyethnic nature
The significant autonomy of the third tier of government (local authorities)
All of the above
One of the central factors that explain the shift from dominant party to multiparty politics in India was mainly due to:
The emergence of the Bharatiya Janata Party in 1980
Its support among Muslims
The rise of state-based parties
All of the above
None of the above
In a particular case of Germany the lower chamber of its bicameral legislature is called specifically:
House of Lords
All of the above
None of the above
Germany: Please indicate the author that has provided a valuable theoretical insight by linking system effectiveness to economic performance
Andrew Shonfield
Jean-Baptiste Colbert
Seymour Martin Lipset
Sidney Verba
Federalism, which corresponds to the German political historical traditions, ensures that the formulation and implementation of policy are:
Not concentrated at the national level
All of the above
None of the above
Germany: the upper chamber of its bicameral legislature is called specifically:
House of Lords
All of above
None of above
The concept of codetermination indicates:
The extension of the franchise in Britain
Redistributive policies under President Mitterrand in France
Coexistence between a president and a prime minister from two opposing parties
The right of the workers in Germany to participate in management of the companies they work for.
The supremacy of the centralized state
Japanese economic strength is the unique relationship between the government, bureaucracies, and big business organizations, the very expression of what is called the golden triad. These political arrangement suggest some type of:
Laissez-faire economics
Local politics
All of the above
None of the above
Samuel Huntington has hypothesized that differences in the process of modernization across nations may lie in the complex relationships between cultural specificities and development. In the case of Japan, rapid industrialization and modernization success was fundamentally facilitated by disciplined:
Merit system
Group-minded structures
Competition among elites for power
All of the above
None of the above
In Japan, cooperation, individual loyalty, and devotion to the enterprise can hardly be thought of outside of the hierarchical system. This particular feature of Japanese culture refers principally to:
Underdeveloped social order
Individualistic society
Patron-client system
All of the above
None of the above
Andrew Shonfield's notion of organized capitalism appears to be most adequate to characterize the subtype of capitalist development in Germany's post-World War 2 era, which refers to strong collaborative relationships involving many players at the different levels of the industrial chain. This particular pattern of political arrangements can be also referred as:
Elitist democracy
All of the above
None of the above
A general notion of the modern state would be:
A politically organized territory including the legitimate monopoly on the use of force
Administered by a government
Recognized by the international community
All of the above
None of the above
The notion of managed democracy-a rather strange expression that seems to contradict itself- is a concept that has been specifically used to describe contemporary politics in:
None of the above
In the particular case of Russia, the lower chamber of its bicameral legislature is called specifically:
House of Lords
Rajya Sabha
None of the above
Vlasdilav Surkov describes Russia as a sovereign democracy but again- if you were asked to write about present-Russia for a lay audience you would say that the term actually indicates:
The concentration of the power in the executive branch.
The strengthening of the power vertical.
A form of managed democracy
All of the above
None of the above
In the particular case of Germany, the lower chamber of its bicameral legislature is called specifically:
House of Lords
All of the above
None of the above
Political scientists often divide postwar Japanese politics into four main periods. The end of 2nd period and the so-called "LDP" system....this particular socio-political context was also marked by:
Legislators breaking away from the then-ruling party
The emergence of new political parties
Liberal Democratic Party's loss of majority in the lower house
All of the above
None of the above
Junichiro Koizumi, a popular prime minister of Japan in 2001 until 2006, launched a series of political reforms that generally progressed very slowly. The pattern of resistance is mainly associated with:
Weak government
Competitive networks in society
Dual structure of Japanese economy
All of the above
The scholar who has described Russia as having a system of uncontested power is:
Vlasdukav Surkov
Edwin Reschauer
Dmitry Furman
Seymour Martin Lipset
None of the above
A federal state can be best defined as a country in that:
Devolved powers of the subnational authorities reside in central government
Power and authority are centralized
There is a considerable political leverage of the federated states
All of the above
None of the above
Tonight after class if you were asked to explain on national TV the notion of polyarchy you would say that it refers to political situations where one can verify:
A government of a majority
A government by consent of its citizens
Executive power is limited by its temporal exercise
All of the above
None of the above
Again if you were asked to briefly explain representative democracy means you would indicate:
Frequent contact with elected representatives
Engaging in political parties
Strong voter turnout in general elections
All of the above
None of the above
After the Labor Party landslide victory on the 1997 general election in Britain, the new government launched an ambitious program of devolution of powers to Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the greater London area. The prime minister who led that political process was:
Theresa May
David Cameron
Margaret Thatcher
John Major
Tony Blair
The key notion of government can be best defined as:
The authoritative allocation of values for a society
Sovereign territory
The supreme exercise of power in a given society
none of the above
The notion of polyarchy is generally used to describe the type of authority that predominates in:
Norway, Spain, and Switzerland
Australia, Costa Rica, and Syria
Italy,New Zealand, and Saudi Arabia
All of the above
One of the procedures most often overused in determining whether a particular political system is democratic is:
The existence of a written constitution
The recognized existence of the opposition
Minority rule
Administrative efficiency
None of the above
The notion of political globalization refers mainly to:
Open markets
Increasing authoritarianism
All of the above
Modernity and modernization can be characterized by:
Growth-oriented, capitalist economies
Social mobility is possible and legitimate
Bureaucratization of power
None of the above
All of the above
The author that first developed a conceptual framework to distinguish political systems by categories or types of authority was:
Karl Deutsch
David Easton
None of the above
Generally speaking, how would characterize the main goals of nationalism
Independence, social cohesiveness, and identity
Autonomy, national unity, and sense of belonging
State sovereignty, political community-building, and common citizenship
All of the above
None of the above
In Almond and Verba proposed a set of taxonomies to distinguish different expressions of political culture. These are:
Political attitudes, public policy, and shared beliefs
Parochial, subject, and participant
Parochial, representative, and participant
None of the above
The process through which societies become less religious can somewhat be called:
Separation of church and state
All of the above
None of the above
In our study of comparative politics the capacity of a state to cope with the multiple challenges of modernization, which implies some sort of evolutionary pattern, is best defined as:
Political process
Political development
Public policy
Political culture
All of the above
The political scientist who has ascertained that Japan may constitute the world's "most perfect nation-state" with an extreme self-consciousness and a strong propensity for consensus decision-making was:
Samuel Huntington
Edwin Reischauer
Michel Foucault
Alan Cawson
None of the above
Now, when thinking about the different manifestations of nationalism, the civic type would be best distinguished from:
Identity politics
Democratic contract
Attachment to a common citizenship.
Protection of minorities
None of the above
The term cohabitation refers to:
Non-official sources of power in france
The sharing of power between a president and a prime minister of different parties in France.
One of the major strands upon which the German economy is based.
All of the above
None of the above.
A federal state can be best defined as a country in that:
Devolved powers of the subnational authorities reside in central government.
Power and authority are centralized.
There is a considerable political leverage of the federated states.
All of the above
The ideology of colbertism refers to:
Religious dissent in France
The historical tendency of French public authorities to largely control ad guide economic choices.
The process of limited decentralization in France.
All of the above
None of the above
The uneven political development detected in the historical pattern of some political systems (antidemocratic forces strong role) could also be applied to:
France and Britain
Britain and Germany
Japan and Britain
France and Japan
None of the above
The key notion of government can be best defined as:
The authoritative allocation of values for a society
Sovereign territory
The supreme exercise of power in a given society
None of the above
Conceptually, the phenomenon of interest aggregation as opposed to interest articulation is usually attributed to:
Pressure groups
Local government
National assemblies
None of the above
Middle-level theory refers to the analytical exercise of explaining political phenomena found in:
Inductive reasoning
A limited number of cases
Strong generalizability of the theory
Non-democratic polities
None of the above
Samuel Huntington's path breaking concept of the two-turnover test which measures democratic polities is best defined as:
Political globalization
Third wave of democratization
Two successive changes of majority in any given country reflect a certain degree of democratic consolidation
Second wave of democratization
{"name":"Intro to Comparative Politics (POL1060)", "url":"","txt":"At present, China is not a democracy, to be sure, and political power is still monopolized by the Communist Party. But, it would certainly be too simplisitic to think that the impressive socioeconomic transformation of the past four decades have taken place in a sort of political vacuum. Some scholars would argue that China made a partial transition from a...... under Mao Zedong to a........ under Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, and Hu Jintao., In China, during the so-called reform era the Chinese Communist Party's senior leadership appears to advocate (limited) political reform when:, In the study of contemporary China, one of the apparent disparities that receives the greatest scrutiny by the media and human right groups, among others, is the gap between economic and political reform. You would say that this incongruence reflects mainly:","img":""}
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