A futuristic laboratory scene showcasing scientists working on cloning and genetic modification technologies, with animals and DNA structures in the background.

Explore the Ethics of Cloning and Transgenesis

Delve into the fascinating and controversial world of cloning and genetics with our engaging quiz. This quiz covers a range of thought-provoking questions designed to gauge your knowledge and opinions on cloning and genetic modification.

Join us to discover:

  • Your stance on animal and human cloning
  • Your support for governmental research in genetics
  • Your views on genetic modification for future generations
7 Questions2 MinutesCreated by CuriousGene12
How old are you?
18 years or younger
19-29 years
30-49 years
50 years or older
What is your gender?
Do you have any background knowledge about cloning and genetics?
Yes, I have a great amount of knowledge about cloning and genetics.
Yes, I have somewhat of a background knowledge of cloning and genetics.
No, I have heard about it but never did anything to learn about it.
In February 1997 scientists have successfully cloned ‘Dolly the Sheep’ from an adult cell. How do you feel that in the future scientists would be able to clone more animals and even successfully clone humans?
I feel that it would be a great advancement for society to clone animals and humans, it could offer great benefit.
Cloning humans and animals for society with the proper regulations set by the government and then I would feel more comfortable.
I am comfortable with scientists cloning animals; however, I am not comfortable with scientists cloning humans whatsoever.
I do not feel comfortable with scientists cloning humans and animals whatsoever.
Before your children would be born ( hypothetically) would you modify their genes to make them “better”?
Yes, I would do it completely, I believe that my children would benefit from it.
Yes, I would consider it.
No, I do not know enough about the topic to make a decision
No, I would not even consider cloning and genetics.
Do you support governmental research on using cloning and genetics within humans?
Yes, I would 100% support governmental research of cloning within humans.
Yes, I would somewhat support it with the proper rules and regulations set by the government then I would feel more comfortable.
Yes, only for some situations if the government would research cloning foods and animals rather than humans.
No, I would not support governmental research, I am completely against it.
Do you think mammalian cloning and stem cell research can contribute to medicine in the future?
I am sure that it can help cure many diseases and disorders.
I think that this should never be done because I believe that there are many alternative methods to proceed
I do not have enough knowledge on this subject to answer this question.
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