Business means _______________
____________ organization is essential for the success of a business.
The word "organization" has originated from the word ________________.
Scalar Principle is also known as _______________
_______________ means entrustment of part of the work or some duties to the sub ordinates.
______________ creates obligation on the part of the sub ordinate.
_______________ should be the watchword of the organization.
Machine age emerged resulting in ________________ production.
_______________ is stated to be the oldest of all the forms of business enterprises.
Any business unit which is owned and controlled by a single individual is known as ________________.
The sole trading concern is run on the principle _________________________________.
The head of joint hindu family is called ______________.
Joint Hindu Family System is regulated by the provisions of _______________.
Since __________, female members of the family are also eligible to get a share in the property of the family.
According to ________________ Law, only the male members of the family get the right of inheritance by birth.
According to _________________ Law, the right of property devolves on the coparceners by succession and not by birth.
Partners share profit or loss is an __________________.
Persons who enter into partnership with another are called ________________.
A company is regarded as _______________.
The liability of a shareholder is ________________.
A company is an ____________ person.
Division of work is called _______________.
In India, registration of partnership is _________________.
A cooperative society is a _________________ association of persons.
In cooperative society all members are _____________.
Cooperative society is managed on _______________ principles.
The business of a cooperative society is generally carried on ___________ basis.
Unilever Limited is a _____________ company.
Union Carbide is a _____________ company.
Government policy is favourable towards ________________.
_______________ is the oldest form of organization of state enterprise.
Public corporation is also known as _______________.
The main objective of public corporation is ________________.
RBI is an example of ________________.
Government Company is also known as __________.
Government company employees are not __________________.
Broadcasting comes under _________________ form of organization.
The liability of members of cooperative society is _______________.
A ______________ is the oldest form of business organization.
__________________ business is not governed by any special legislation.
A sole trader business can be commenced with ______________ capital.
Sole proprietorship is a highly ____________ type of organization.
A sole trader has direct relationship with the ________________.
_______________________ is a major handicap for sole trader business.
______________ are the kings.
The life of sole trader business depends upon the life of the _______________.
The maintenance of utmost ______________ is of vital importance for the success of a business.
The resources of a sole proprietor are ________________.
______________________ may hinder the growth of sole proprietorship.
Sole proprietorship is suitable for ___________________ concerns.
_______________ decide the success of a business.
Sole trader organization provides a chance for ______________ investors.
In sole proprietorship, decisions are taken ______________.
The name under which the business is carried on is called ______________
_____________________- means putting an end to the relationship among the partners.
An ______________ is a right vested with a partner to be used in emergency situations.
The partners liability in India is ________________.
A partner who does not take active interest in the conduct of the firm is called ________________.
Partnership is registered under the Act ____________________________
The maximum number of members in non-banking firm is _____________.
Persons who enter into partnership are collectively called _______________.
_____________________ means the termination of the original partnership agreement.
__________________ is a temporary partnership.
According to __________________, "Partnership is the relation existing between persons, competent to make contracts, who have agreed to carry on a lawful business in common with a view to private gain."
According to ____________________________, "A partnership or firm as it often called, is thus a group of men who have joined capital or services for the prosecuting of some business."
The relation that exists between the partners in a partnership is said to be _________________.
A collective name of partners is known as _________________.
Every partner as an agent can bind the firm by his acts done in good faith and on behalf of the firm. This is known as ________________________.
The resources of partnership firm is _______________.
_________________ liability discourages many people from becoming a partner in the firm.
______________ is a partnership which is formed to carry on business without specifying any period of time.
________________ is a partnership which is established for a stipulated period of time or for the completion of a specified venture.
The limited partnership consists of two types of partners, _______________________ and _____________________________.
Sleeping partner is also known as _______________.
The liability of active partner is _______________.
Nominal partner is also called as ________________.
__________ is a partner who neither contributes capital nor takes any part in the management of the firm.
____ is a partner who lends his name to be used as partner in the business to increase the reputation of the firm.
When a person makes an arrangement with a partner to share this profit, he is known as _______________ partner.
On attaining majority the minor partner has to decide within _______________ months, by giving notice whether he shall continue in the firm or not.
_____________duties are fixed by law which cannot be violated by partners agreement.
____________ duties given in the Act can be modified by agreement of partners entered into.
The authority of a partner to bind the firm is called __________________.
Dissolution of firm necessarily results in ________________.
According to Section ___________, a partnership is created and dissolved by an agreement.
When a partner becomes permanently incapable of doing business the court may order _____________________.
{"name":"COMMERCE : FILL IN THE BLANKS", "url":"","txt":"Business means _______________, ____________ organization is essential for the success of a business., The word \"organization\" has originated from the word ________________.","img":""}
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