الاسم الثلاثي
السبت الراعي
الاحد المهندسين
الاحد دار السلام
الاربع الراعي
الاثنين مدينة نصر
لو مش بتدرس معانا
two asteroids one of mass 7.12 x 101Kg and the other with mass 5.33 x 10Kg if the distance between them is 10 x 1010 m , what is the approximate force of gravity that effect the bigger body 
Two satellites of equal masses orbit a plant . satellite B orbits the earth of radius twice the orbit of radius of satallite A which of the following statement is true
The gravitional force of satellite A is four times less than that of satellite B
The gravitional force of satallite A is two times Less than that of B
The gravitional force of satellite A is four times greater that oF B
Two balls of masses 8 kg and 20 kg , the distance between their centers is 0.2 m , if the universal gravitational is G , so the attraction force between them ………
8000 G Newton
4000 G newton
40 G newton
Two bodies the distance between them is 10 meter if the mass of the first body is 3 Kg while the mass of the second body is 6 Kg ... A third body of mass 2 Kg was inserted exactly at the mid distance between the two bodies what is the resultant attraction force affecting on that third body
If R is the radius of the earth what is the height above surface of earth at which the acceleration due to gravity ( g) become quarter its value on surface of earth
1/2 R
1/4 R
if the radius of a planet is 7.14 x 10m and its mass is 1.9 x 10 27 Kg and G = 6.67 x10-11 Find : 
a ) the attraction force acting on the object of mass 1 Kg at plant surface 
2.486 N
24.86 N
The acceleration due to gravity
24.86 m/s2
2.48 m/s2
A plant has the same mass of earth but twice its diameter giving that gravity field intensity on earth surface ( g = 10 m/s2 ) find the acceleration due gravity on that plant
2.5 m/s2
25 m/s2
6.25 m/s2
{"name":"الاسم الثلاثي", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"الاسم الثلاثي, group, two asteroids one of mass 7.12 x 1018 Kg and the other with mass 5.33 x 108 Kg if the distance between them is 10 x 1010 m , what is the approximate force of gravity that effect the bigger body","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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