Which Member of the Loric Garde are you?

A vibrant, dynamic illustration featuring characters inspired by space adventure themes, each representing different personality traits. Include elements like nature, technology, and mythology to reflect the quiz's themes.

Find Out Which Member of the Loric Garde You Are!

Are you ready to discover your inner Loric Garde member? This engaging quiz will guide you through a series of thought-provoking questions that reveal your personality traits and preferences. Based on your answers, you'll find out which character from the Loric Garde you most closely resemble!

  • 21 fun and diverse questions
  • Learn more about yourself and your traits
  • An engaging way to spend a few minutes!
21 Questions5 MinutesCreated by DaringFalcon432
How do you work best?
Alone. Always.
In a small group. (2-3)
Divide and conquer! The bigger the group the better!!
Let someone else do it...its not worth my time.
Select the choice that you feel suits you best.
I'm a natural born leader. I almost always take charge and understand the concept of responsibility and accountability.
I tend to follow others, not because I doubt myself, but because I don't like having others rely on me.
I don't think I'm fit to be a leader, someone should step up eventually, right?
I don't view groups as having followers and leaders. What matters is that we work together.
I'm willing to step up if a leader is needed, but that is generally not my first choice.
Which best describes your ideal home?
Small and comfortable, preferably away from any large cities.
An apartment in a large city so everything will be close. A good view would be nice too.
A beach house. Maybe two stories and a porch that faces the sea. Close enough to the ocean so I can go on late night beach walks.
A nice sized cabin in the mountains, hopefully with a beautiful trail nearby for exploring. A perfect place to look at the stars.
A decent sized house in a nice neighborhood. Far enough from the city hustle, but close enough to the necessities.
Which of the following animals would you wish to be for a day?
Blue bird
What are your grades looking like right now?
All A's :)))
A's and maybe one B
A's and B's
Mostly B's
Mainly C's or lower...
How would you go about naming a pet?
Something cute or funny!
Something cool.
The first name I think of when I see the pet for the first time.
I probably look up names for multiple days in a row. It has to be perfect and have significance.
Are you a fast runner?
I guess but I don't like running.
I mean what do you define as fast? I run fast when I'm afraid, or if its for food.
You are offered a position in each of these job fields. Which would you pick if these were your only options?
Professional Athlete
A spy? Somethimg cool like that.
Favorite season?
Can't choose. All have their perks.
Are you bored by this quiz by now?(I am so sorry if you are...but oh well.)
It's neat
A little
Why am I still doing this...
Do you like surprises?
Yes! The bigger the better!
They can be nice if its nothing too much.
Not really, but it's nice that someone thought of you if it's like a party or something.
No...i like to know what's going on at all times.
You find a bird nest in your garage. No eggs are in it yet, but Spring has just started. How do you most likely respond?
It's GOTTA GO. Nature can be nice and all, but not in my house.
Leave it be. Nature is just taking its course.
Opinion on candy?
I always have a stash. Always.
It's good...I mean isn't it supposed to be?
I could do without it probably.
To sweet for me. No thanks.
Which of these qualities would you say is your best in a life-threatening situation?
How are you with technology?
I've got the basics I guess.
I'm an expert. I could probably hack something if you give me time.
It seems to be hit or miss for me. I can text and use snapchat but lots of other things confuse me.
What's a meme??
Do you work out?
Every night bro.
Once every few days.
Only when I have random motivation...so not often.
Which of these situations would be the most awkward for you?
Walking by a couple kissing in the hallway...
Dancing in public when you think you're alone then realize the entirety of Target was watching.
When no one raises their hand to answer a question in class and we all just sit there waiting for someone to volunteer as tribute or something.
Accidentally texting/calling your mom instead of your significant other or best friend because someone changed around their contacts in your phone.
Pick the Greek god or goddess below that you feel you can relate to or would want to be.
Zeus. King of the gods and god of the sky.
Poseidon. God of the sea.
Demeter. Goddess of the harvest and nature.
Hades. God of the underworld and riches.
Athena. Goddess of wisdom and strategy.
Apollo. God of...well lots of things but mainly the sun, music, and medicine.
Ares. God of war.
Hypnos. God of sleep and dreams.
Aphrodite. Goddess of Beauty and Love.
What are you willing to sacrifice for a friend? (This one can be tough..)
I'm sorry but let them worry about themselves...I probably couldn't help them anyways.
My time and a little money.
Whatever they ASK of me.
Anything. Even my life if it saves their's.
How competitive are you?
Pretty competitive but having fun is still more important.
Not really competitive...losing isn't a big deal.
I don't really care honestly.
Opinion on lying?
Never okay. Just don't do it.
Avoid lying at all costs, a little slip every now and then is okay.
If it is to protect someone or you think lying will improve an important situation then okay. Just don't use it for self gain.
If you're a good liar, then no one will know. So what's the big deal?
I lie a lot but I don't really mean to...it just happens.
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