SpectroCoin FE

A colorful and engaging illustration of code snippets, web elements, and icons representing programming and web development, designed to attract learners and developers

Test Your Web Development Knowledge

Welcome to the SpectroCoin FE quiz! Test your knowledge on JavaScript, HTML, and web development concepts with a series of multiple-choice questions.

Challenge yourself with questions like:

  • Understanding JavaScript data types
  • HTML syntax and structure
  • JavaScript functionalities
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CodingExplorer721
What color would rgb(255, 0, 0) give?
What HTML tag is used to create a link in browser
< hyperlink >
< link >
< a >
< url >
< href >
What is hoisting
Process of evaluating a string literal containing placeholders, yielding a result in which the placeholders are replaced with their values.
Process when interpreter moves declarations of functions, variables or classes to the top of their scope.
Process when interpreter removes comments from the code to avoid showing them to the user.
Process when compiler translates source code into a machine-language instructions.
What will new Date().getTime() return
Number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, or epoch
Number of milliseconds since January 1, 2000.
Number of seconds since January 1, 1970, or epoch
Number of seconds since January 1, 2000.
What is the newest version of ECMAScript?
Which of these is not a javascript framework
What is the name of the relative unit that is based on its parent's font size?
What is the difference between primitive and reference data types in javascript?
Primitive data types have a short predefined list of possible values, while reference data types can have any value
Primitive data types can be changed during code execution, while reference data types cannot
Primitive data types are the data defined by developer, while reference data types are defined by language
Primitive data types create a separate value copy when being copied, while reference data types create a reference and both copies change value when one of them is edited
What is variable scope?
Availability of variable in certain parts of code
Memory allocated for that variable
Lifespan of variable availability
Type of variable's data
How do you loop in javascript
Loop (...) {}
Iterate (...) {}
For (... ) {}
Run (...) {}
What is "this" keyword in javascript
"this" refers to the page that javascript is run in the browser
"this" refers to a object from where it was caller
"this" refers to a file from which it was caller
"this" refers to a last defined variable
What is the difference between == and === operators in javascript
== compares value and data types, while === throws an error
== assigns a value changing it's type, while === is a comparison operator
They have no difference, == was used in old javascript versions, while === is used in ES6 and newer versions
== compares values changing their type to match, while === compares both value and it's type
What would be the result of 3+2+"7" in javascript
Which of these values is truthy
"" (empty string)
What is a
tag in HTML
Container used to only group images
Container used to only group script tags
Generic block level container for grouping content
Container used to only group styles
{"name":"SpectroCoin FE", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Welcome to the SpectroCoin FE quiz! Test your knowledge on JavaScript, HTML, and web development concepts with a series of multiple-choice questions.Challenge yourself with questions like:Understanding JavaScript data typesHTML syntax and structureJavaScript functionalities","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/104-5105631/img-leqpdnvquwf1sqfo71whj5ky.jpg"}
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