How Open is Your Heart...(Really)?

Do you feel comfortable when other people experience strong emotions?
I tend to zone them out - I'm busy getting things done!
I often get scared by strong emotions in others - maybe they need something from me I can't give. I often don't know what to do.
I feel calm and open most of the time when people around me are emotional, but every now and then I waver
I am always unconditionally loving, compassionate and spacious no matter what people are feeling around me
Do you avoid love?
I want love and closeness but I push it away
I don't need love. I crave independence.
I give and receive love easily most of the time, but sometimes I get scared and feel unable to fully let it in.
I love love.
Do you ever feel emotionally numb?
I feel a lot but have trouble knowing what I am feeling
I don't feel much at all.
I feel connected to my emotions most of the time
I am always feeling - it's overwhelming!
Do you ever feel needy in relationships?
Yes, when I’m in relationships I’m like a human barnacle!
I often feel safe in relationships. I trust that I’m loved, I ask for what I need and I go with the flow of the moment
I have come along way but I still struggle at times to feel safe and trust that I am loved
Relationships? No, no...I don't get boxed in like that. I prefer a situationship
Are you ever defensive when someone has a different opinion to you?
Yes, for some reason I feel stressed, angry or threatened, especially if it is something I feel strongly about
Most of the time I am ok - except when I'm stressed
I love discussing different points of view it makes me feel closer to the other person
No, I'm always right
Do you second guess yourself?
No, I know I'm right
Yes, almost all the time
I have periods where I really trust myself and periods where I doubt myself
For the most part, I trust that I will make the best decision in the moment - if it turns out to be wrong I will learn and grow
Do you ever feel uncertain about how to be yourself around difficult people?
I AM the difficult person!
Yes, I feel stressed, anxious or shut down around people who are difficult
I have moments where I am comfortable around difficult people and moments when I feel stressed, anxious or shut down around them
I am comfortable with who I am no matter who I am around
Do you struggle with balancing your needs and the needs of others?
Other people have needs?!?!
I have needs?!?!
If I am by myself I am aware of my needs but when I am with other people I can lose sight of what I need and focus on fulfilling other people's needs
I find it easy to look after my own needs whilst honouring others
Are you always in creative flow?
No, I’m as creative as a concrete slab
I used to be but it shut down somehow
Sometimes I am in the creative flow
I regularly enjoy the flow of new ideas and inspirations
{"name":"How Open is Your Heart...(Really)?", "url":"","txt":"Are you someone who can love everyone easily? Or do you shut down and hide when love knocks on your door? Take our quiz and learn how open your heart is and what you can do to open into openheartedness even further...","img":"","hash":"Consciousness, Openheartedness, Energy, Heart Chakra,"}

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