Global warming test 2

The thermostat as a feedback loop is an example of
A positive feedback loop
A negative feedback loop
Neither positive or negative
If the earths surface receives more longwave radiation due to increased greenhouse gas concentrations, surface temperatures will increase. This will result in _____ emissions of longwave radiation from the surface, which will act to ______ the surface.
The radiative emissions feedback is an example of
A positive feedback loop
A negative feedback loop
Neither a positive or negative feedback
Sea ice has _____ albedo compared to sea water
A higher
A lower
The same
Melting ice sheets are exposing sea water will therefore_____
Cause more absorption of longwave radiation emitted by greenhouse gasses
Cause more absorption of shortwave radiation emitted by the sun
Increase the emissions of shortwave radiation from high latitude
Cause less absorption of shortwave radiation emitted by the sun
If melting ice sheets and exposing sea water increases the short wave radiation absorbed by the earths surface, then temperature will
Stay the same
Therefore if warming the planet causes melting ice sheets, this is a _____ feedback
If the earths surface recieves more longwave radiation due to increased greenhouse gas concentrations, surface temperatures will increase. This will result in _______ emissions of longwave radiation from the surface, which will act to ______ the surface
Temperature has a strong control on the amount of water vapor in the air
Does water vapor content in atmospheric change if water vapor emissions increase?
The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is important because
Water vapor absorbs incoming shortwave solar radiation
Water vapor absorbs longwave radiation and is a greenhouse gas
Atmospheric water vapor could be strong positive feedback
B and c are correct
None of the above; water vapor in the atmosphere is not important, only clouds are important climate feedbacks
High clouds tens to _____ the planet and low clouds tend to _____ the planet
Which of the following statements is true in context of global warming?
Negative feedbacks will amplify global warming (make the world hotter)
Positive feedbacks will amplify global warming (make the world hotter)
When we consider the positive and negative feedbacks on climate, we find there are more
Positve feedbacks
Negative feedbacks
All of the following contributed to the wildfires exept
5 years of drought
Wet winter
High temperatures
Strong winds (diablo winds)
Lightening storms
Increased wildfires in california is consistent with predictions of global warming
In equilibrium, so.... FLUX INTO EARTH- FLUX OUT OF EARTH = 0 ; in this case the earths temperature is
Not changing
Cant tell from this information
If the earth is heating up, which is larger
The rate that energy is coming into the earth
The rate that energy is leaving the earth
They are the same
Cant tell from this information
The largest single contributor to radiative forcing since the industrial revolution is
Methane (CH4)
Nitrous Oxide (N2O)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Solar Irradiance
The radiative imbalance in todays atmosphere is ______ the total radiative forcing from all human activities
About twice
Exactly the same as
Almost exactly the same as (there are slight differences because of changes in solar luminosity)
About half
Zero, irrespective of
Radiative forcing: 1.6 W/m2 radiative imbalance: 0.8 W/m2; What of the following can you conclude from these numbers?
The earth is not in equilibrium
The earth has already warmed in response to human induced radiative forcing, partially closing the radiative imbalance
There is still warming in the pipeline
All of the above
A and b only
Climate sensitivity tells us
How much earths temperature will change for a given radiative forcing
How much the radiative forcing will change for given increase atmospheric co2 concentration
How much sea level will rise for a given increase in earths temperature
How much sea level will rise for a given increase in atmospheric co2 concentration
What is the equilibrium climate sensitivity?
The change in equilibrium temperature that would result from increasing the concentration of the atmospheric co2 by 100ppm
The equilibrium temperature for any given concentration of co2
The change in equilibrium temperature that would result from doubling pre-industrial co2 concentrations
Any climate conditions that the earth can experience
{"name":"Global warming test 2", "url":"","txt":"The thermostat as a feedback loop is an example of, If the earths surface receives more longwave radiation due to increased greenhouse gas concentrations, surface temperatures will increase. this will result in _____ emissions of longwave radiation from the surface, which will act to ______ the surface., the radiative emissions feedback is an example of","img":""}
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