USA 2020 Softball Test (19 Rarer Questions)

R1 on 2B and R2 on 1B with one out. B4 hits a fly ball to F3. The umpire declares infield fly if fair. B4 runs into F3 before they can catch the fair fly ball.
Rule 8-2-J
Dead Ball, B4 is out on the infield fly and runners return to the base occupied at the time of the pitch.
Dead Ball, B4 is out on the infield fly and R1, as the runner closest to home, is out due to interference by a retired runner.
Dead Ball, B4 is out and R2 is out because B4 attempted to prohibit a double play.
Dead Ball, B4 bats again because the ball had not become fair at the time of the collision.
R1 on 3B with two outs and B6 at bat. B6 hits a line drive that strikes R1 over fair territory while standing on 3B. R1 collapses in pain and cannot move as the ball falls into fair territory.
Rule 4-10
Dead Ball, R1 is out and B4 is awarded 1B.
The ball remains live, and runners must advance with liability to be put out.
The umpires rule that R1 is injured and call time. They then award the base that would have been reached by all runners and B4 is awarded 1B
With R1 on 1B, B2 hits a line drive to F4 who catches the ball and attempts to throw to F3 for a double play on R1 who was off on the hit. F4’s throw is errant and enters dead ball territory, as R1 continues to and touches 1B. The correct ruling should be...
Rule 8-5-G
R1 is awarded 2B since they were headed back to 1B at the time of the throw.
R1 is awarded 3B, 2 bases from the time of the throw.
R1 remains at 1B since that is the base they were headed to when the ball entered dead ball territory
With a 1 ball 1 strike count, R1 on 1B and no outs, the pitch to B2 gets away from F2 then R1 attempts to steal 2B. F2 throws their glove and stops the ball so they can retrieve it more quickly. What should the Umpire rule?
Rule 8-5F Effect 3
Dead ball and R1 is entitled to one (1) base from the time of the pitch.
Delayed dead ball and R1 is entitled to one (1) base from the time of the pitch.
Dead ball and R1 is entitled to three (3) bases from the time of the pitch.
Delayed dead ball and R1 is entitled to two (2) bases from the time of the pitch.
R1 on 1B, the batter hits a line drive to F5 who then throws to 1B to attempt a double play, but the ball is thrown out of play. The ball becomes dead and the umpire delays to allow R1 to complete their running responsibilities, seeing that R1 shows no intention of returning to 1B the umpire awards R1 3B. R1 proceeds past 2B when a teammate from the dugout yells at R1 to go back and touch 1B, R1 then retouches 2B and then touches 1B. They then proceed to 2B and end up at 3B. Once the ball is returned to the infield the defensive coach appeals that the runner did not legally tag up at 1B. What is the correct ruling?
Rule 8-5G Note or Rule Supplement 1D
R1 is ruled out on appeal, once R1 advanced to the next awarded base they cannot return to legally touch 1B.
R1 is ruled safe, they can return to touch a missed base unless they have reached dead ball territory.
R1 is ruled safe, once the ball enters dead ball territory the defense can no longer appeal the missed base
R1 is ruled out on appeal, they cannot receive baserunning advice from the dugout.
In extra innings, the defensive team is charged with its second conference in the same half inning. What is the penalty?
Rule 5-7B-Effect
The pitcher is removed from the game and is not allowed to play any defensive position.
The pitcher is removed from the pitching position but is allowed to play any other defensive position.
The pitcher is removed from the pitching position but is allowed to play any other defensive position for the remainder of that inning and could return to pitch in a later inning.
This is a team warning, if any additional conferences are taken the pitcher shall be ejected.
With one out, R1 on 3B and R2 on 2B, B4 hits a long fly ball that the left fielder catches for the second out. R1 leaves early but R2 tags up and leaves as the ball is touched by the left fielder. Both runners score, but after the ball is returned to the infield the defensive team appeals that R1 left early. The PU agrees and and calls R1 out. What is the correct ruling on this play?
Rule 5-5B [3]
R1 is called out, but because the appeal came after R2 scored, it is a timing play and R2’s run would count.
This is not a timing play and because R1 was called out on the appeal, R2’s run does not count.
R1 at 3B with two outs, B4 hits a ball up the 1st baseline. As F3 comes up to play the ball B4 in order to avoid F3 making a play on the ball, steps backward toward home plate then continues around F3 to proceed to 1B, F3 fields the ball and throws to home in an attempt to put out R1. The umpire should rule:
Rule 8-2-H
B4 out for stepping backward toward home plate, the ball is dead and R1 must return to 3B.
The umpire should allow play to continue. B4 is not out for stepping backward toward home plate since they were not trying to avoid or delay a tag.
F3 is guilty of obstruction since they did not have possession of the ball when they hindered B4 legally running the bases. B4 is awarded 1B and R1 is awarded home.
B4 bats instead of B3 and reaches 1B safely. F1 then steps onto the pitcher’s plate and commits an illegal pitch. The defense now attempts to appeal that B4 has batted out of order. What is the correct ruling?
Rule 7-2-D[3]
The defense is not permitted to appeal batting out of order after the next pitch, regardless of whether the pitch is legal or illegal.
The defense can appeal since the pitch was illegal. B3 is declared out and B4 comes to bat.
With Runners on 2B and 1B in a Three Umpire System the base umpires should...
Umpire Manual Chapter 6: Three-Umpire System
Continue to walk the line.
Go to the ready position at the start of the pitch.
U1 should go to the ready position and U3 should walk the line since U3 does not have a runner on 3B
In a Three Umpire System, with no outs B1 hits a line shot just over F6’s head that rolls to the fence. U1 button hooks and U3 cuts across the diamond to 2B. PU should...
Umpire Manual-Chapter 6: Three Umpire System
Trail the batter-runner to first base and then move to the holding zone unless there is a play at 3B.
Trail the batter-runner and once the runner approaches 2B move across the diamond to a position 90 degrees of the path of the runner just short of 3B.
Trail the batter-runner and then move to home plate in case there is a play at home plate. U3 has the possible play at 3B
In a Three Umpire System, with a single runner at 3B. Check all that are true.
Umpire Manual -Chapter 6: Three Umpire System
U3 goes set on the pitch square to the plate
U1 continues to walk the line since they have no runner near them
U3 continues to walk the line on the pitch.
U1 goes set on the pitch square to the plate.
Which statement is true regarding the Plate Umpire trailing the batter-runner.
Umpire Manual-Chapter 4: Movement from the plate
Trail slightly inside the foul line no more than 1/3 of the way to 1B.
Trail slightly inside the foul line no more than 1/2 of the way to 1B.
When the ball slips from the pitcher’s hand during the delivery or during the backswing the umpire should call...
Rule 6-3-P
The ball is live and a ball on the batter
The ball is dead and a ball on the batter
An illegal pitch
No pitch
Team A starts the game with the minimum number of players (9). In the third inning two players who are on the team roster show up at the game. When Team A comes to bat the coach informs the plate umpire that they now want to use the DP / FLEX. This is allowed since they now have enough players to support doing so.
Rule 4-3A
In Junior Olympic Pool Play the coach elects to bat all 15 players on their roster. During the game, B6 is ejected. What is the correct ruling?
Rule 4-1D [2A]
The line-up is compressed to 14 players, and no out is recorded when that spot is suppose to bat..
The line-up is compressed to 14 players, and an out is recorded when that spot is suppose to bat.
The game is forfeited
In JO Pool Play a team is batting all 15 roster players, B12 bats and gets a double in the fourth inning. While sliding into second base she is injured and cannot continue. In the sixth inning when B12’s spot is due to bat the umpire should...
Rule 4-1-D [2A]
Record an out in B12’s position in the line-up for the remainder of the game.
Skip that spot in the line-up with no out recorded for the remainder of the game.
The game should have been forfeited because there were no available substitutes.
Team A is using the DP/FLEX. In the 2nd inning, Team A’s manager informs the plate umpire that the DP is going to play defense for the FLEX. The plate umpire records this as a substitution as the FLEX has left the game. In the Top of the 5th inning, Team A’s manager informs the plate umpire that the FLEX is going to play defense. The plate umpire records this as a re-entry since the FLEX has reentered the game. In the bottom of the 5th inning, Team A is at bat. The DP completes their turn at bat and reaches 1b safely on a base on balls. Prior to the next pitch, Team B’s manager appeals an unreported substitution. The plate umpire:
Rule 4-3-E
Acknowledges the appeal and calls the DP out for an unreported substitution.
Denies the appeal and informs Team B’s manager that the FLEX or DP can bat in that spot without reporting.
Denies the appeal and tells Team B’s manager that it is too late to appeal the unreported substitution.
Acknowledges the appeal but informs Team B’s manager that the DP never left the game since they continued to play offense so there is no unreported substitution.
R1 at 2B, F2 bats and reaches 1B on a walk and is replaced by a reported courtesy runner. On the next pitch R1 steals 3B but is injured as they slide into the base and must be removed from the game, and the team has no eligible substitutes to take R1’s place except the courtesy runner who is on base. The umpire rules that since there are no substitutes available the courtesy runner at 1B may substitute for the injured player and the catcher must now run at 1B. The opposing coach protests that this is an incorrect ruling and that the injured player must be disqualified. The umpire ruled correctly in this situation.
Rule 8-10-D Exception 
This edited USA Softball test was created by Joe DeFranco, UIC of NVSUA. If you have questions, you may email me at You can follow me on Twitter @NVSUA_Training and you can visit our website at Thank you. Please rate the quiz.
{"name":"USA 2020 Softball Test (19 Rarer Questions)", "url":"","txt":"R1 on 2B and R2 on 1B with one out. B4 hits a fly ball to F3. The umpire declares infield fly if fair. B4 runs into F3 before they can catch the fair fly ball. Rule 8-2-J, R1 on 3B with two outs and B6 at bat. B6 hits a line drive that strikes R1 over fair territory while standing on 3B. R1 collapses in pain and cannot move as the ball falls into fair territory. Rule 4-10, With R1 on 1B, B2 hits a line drive to F4 who catches the ball and attempts to throw to F3 for a double play on R1 who was off on the hit. F4’s throw is errant and enters dead ball territory, as R1 continues to and touches 1B. The correct ruling should be... Rule 8-5-G","img":""}
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