Which Knight of Humanity are you?

A mystical scene depicting a court with glowing swords, warriors in elegant armor, and a backdrop of ethereal landscapes, emphasizing themes of truth, choices, and inner strength.

Which Knight of Humanity Are You?

Discover your inner Knight of Humanity through this engaging quiz! Are you destined to wield a Sword of Humanity or perhaps venture down a darker path? Answer thought-provoking questions to uncover your true self and your connection to the mystical order of knights.

Join now and find out:

  • Your past influences
  • Your ideal path in life
  • How you respond to challenges
34 Questions8 MinutesCreated by WieldingSword42
The Knights of Humanity are an order dedicated to "helping humans to help themselves." They utilize living and sentient swords in order to (while invisible so that you don't notice them) teach and inspire certain individuals around the world so that they are able to learn about their innate powers and live in happiness. While twenty-five of the Knights of Humanity try to influence people in positive and uplifting ways, there are another twelve Renegade Knights of Humanity who employ the darker powers to their own ends or to negatively influence people down to dark and miserable paths which are hard to return from.
Each of the swords utilized by the knights, called the Swords of Humanity, are the incarnate forms of the twenty-eight Powers of Humanity (love, wisdom, fear, etc.), and the symbolism of each sword is depicted upon their features. Twenty-eight of these swords serve along side the Knights of Humanity, with another twelve serving the renegade knights.
If you wish to become a Knight of Humanity, you must go through a series of trials to bond with your sword and prove your worth. If you wish to continue, then proceed as a candidate for the Knights of Humanity.
Before you begin, look into yourself and try to see the inner workings of your mind. That is what will give you the best results in your trials.
The Knights of Humanity are an order dedicated to "helping humans to help themselves." They utilize living and sentient swords in order to (while invisible so that you don't notice them) teach and inspire certain individuals around the world so that they are able to learn about their innate powers and live in happiness. While twenty-five of the Knights of Humanity try to influence people in positive and uplifting ways, there are another twelve Renegade Knights of Humanity who employ the darker powers to their own ends or to negatively influence people down to dark and miserable paths which are hard to return from.
Each of the swords utilized by the knights, called the Swords of Humanity, are the incarnate forms of the twenty-eight Powers of Humanity (love, wisdom, fear, etc.), and the symbolism of each sword is depicted upon their features. Twenty-eight of these swords serve along side the Knights of Humanity, with another twelve serving the renegade knights.
If you wish to become a Knight of Humanity, you must go through a series of trials to bond with your sword and prove your worth. If you wish to continue, then proceed as a candidate for the Knights of Humanity.
Before you begin, look into yourself and try to see the inner workings of your mind. That is what will give you the best results in your trials.
Have you ever been and have since then changed your life:
A swindler, a cheat, one who was very dishonorable?
One trapped in a state of gloom and misery?
One who had embraced the chains of vice and sin?
One who belonged to a family who all lived in riotous living, yourself being the exception as you believed it was wrong?
A liar who thought that it was the only way to protect their loved ones from the harmful truth?
None of these are my past.
How did you get out of that?
I made a promise that I intend to keep, to strive for nobility and honorable actions.
I worked at myself until I found happiness again, rejecting my former gloom.
I broke my chains and flew on the wings of virtue.
I broke the chain of my family determined that I would be the founder of a generation of virtuous and honorable souls.
I revealed my secrets and worked to gain my loved one's trust back.
Please Specify:
In a dream, you see something very vividly. What is it?
Something from my past.
Something I wish I had at that moment.
Something that I want to happen in the future.
A lost friend/loved one
You are being antagonized by a group of bullies. What do you do?
Fight, hopefully win
Call an authority figure over
Antagonize them back. People do not like hearing their mother being described as a ___.
Destroy their antagonizing descriptions with some witty words.
Walk away
Tell them to shut up!
Challenge them to a rap battle.
Ignore them.
Allow the steam to build inside of me and wait for them to do something unforgivable. Then I will become their worst nightmare.
Ask them why they're antagonizing me.
Take it as a joke and act like it doesn't bother me.
Chew them out!
Pick one
Life is:
A learning oppertunity
A time of happiness
(Singing) "... But a dream! Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream!"
Me time
A test
A gift
What I make it to be.
There are two paths before you. One leads downhill and looks easier to walk, while the other path leads up a mountain and has lots of rocks on it.
The downhill path is muddy in places, with many biting bugs around it. It leads to a dangerous swamp filled with many dangerous animals and many places of quicksand. At the end of the path in the swamp is a village filled with many pleasure-fulfilling entertainment centers. So long as you stay in the village, the dangers of the swamp will never touch you. The village's entertainment centers have everything imaginable, and everything is free.
The mountain path is steep and rocky, with many pitfalls placed across the path that end up in the swamp, though they are very easy to avoid. There are many dangerous animals around the path, but they never venture on to it. There is a village at the top of the mountain where the path ends. The people there are industrious and prefer different actives then those found in the swamp village. Every evening after they have finished their work, the people come together to sing, dance, and play sporting events. It is a more difficult life in the mountain village than in the swamp village.
Which path will you take, the easy but buggy downhill path, or the difficult and dangerous, but very worthwhile, mountain path?
The mountain path to the mountain village.
The downhill path to the swamp village.
Why did you decide to take the road up to the mountain village?
Because what is right isn't always easy, and is always more worthwhile
Because there are people I can relate to up there
I always take the hard path
I was curious about what it was like up there
Because I knew no harm would come to me so long as I stuck to the path
Because I consider the entertainment centers of the swamp village to be immoral and I prefer wholesome activities
I prefer that sort of life
I know it is the right decision
Just seemed to be best
I like a place with a view, so I was like: "Sign me up!"
I want a place where I can find peace
It sounds like a place I need rather than I want
I don't know. I just made a random decision
Bleh, this is not my thing. I'm going down to the swamp village.
In the swamp village, what will you do?
Eat and drink as much as I want
Watch movies
Play video games
Go to the casino
Go where there are few people
Go to where I am a champion!
Where all of the gorgeous people are
To go work in the spook house and jump-scare people
Go to the swimming house
The party center
Somewhere I can forget about life
Somewhere I am the leader
Stay at the pool parlor
Please Specify:
Which answer do you prefer to use to describe yourself?
Amazing! Awesome!
Wondering what's underneath
A Kisser
Supportive of my race/gender/religion/nation/gender orientation/organization
Quick tongued
You know what, I'm changing my mind. I'm going up to the mountain village.
You are at the Court of Swords, standing underneath a great, wooden seat emblazoned with a glowing, broken chain symbol. You are standing in front of an earthen mound and watch as gray mist flows into the mound, forming a sword. You pull it out and it looks wicked, with barbs and hooks jutting out along the length of the crimson blade! The sword speaks and promises you great power at your beck and call, for no price. All you have to do is voluntarily give up your free will to the sword and you can wield its power.
Would you do it?
You start to think that the sword is evil and giving up your free will to it might be a bad idea. Now spirits of people wearing bloody robes and heavy chains appear to you and tell you to break the sword against the mound from which you pulled it from. The sword adds to its first offer, that with it, you will find live and happiness throughout your whole life. Those are things that just about everybody wants in their life, including you.
What will you choose to do?
Give up my free will to the sword, power, love, and happiness is hard to beat.
I will break the sword against the mound. I will break my chains.
You think/wonder about:
Powerful technology
What others dare not to look for
I want to go home and rethink my life.
Who do you prefer to associate with?
People who share my views and opinions.
People who like and appreciate me.
Members of my faith
People who understand me
Choose one creature:
Vampire bat
When you are in trouble with someone, you:
Do whatever it takes to get out of the situation.
Spin up a believable story
Take my medicine, down goes the Maalox!
Why did you decide to take the road up to the mountain village?
Because what is right isn't always easy, and is always more worthwhile
Because there are people I can relate to up there
I always take the hard path
I was curious about what it was like up there
Because I knew no harm would come to me so long as I stuck to the path
Because I consider the entertainment centers of the swamp village to be immoral and I prefer wholesome activities
I prefer that sort of life
I know it is the right decision
Just seemed to be best
I like a place with a view, so I was like: "Sign me up!"
I want a place where I can find peace
It sounds like a place I need rather than I want
I don't know. I just made a random decision
Choose one:
A chosen path
A heart that knows no fear
The waters of emotion and the fires of passion
The sun on the horizon
The light of the dark night
The true pointing compass
The flying shield
The scroll of knowledge and the tree of reason
The hand holding the balanced scales
The melting ice of letting go
The spike of horror
The light that never ceases to shine
The cup that is either half full or half empty
The simple cup
The crown of glory
The flower that weeps
The sparks of the mind
The raging fires of dislike
The mighty lightning bolt
The radiant blossom
The unshakable mountain
What is your greatest secret?
Something deep and dark that I would rather not reveal.
Something I know is wrong, and I hate it!
I know I have one, I just don't know what it is. I've had amnesia in the past, so ...
Nothing big, just something that would make people give me a weird glare.
I don't have a secret
You are in the Court of Swords, standing underneath a great wooden seat with a shining sun engraved into the backrest. In front of you is an earthen mound. Suddenly a light flashes on the top of the mound and there appears a sword stuck in the mound. You pull the sword out and hold it in front of you.
Still shining like the noon day sun, the sword says, "I am the immortal Gorsel, Sword of Truth. There is but one trial necessary for you to be bonded to me and that is for me to strip away your false perceptions of yourself and reveal your whole and true self. Many have died in this process, mainly due to their own hand for what they saw was terrible. Will you undergo this same trial to better yourself and the world?"
Here is the truth, up front and simple: A lot of people have died to what they have seen in themselves, every false truth and lie they have spun about themselves, every dark secret revealed and brought to light, they have killed themselves to what they have seen. There has been no wielder for Gorsel ever since World War Two, and none have survived and remained conscious since.
Given this, will you (your name here) undergo the trial and attempt to succeed where others have not?
Are you willing to face the truth, and your perception of it?
Who/what do you love the most?
I share my love freely with everyone
No one in particular, which is sad, I want to.
A certain way of life, like a job that I really enjoy
What is your greatest interest/concern?
Pop culture
Cool stuff
My future
My hobbies
My ecentricities
Beyond this world
Charity work for people/animals
What makes you the maddest?
Personal Problems
The World's problems
Idiotic leaders
It depends on what hits me hardest emotionally
That I feel powerless
Please Specify:
What do you think about anger?
Bad, very bad
I've had a past experience with it, not good!
It is misunderstood
I have no idea
What is the saddest?
That people do not know the truth.
That some people are not cared for
Separation from loved ones
What is greatest?
Reasoning out solutions before hand
Improvising on the spot
A compromise of the two
When must you be brave?
In the face of danger
In the face of death
In the face of physical pain
In the face of emotional pain
When there is no other option
When the danger is not just to yourself
Whenever possible
Bravery = stupidity
When I have to stand alone against the world's vileness
When I have to let a loved one go
When must you show fear?
To feel alive
In the face of danger
When I need to stay alive
When I am afraid
Where does your imagination run
Hopes, wishes and dreams
Creating stories and scenarios
Creating art and/or song
What do you believe in the strongest?
In God
What is right
Are you proud of yourself?
Yes, but not enough to give me a swell head.
No, I'm nothing to be proud of, I'm not special.
How do you make yourself happy after you have suffered physically, emotionally, mentally, and/or spiritually?
I wait for it to come to me.
I talk about my experience with someone so that I know that someone else knows what I've been through and shares my pain.
I cry and weep and sob to release the trauma through my tears, to expel the pain and allow happiness to fill the cracks of my soul.
I wear a smile to hide the pain, that usually works.
I pray
Which of the Powers of Humanity do you feel like you relate to the most?
The power of seeking knowledge
The power of rage and strength
The power of releasing woe
The power of channeled fear
The power of bonds and charity
The power of knowledge
The power of logic and reason
The power of humbleness
The power of seeking truth
The power of choice
The power of optimism
The power of nobility
The power of self-worth
The power of hoping for that which you know to be real
The power of fair consequence
The power of compassion
The power of hating that which is wrong
The power of morality
The power of feeling afraid
The power of happiness
The power of creative thought
The power of biding and waiting
The power of letting go.
{"name":"Which Knight of Humanity are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Discover your inner Knight of Humanity through this engaging quiz! Are you destined to wield a Sword of Humanity or perhaps venture down a darker path? Answer thought-provoking questions to uncover your true self and your connection to the mystical order of knights.Join now and find out:Your past influencesYour ideal path in lifeHow you respond to challenges","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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