صلي علي النبي ❤ ( NLP )

Create an image of a brain with interconnected nodes representing language processing, surrounded by symbols of natural language processing (NLP) like speech bubbles, books, and computer code.

NLP Speech Acts Quiz

Test your knowledge of Natural Language Processing with our interactive quiz focused on speech acts, tokenization, and more! This quiz is designed for anyone interested in NLP, from beginners to advanced practitioners.

  • 30 multiple-choice questions
  • Immediate feedback on your answers
  • Learn about key NLP concepts while having fun
37 Questions9 MinutesCreated by ParsingTree27
1- recognizing and classifying the speech acts in a chunk of text
A. Named Entity Recognition
B. Morphology
C. Semantic analysis
D. Discourse
2- A delimited string of characters as it appears in the text
A. Word.
B. Token
C. Term
D. None of theses
3- Eleminating from ("the", "a", "an", "so","what")
A. Stopwords Removal...
B. Morphology
C. Semantic analysis
D. Discourse
4- An instance of a word occurring in a document
A. Word
C. Term
D. None of theses
5- A "normalized" word (case, morphology, spelling)
A. Word
C. Term..
D. None of theses
6- An inverted index arranges data in a sorted order as per
A. The documents
B. The frequency of each document
C. The frequency of each term
d. The term..
7- Finding resources (of unstructured nature) that are relevant to an information need from a large collection of resources?
b. NLP
c. IR...
8- What is Morphological Segmentation?
A. Does Discourse Analysis
B. Separate words into individual morphemes and identify the class of the morphemes ......
C. Is an extension of propositional logic
D. None of these
9- ack invited Mary to the ball. Ball??
A. Synax
B. Semantic..
D. Discourse
10- Every time I visit her, my grandma bakes me cookies. Her --> Grandma
A. Named Entity Recognition
B. Coreference resolution....
D. Discourse
11- Creating systems that efficiently process texts and make their information accessible
B. NLP..
12- Split text into words and sentences
A. Tokenization...
B. Normalization
D. Stemming and
13- Cut character sequence into word tokens
A. Tokenization
C. Stemming
D. None of the
14- A metric used to measure the importance of a term in a text document collection is called
A. Inverse Document Frequency..
B. Term Frequency
C. Inverse Term Frequency
D. Document Frequency
15- "Mark Zuckerberg is one of the founders of Facebook. "Person": Mark Zuckerberg. "Company": Facebook.
A. Named Entity Recognition....
B. Morphology
C. Semantic analysis
D. Discourse
16- ("the book on the table"),("to book a flight"); book verb or noun?
A. Tokenization
B. Normalization
C. POS...
D. Stemming and Lemalization
17- plump eye/plum pie
A. Phonetics and phonology..
B. Part of Speech
C. Morphology
D. None of these
18- The process of reducing inflected
A. Tokenization
B. Normalization
D. Stemming and Lemalization...
19- The bank will not be accepting cash on Saturdays." "The river overflowed the bank."
A. Named Entity Recognition
B. Morphology
C. WSD..
D. Discourse
20- 3rd of Dec. --> Third of December.
A. Tokenization
B. Normalization..
D. Stemming and Lemalization
Every time I visit her, my grandma bakes me cookies. Her--> Grandma
A. Named Entity Recognition
B. Coreference resolution
D. Discourse
Jack invited Mary to the ball. Ball??
A. Syntax
B. Semantic
D. Discourse
Recognizing and classifying the speech acts in a chunk of text
A. Syntax
B. Semantic
D. Discourse
3rd of Dec. --> Third of December.
A. Tokenization
B. Normalization
D. Stemming and Lemalization
("the book on the table"),("to book a flight"); book verb or noun?
A. Tokenization
B. Normalization
D. Stemming and Lemalization
Is your hand apart or a part of the feelings of the rest of your arm?"
A. Phonetics and phonology
B. Part of Speech
C. Morphology
D. None of these
A delimited string of characters as it appears in the text
A. Word
B. Token
C. Term
D. None of the above
Split text into words and sentences
A. Tokenization
B. Normalization
D. Stemming and Lemalization
England (Organization) won the 2019 world cup vs The 2019 world cup happened in England(Location).
A. Named Entity Recognition
B. Morphology
C. Semantic analysis
D. Discourse
The process of reducing inflected
A. Tokenization
B. Normalization
D. Stemming and Lemalization
A metric used to measure the importance of a term in a text document collection is called
A. Inverse Document Frequency
B. Term Frequency
C. Inverse Term Frequency.
D. Document Frequency
Jaccard Similarity between "educative is the best platform out there." & "educative is a new platform."
A. 0.444
B. 0.333
C. 0.777
D. None of the mentioned
What is the main challenge of NLP?
A. Handling Tokenization
B. Handling POS-Tagging
C. Handling Ambiguity of Sentences
D. None of the above
........ Attempts to answer the following question: What proportion of actual positives was identified correctly?.
A. Precision
B. Recall
C. Fl.
...... Is a bad idea for measuring the similarity between Query and Document
A. Cosine Similarity
B. Euclidean distance
C. Angle Similarity
D. None of the mentioned
Plump eye/plum pie
A. Phonetics and phonology Ambiguity
B. Morphology
C. None of the above
{"name":"صلي علي النبي ❤ ( NLP )", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge of Natural Language Processing with our interactive quiz focused on speech acts, tokenization, and more! This quiz is designed for anyone interested in NLP, from beginners to advanced practitioners.30 multiple-choice questionsImmediate feedback on your answersLearn about key NLP concepts while having fun","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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