Points Quiz #1

Point combination for cough with blood is?
A. LU6 + UB17
B. LU9 + UB13
C. LU10 + LI11
D. LU19 + ST44
Which is the location of the lower he-sea of the Large Intestine channel?
2 cun below the tibial tuberosity
3 cun below the tibial tuberosity
4 cun below the tibial tuberosity
6 cun below the tibial tuberosity
Mary, 50 yoa, has had asthma for 10 years since she stopped smoking. She has trouble breathing in and constant nasal discharge. She coughs up phlegm that is yellow and thick. She says she feels like someone is sitting on her chest. She says she has bad digestion and frequently has nausea and diarrhea. What acupuncture points would you choose?
Lu7, LI4, GB20, UB13, PC4, SP4
SP4, PC6, ST40, Ren12, UB20, Ren9, Lu7, Lu5, UB23, Kid7
UB23, UB13, Ren12, Ren22, Lu1
Lu5, ST40, Ren22, Lu1, UB13, Lu7
Vaginitis, retention of urine, hemorrhoids, nocturnal emission, enuresis, irregular menstruation and metal disorders are indications of what point?
When setting the mountain on fire, what is the proper technique?
Inserting slowly, thrusting lightly and lifting heavily
Inserting slowly, thrusting heavily and lifting gently
Inserting at a normal speed, thrusting lightly and lifting lightly
Inserting at a normal speed, thrusting heavily and lifting heavily
Point combination for chronic bronchitis is?
LU6 + UB17
LU9 + UB13
LU10 + LI11
LU19 + ST44
Which point is located “in the depression between the olecranon of the ulna and the medial epicondyle of the humerus?
The he-sea point of the hand shao yin meridian
The xi-cleft point of the hand jue yin meridian
The he-sea point of the hand tai yang meridian
The xi-cleft point of the hand tai yin meridian
Patient woke up with a swollen face, a white complexion and a dislike of the fan blowing on her. Her pulse is floating and slippery. Your point prescription is?
Lu7, UB12, LI6, LI7, Du26
Lu7, LI4, Du14, GB20
Lu9, Lu7, Lu5, St40, Sp9
Lu9, Ren6, Ren22, Sp9
Enuresis, nocturnal emission, impotence, hernia, uterine bleeding, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrheal, morbid leucorrhea, frequency of urination, retention of urine, pain in the lower abdomen, prolapse of the uterus and vaginitis are indications of what point?
Quick arrival of Qi suggests?
Retarded effects in the treatmen
Weak constitution
Good effects in the treatment
Less retention time
Point combination for fire in the lung is?
LU10 + ST44
LI11 + LI4
LI11 + LU10
LI4 + LU10
Which Stomach point is located on the lateral side of the Sartorius m.?
How many cun is the Jing river point of the Hand Tai Yin channel from the Luo Connecting point of the Hand Tai Yin channel ?
.5 cun
1 cun
3.5 cun
2.0 cun
Sally comes to you really sick. She has severe epigastric pain, vomiting and she says she’s freezing. Your point prescription is?
ST21, ST34, REN12, REN11
ST21, ST34, SP4, REN13
ST21, SP4, PC6, ST44
ST21, ST36, REN12, REN6
Irregular menstruation, nocturnal emission, impotence, pain in the lumbosacral region, muscular atrophy, motor impairment, numbness and pain of the lower extremities is which point?
An important adjunct to treating cough is?
Cupping UB12 and UB13
Bleeding LU10
Wet cupping UB20
Cupping LU1
When needling Penetrating heaven coolness you start at which level?
Deep level
Medium level
Superficial level
Subcutaneous level
The best point combination to clear Kidney deficient fire is?
DU4 + UB23
KID3 + LI4
KID2 + LI11
KID2 + LI4
The Jing Well of the hand Tai yin is located?
In the depression which lies anterior and inferior to the acromion, at the origin of the deltoid muscle
On the radial side of the index finger, 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail
In the depression at the lateral end of the transverse cubital crease, midway between LU5 and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus
On the radial side of the thumb, 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail
The Yuan-source of the Foot Tai Yin is how many cun from the Luo-connecting of the foot Tai Yin?
Patient has sudden severe abdominal pain, constipation, vomiting and a deep wiry pulse. Your point prescription is?
St36, Sp3, Sp6, Ren12, PC6
UB27, St25, Ren12, UB20, UB21
St39, Ren6, GB34, SP6, St25, Lanweixue
Liv13, St27, St29, St39
Points used for Wind Stroke prevention are?
GB40, ST35
GB39, ST36
GB39, ST40
GB40, ST40
In tonification of a point you will?
Thrust heavily and rapidly and lift gently and slowly
Thrust heavily and slowly and lift gently and slowly
Thrust gently and slowly and lift heavily and rapidly
Thrust gently and rapidly and lift heavily and slowly
The best point combination to clear wind heat is?
LU7 + LI4
LU7 + LI11
LU6 + DU14
LI4 + LI11
The Shu Stream point oof the Foot Tai Yin is located?
Distal and inferior to the head of the 1st metatarsal bone at the junction of the red and white skin
Proximal and inferior to the head of the 5nd metatarsal bone at the junction of the red and white skin
Distal and superior to the head of the 1st metatarsal bone at the junction of the red and white skin
Proximal and inferior to the head of the 1st metatarsal bone at the junction of the red and white skin
The Back-shu of the Spleen is level with the lower border of the spinous process of the
5th thoracic vertebra
1st lumbar vertebra
12th thoracic vertabra
11th thoracic vertabra
Jane comes in with a slight cough and shortness of breath. Her voice is weak and she dislikes speaking. She says she always catches colds and dislikes being cold. Her tongue is pale and her pulse is empty. Her diagnosis is?
UB13, KID6, LU7
LU9, LU7, ST36, REN6, REN12
LU9, LU7, ST36, SP6, UB13, UB20
LU9, LU7, REN6, ST36, UB13
ST25 is used for?
Excess diarrhea
Deficiency diarrhea
Damp heat diarrhea
All types of diarrhea
For schizophrenia prick to bleed in this order,
GB39, ST36, DU26, GB14, GB41, GB37, REN24, LI11, SHEXIAZHONGFENG
DU26, LU11, SP1, PC7, UB62, DU16, ST6, REN24, PC8, DU23, REN1, LI11, SHEXIAZHONGFENG
DU26, LU11, SP1, PC7, UB62, DU16, ST6, REN24, PC8, DU23, REN1, LI11, SISHENCHONG
Which statement is correct?
For acute pain moxa jing well points
For chronic pain prick to bleed the jing well points
For acute pain tap GB20, Taiyang, GB14 until slightly bleeding then cup
For acute pain tap the back shu points until slightly bleeding then cup
Disseminates and descends Lung qi, alleviates cough and wheezing, transforms phlegm, clears heat, regulates water passages and descends Stomach qi are the functions of which point?
Which point treats Wind-water invastion (yang edema) and acute swelling of the face (eyelids)?
The point combination to build immunity is?
UB20 + UB23
DU4 + UB23
ST36 + REN17
ST36 + UB12
The Xi-cleft of the Hand Shao Yin channel is how many cun from the Jing-river of the Hand Shao Yin channel?
After a car accident Tom has pain and numbness of both arms. What scalp acupuncture line would you use to treat him?
Right 2nd/3rd fifths of the motor line
Bilateral 2nd/3rd fifths of the motor line
Bilateral 2nd/3rd fifths of the sensory line
Bilateral upper 1/5 of the sensory line
Alex and his wife come to your office. He said he was very sick and was bed ridden for 4 weeks and now his low back is sore and very weak. Now along with the low back soreness he has dizziness and tinnitus. He’s also noticed before the sickness he used to want to be covered up at night but now is hot at night and gets up at night to drink water because his mouth is dry. He denies irritability and his wife agrees. His pulse is thready and rapid and his tongue is slightly red with no coat. You choose which point prescription?
KID3, UB23, KID6, KID13
LID6, REN6, DU20, REN17
Which point regulates Qi and Blood, harmonizes the intestines and stomach, and invigorates and regulates Qi and Blood circulation of the upper limbs?
Which extra point is indicated for acute and chronic cholecysititis, biliary ascariasis, muscular atrophy and numbness of the lower extremities?
The best combination for sore throat, loss of voice and asthma is?
LU11 + REN22
LU7 + REN22
LI4 + LI11
LU6 + DU14
The meeting point of the Spleen and Liver channels with the Yin Linking vessel is located?
On the lateral side of the femoral artery, at the level of the upper border of the symphysis pubis, 3.5 cun lateral to Ren 2
On Posterior and inferior to the medial condyle of the tibia, in the upper portion of the medial head of m. gastrocnemius
At the ulnar end of the transverse crease, in the depression on the radial side of the tendon of m. Flexor carpi ulnaris
Posterior and inferior to the medial malleolus, in the depression medial to the attachment of tendo calcaneous
How many cun from the eyebows to DU14?
Polly comes to you for painful periods. The pain is before, during and after her period. She says she has dark clots. She says she gets a little irritable before her period but jokes that her husband might say more than just a little. She tells you her memory has gotten really bad. On observation you see that her nails are slightly purple. Her pulse is string-taut and choppy and tongue has dark spots on it. What point prescription would you use?
LIV3, GB34, UB18, SP10, REN6
LV3, GB34, LV13, REN6
LIV8, UB18, ST36, SP6
Enuresis, nocturnal emission, frequency of urination, retention of urine, hernia, irregular menstruation, morbid leucorrhea, dysmenorrhea, uterine bleeding, postpartum hemorrhage, lower abdominal pain, indigestion, diarrhea, prolapse of the rectum, flaccid type of apoplexy are indications of what point?
Cough, asthma, furuncles, back pain and neck rigidity are indications of which point?
For persistent vomiting you would
Prick to bleed Jiachengjiang
Prick to bleed Dingchuan
Prick to bleed Erjian
Prick to bleed Jinjing adn Yuye
Which point clears heat and expels wind in the upper end of the meridian (teeth, nose, face, throat and eyes)?
Which point elimitates wind and benefits jaw and teeth, activates the channel and alleviates pain?
Which extra point opens the portal and revives consciousness, drains heat and facifies wind?
The best point cocmbination for nasal congestion is?
LI4 + Bitong
LI4 + LI20 + Bitong
LI4 + LI11 + Yintang
LU7 + LI11 + Bitong
What group of points are 4 cun below the umbilicus?
REN3, KID13, ST29
REN3, KID12, ST29
REN4, KID13, ST28
REN4, KID12, ST29
{"name":"Points Quiz #1", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Point combination for cough with blood is?, Which is the location of the lower he-sea of the Large Intestine channel?, Mary, 50 yoa, has had asthma for 10 years since she stopped smoking. She has trouble breathing in and constant nasal discharge. She coughs up phlegm that is yellow and thick. She says she feels like someone is sitting on her chest. She says she has bad digestion and frequently has nausea and diarrhea. What acupuncture points would you choose?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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