Which Friend Are You?

You hate conflict and do whatever you can to keep the peace.
Absolutely. I can't stand it when people are mad with me.
I'm perfectly fine with conflict. I find people ultimately come to the realisation that I am right!
I don't mind conflict. Just don't be a jerk about it.
If one of your friends is being ridiculous you call them on it.
Yes. Of course.
It takes me a while to get worked up but if they're being completely dreadful, then yes!
Well no. I don’t think so, do I? Who am I to say what is ridiculous and what isn't?
You like to 'keep up with the Jonses'
There's no point keeping up. I will never get there so why even try?
I don't need to keep up with anyone. I am the one everyone else looks to.
I like investing in things that enrich my life. I place value where I see it, not necessarily where others do.
How would you describe your taste in art?
I have taste. I’m a classicist.
I like paint by numbers. Rather soothing.
Let's just say I'm a VIP at MONA
Would you outright lie to your friend to save your friendship?
I don't think it's lying if I'm saving their feelings.
Friends shouldn't need to lie. If I have something to say, I will say it to your face.
Well, if they never find out, what's the harm?
{"name":"Which Friend Are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"You hate conflict and do whatever you can to keep the peace., If one of your friends is being ridiculous you call them on it., You like to 'keep up with the Jonses'","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/CDN/81-3790518/quiz-background.jpg?sz=1200-02100006900790005300"}
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