Kaiserreich Ideologies

The state is the entity with the monopoly of force in a geographic area. A nation is a permanent and self-identifying group based on religion, race or language. What should the relationship be between nation and state?
The state should be a nation-state which advances the interests of the nation both domestically and on the international stage
The state shouldn't favour any particular nation, even if they are the majority.
Don't know / don't care.
How do you feel about revolutions?
The legitimacy of the state relies on the rule of law - extrajudicial violence is wrong
Sometimes the state has no legitimacy and must be overthrown
Don't know / don't care.
How do you feel about private ownership of infrastructure? For example, schools, roads, hospitals, electricity generation and water supplies
It can work better than state ownership if the right incentives are in place
There are too many externalities at play, such as rent seeking behaviour, information asymmetry and natural monopolies of land.
Don't know / don't care.
How do you feel about private ownership of business in general, like hotels, factories and mines?
It should always have a place in an economy, whether for reasons of efficiency or fairness.
That kind of private wealth carries too many implications, like abuses of power, and influence over politics. Private businesses are mostly bad for society.
Don't know / don't care.
Which sounds closer to your view on how law and jurisprudence should work?
The legal system should be completely neutral to political questions. There might be biases, but nothing is perfect, and we can at least try to move towards an impartial judiciary as an ideal.
State power is always wielded in the name of one group against another. Political parties are just organised expressions of those groups and they should seek to control the justice system to improve society in line with their ideals.
Don't know / don't care.
Which is the preferable mantra?
Better that an innocent be punished than a criminal go free
Better that a criminal go free than an innocent be punished.
Don't know / don't care.
Should the state reward behaviour that results in healthy children?
Yes, the state obviously has an interest in creating the next generation
No, that's a private matter
Don't know / don't care.
Which goods and services are the most important for the state to ban or restrict?
Anything that's important for the security of the state
Anything that has a risk of harm to the public
Anything that infringes upon another person's rights
Anything that threatens the moral hygiene of society
Don't know / don't care.
Should the state give benefits / subsidies / welfare to poor citizens?
Yes, universally, unconditionally and without means testing
Yes, but with conditions - if they are taking state aid, they should have to conform to society's demands on them
Yes, but means tested - only for those who truly need the help
Yes, but not universally - people who don't belong here should move back to where they came from
No, it just encourages people to give up on improving themselves
Don't know / don't care
Should unions have a political role in society?
Yes, they should form a counterpart to the authority of the state in representing ordinary people
Yes, they should be required to help roll out state programmes such as literacy campaigns, economic plans or military training
No, they should be a private matter
No, they should be banned
Don't know / don't care
"An eye for an eye..."
"...and a tooth for a tooth"
"...and the whole world will be blind"
Don't know / don't care
How do you feel about absolute monarchy?
No one should have authority without checks and balances against them
Monarchies have tended to side with the rich and powerful and should therefore be abolished
It's not awful but I'd prefer a president
It's a great idea
Don't know / don't care
{"name":"Kaiserreich Ideologies", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"The state is the entity with the monopoly of force in a geographic area. A nation is a permanent and self-identifying group based on religion, race or language. What should the relationship be between nation and state?, How do you feel about revolutions?, How do you feel about private ownership of infrastructure? For example, schools, roads, hospitals, electricity generation and water supplies","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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