Safety Maturity

How are safety incidents typically addressed in your company?
a) We react to incidents as they occur and implement immediate fixes.
b) We address incidents based on regulatory requirements and ensure compliance.
c) We investigate incidents and take proactive measures to prevent future occurrences.
d) We systematically review incidents and continuously improve our safety processes.
e) Safety incidents are rare, and our focus is on maintaining and improving an already robust safety culture.
2. How is safety integrated into daily operations?
a) Safety is considered only when something goes wrong.
b) Safety is addressed through compliance-driven checklists and procedures.
c) Safety is integrated into planning and decision-making processes.
d) Safety is a key factor in all aspects of operations, with clear accountability at every level.
e) Safety is a core value deeply embedded in our company’s operations and culture.
3. What level of leadership commitment to safety exists in your company?
a) Leaders focus on safety only after an incident occurs.
b) Leaders ensure compliance but don’t actively champion safety initiatives.
c) Leaders are committed to preventing incidents and support safety initiatives.
d) Leaders are deeply involved in safety management and encourage employee participation.
e) Leaders at all levels are safety champions and drive continuous improvement in safety culture.
4. How involved are employees in safety processes?
a) Employees are minimally involved, mostly following orders after incidents.
b) Employees follow safety protocols because it’s required.
c) Employees are encouraged to participate in safety initiatives and report hazards.
d) Employees take ownership of safety and are actively engaged in safety committees and programs.
e) Employees are fully empowered and lead safety initiatives, with strong peer-to-peer safety accountability.
5. How does your company handle safety training?
a) Training is conducted only when necessary after an incident.
b) We provide basic training to ensure compliance with regulations.
c) We offer regular, comprehensive safety training that goes beyond compliance.
d) We continuously update training programs based on feedback and new risks.
e) Training is dynamic, innovative, and led by employees, with a focus on continuous learning and improvement.
6. How is safety performance measured in your company?
a) We track incidents when they happen but don’t systematically measure performance.
b) We measure safety performance to ensure we meet regulatory standards.
c) We use safety performance data to drive proactive improvements.
d) We systematically review safety data and use it to make informed decisions.
e) We utilize advanced analytics and benchmarking to lead the industry in safety performance.
7. How are safety improvements identified and implemented?
a) Improvements are made only in response to incidents.
b) Improvements are made to meet compliance requirements.
c) Improvements are based on proactive risk assessments and employee feedback.
d) Continuous improvement is part of our safety management system, with regular updates.
e) We innovate and lead safety improvements, setting industry standards.
8. How does your company approach safety communication?
a) Safety communication occurs mainly after incidents.
b) Safety information is communicated through mandatory meetings or notices.
c) Regular safety meetings and open communication channels are in place.
d) Safety communication is continuous and encourages feedback from all employees.
e) Safety communication is a two-way street, with leaders and employees collaborating on safety initiatives.
9. How are safety successes and improvements recognized in your company?
a) Safety successes are rarely acknowledged.
b) Compliance with safety regulations is occasionally recognized.
c) Safety improvements are regularly recognized and rewarded.
d) Employees are consistently recognized for contributing to safety improvements.
e) Safety excellence is celebrated, and employees are rewarded for leading safety initiatives.
10. How does your company benchmark its safety performance?
a) We don’t benchmark our safety performance.
b) We benchmark our performance against regulatory standards.
c) We compare our performance with industry peers.
d) We use benchmarking data to identify and implement best practices.
e) We lead in safety performance and share our best practices with others in the industry.
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