It is very important to keep your password private.
We can use the digital world to have fun, learn and talk to our friends.
When you are using social media which answer is most accurate?
There are no risks when you are using social media.
It is Ok to share other peoples photos and information without asking them.
Always be responsible, stay safe and act ethical at all times.
Try your best to be safe
What makes up The Digital World?
Mobile Phones
All of these options are part of the Digital World.
Social Media and the Internet
Is it important to get a grown ups permission before you go online and look at things?
Is it important to get a grown ups permission before you go online and look at things?
Only if you think it might be dangerous.
Yes, always get permission before you go online to ensure its a safe site.
Maybe, because some sites may not be suitable for me.
What is the best way to act when you are online?
Try and be nice if you can when you are online.
Say whatever you want when you are online.
It's ok to have a fight with your friend online, no-one else will see it.
"Always be kind online".
Please Specify:
If you see something online that could upset someone, what could you do?
Join in and make a funny comment.
Make a comment telling the person who posted it they are being nasty.
Just ignore it, it is not your problem.
Do not comment, be a good friend and ask the person kindly to delete it.
Being a bully to someone using a digital platform is Ok?
If you are being Cyberbullied, what are the 3 easy steps you should follow?
Reply to the bully, Tell your friends, Be nasty back
Tell your parents, Tell your teachers, Be nasty back
Is it Ok to share information if you are not sure if it is true?
No, sharing fake news can have consequences. Only share what is true. If you are not sure if it is true?
Yes, It's Ok to share anything, its up to others to research if it is tru
If it is on your social media profile its Ok to share anything for fun.
Yes, its ok sharing funny things can make your popular.
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