Christian Tradition Quiz 1
What is the term for a saint who lives on a pillar?
According to the account we read, what was the relationship between Symeon (the saint who lived atop a pillar) and the rest of the world?
Symeon spoke only with other monks and ascetics who came to learn from him
Symeon refused to engage with the rest of the world, speaking only to God
Symeon was ridiculed and reviled by other christians for his "stranger"behavior on top of a pillar
Symeon actively engaged with others from his pillar, negotiating treaties and performing miracles of healing
In the life of Antony, what does Antony do in his desert cave for 20 years?
Weave mats
Teach all who come to hear him
Fight demons
Sing hymns
According to Augustine, are Adam and Eve equally responsible for Original Sin or not?
Adam is more responsible, because he should have known better
Neither Adam nor Even are responsible, Saran (the serpent) alone is responsible
Adam and Eve are equally responsible
Eve is more responsible, for listening to the serpent and convincing Adam.
As a result of Original Sin, what is the role of sex among Christians (according to Augustine)?
All sex involves some sin, but sex within heterosexual marriage for procreation is minor and needs no forgiveness.
Any sex within heterosexual marriage is holy and good, but sex outside of marriage is sinful
All sex can and should be avoided by all Christians to remain pure
All sex is part of the original vision God's creation before the fall, so all sex is holy and good.
Which of the following statements best defines Augustine's definition of Original Sin?
Adam and Eve first sinned in the Garden of Eden and later individuals can overcome this sin with intense piety.
After Adam and Eve's disobedience, the human will was damaged and all humans are now born with sin.
Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden by having sex, and now all sex is sinful
Before ever being attached to bodies, the first souls (Adam and Eve) turned away from God, which is the Original Sin.
According to Augustine, heretics and schismatics can be coerced with force into the orthodox/catholic church
Which of the following was an important act of Helena, mother of Constantine?
Received a vision in battle
Funds the building of churches and monuments in and around Jerusalem
Reads Christian scriptures at a very young age
Killed herself in the arena while fighting wild beasts
Most of Constantine's immediate heirs identified as what kind of Christian?
Which one of the following statements accurately describes the Emperor Julian's view of Christianity?
He revived the traditional Roman religion and campaigned against Christianity
He wanted one church united by one creed under one God for one Empire
He was born a pagan and converted to Christianity as an adult
What is the term for a piece of are in Easter orthodox Churches in which the holiness of the depicted figure (Jesus or a saint) has power to act through the image?
When Christianity spread to the vikings in Northern Europe, according to your textbook, what happened?
Pagan vikings and christian Franks (French) lived peacefully together, with few of each group converting to the other religion
Vikings experienced Baptism and conversion to Christianity as a part if being conquered by the Franks (French)
In large numbers, Vikings willing requested baptism upon learning of the religion
Vikings quickly developed heretical forms of Christianity after encountering the Franks (French)
According to Augustine in the city of God, which of the following statements is a justification for a "just war"?
The economic interests of the state justify war
According to Augustine, there is no such thing as "just" war; all war is unjust
War is just if you kill only soldiers in battle; no using torture, no killing civilians
The injustice of the opponents justifies war
What is the name of the group of Christians who believed that the sacraments (including baptism) of the Catholic Church after Constantine were not legitimate, because church officials had been too lax during the Great persecution?
What was a "libellus" during the Decian persecution?
An arrest warrant for Christians
The book of the emperor's edicts
A set of Bible passages to protect a martyr
A document testifying that a person had sacrificed to the gods
How does the roman governor Pliny say he learned about Christians and decided to arrest them?
The emperor wrote to him to instruct hum ti arrest all Christians in his region
He received anonymous complaints about Christians from residents in his region
A group of christians came to his office and tried to convert him
He witnessed Christian rituals himself and was disrupted by them
According to hus martyrdom, what happens to polycarp's body when he is burned?
It was transformed into a pillar of light
It distinguished immediately and disappears
It's resistant to burning and survive the flames
It smells like bread and incense
How was the "Decian Prosecution" different from the other earlier events that are often "persecutions"?
It was empire-wide, instead of local
It affected only Christians in the city ion Rome
It was not at all well documents
What is the term for a Christian who was arrested by the Roman during a persecution but who was not killed by the Romans?
What does the Emperor Trajan tell Governor Pliny to do about the Christians in his province?
Allow Christians to meet freely in Pliny's region
Execute suspected Christians immediately without offering them a trial or chance to recant
Give Christians a chance to deny they are Christians and to worship the emperor and Roman gods, before executing them
Continue arresting Christians on the basis of anonymous reports and complaints
What was Novatian's opinion as to whether or not people who lapsed during persecution (apostasy) could be forgiven?
No human has the power to forgive subs such as apostasy and murder
On your deathbed, you and your family can forgive even the sin of apostasy
The act of apostasy does not require forgiveness
Only bishops have the power to forgive sins such as apostasy and murder
Which of the following denominations believe in transubstantiation: that the eucharist bread and win becomes the body and the blood of Jesus after the blessing from the priest?
Roman Catholic
Which of the following statements best describes Luther's own view of the role of scripture in Christian, Faith and practice?
The individual's study for scripture in the primary means for understanding religion and God
The authentic meaning of scriptures must be taught to believers by priestsl
The true meaning of scripture is a mystery living Christians cannot decipher alone
Scripture and traditions so hand in hand to shape faith and practice.
Which of the following statements best represents Calvin's view of predestination?
Christian piety and prayer will lead God to give his grace to the virtuous
Through moral and virtuous works, Christians earn grace and salvation from God and join the elect
Grace and damnation are entirely different and random
God already knows who is saved and who is damn, God's grace is visible in the life and heels
According to Dr. Moss, what is the best way to understand the phenomenon often called "persecuted" in early Christianity?
As wide scale, empire-wide persecutions of Christians for their beliefs
As an unhistorical lie created by christians to increase sympathy for them
As local geographically limited persecution of Christians
As local prosecutions of the Roman residents who will not follow imperial laws and traditions about sacrifice
What was the effect of Constantine's rule on Christianity?
Paganism was outlawed and people were required to become Christian.
Christian Churches allied with "orthodox" Christianity received financial, legal and political support from the government
Gladiatorial games and pagan sacrifices were completely outlawed.
All forms of Christianity/ (Gnosticism, Montanism, Donates, etc) were tolerated in his christian empire
Who began the Reformation by posting 95 Theses on indulgences and other Roman Catholic traditions on the doors of Churches in Wittenberg?
Teresa of Avila
True or False: After Constantine, the catholic/Orthodox Church used beatings, the presence of armed soldiers, and the confiscation of property to pressure "heretics" or "schismatics" to join the orthodox/Catholic Church.
Dr. Moss lists a number of problematic consequences when in contemporary America, individuals and groups claim "persecution" if they receive insults or criticisms. Which of the following is NOT a problematic consequence according to Moss?
The claims minimize the real dangers to Christians jailed or killed in other parts of the world
This language demonizes the one's opponents by calling them "persecutors"
The claims are false, since they are about disagreement not persecution
This use of the terms "martyr" and "persecution" leads people to think more about what the terms really mean.
True or False: Groups of early Christians disagreed with each other on what "Christianity" was.
When did Christianity spread to India?
Via catholic missionaries in the 1800s
Via jesus himself during his early adulthood, before the events recorded in the Gospels
Via early Christians from Syria or the Eastern Mediterranean in the first few centuries
What is a catechumen
The person in a church who assists the bishop with church duties
Someone who wants to be christian but has not yet been baptized.
A christian who recanted the faith during persecution
A newly baptized Christian
What was raw population of slaves in the Roman Empire
The vast majority of the population of the Roman Empire (over 75%) was enslaved
Slavery was small and infrequent institution: few people were enslaved
Slavery was widespread with 25%-50% of the population enslaved
The extent of slavery is unknown
What was the religion of the majority of the Roman Empire in the first Century?
Which of the following elements of Christianity does the Acts of Thomas present as most important?
The life and charisma of the person of Jesus
The weekly worship of the Christian community
The scriptures
The afterlife
According to the Didache, how do you know if a traveling teacher who visits your church is an authentic teacher?
He claims to have known the apostles
He claims to be an authentic teacher of the lord's wisdom
His teachings frequently quote scripture
His teachings conform to the teachings in the Didache
According to the Acts of Thomas, to what part of the world did Thomas spread the christian religion?
Why is the town of Nag Hammadi significant?
A number of Gnostic Christians from this town were excommunicated in the 200s
Justin Martyr and Ignatius were martyred in a persecution in this city
A previously unknown collection of Christian writings was found near there
An early Christian bishop from this town preached the first sermon to accuse the jewish people of killing Jesus
What does the Nicene Creed say about the Trinity?
Jesus and God are similar substances, like light from a torch
Jesus and God are one substance, God from God.
God is eternal and Jesus Christ was begotten at a later time to save humanity
Jesus and God are one God and this God only appeared to suffer on the cross
What is the view of Jesus and the Trinity known as Docetism?
The trinity is one unitary god who appears in three modes or masks
Jesus as the Son in the Trinity didn't suffer on the cross; he only "seemed" to suffer
Jesus was virtuous man "adopted" as God's son upon his baptism
The trinity is three persons in the same substance (God).
Valentinians were a group of Gnostics whose main teacher was valentinus What is the primary reason interference
Valentinus was a pagan in disguise
The teachings do not come from scripture the Lord
The cosmology irrational and unphilosophical
The teachings insult the person of Jesus and Maary
What was the council of Nicea?
The first worldwide gathering of bishop to set policy for the church
A local gathering of bishops near Constantinople to advise Constantine
A board of senators who determine what
A schismatic church that refused to admit anyone who had handed over books during the Diocletian persecution
What did Arius say about Trinity?
Christ the Son is not "equal' to get the food
Christ the Son is "equal" to the father but not consubstantial
Christ the Son is neither "equal" or not yet comfortable
Christ the son us both equal and consubsysta Neil
Which of the following terms means "same substance" as a Christ the Son and God the father are the same substances?
What did the group of Christians known as gnostics understand to be the path to salvation?
Knowledge of the true nature of the sac
Faith in Jesus as the resurrected son of the Jewish God
Sacrifice (animal, sacrifices, wine and libations) and prayer to God
Martyrdom is imitation of Jesus Christ
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