What type of school holiday parent are you?

It's the first day of school holidays. You've...
Woken up at 10am and your only plan is to have a 'PJ day' with the kids.
Packed lunch boxes, planned an itinerary and hit the road for a day of fun.
Already longed for school to return four times.
Offloaded the kids to a friend or family member so that you can get some work done.
Your go-to school holiday meal is...
Whatever's cheapest and fastest on Uber Eats!
Fish and chips from the local (picked up by the kids on their bikes, of course!)
A complicated recipe you saw on Pinterest that you've been meaning to try
Whatever your kids choose to buy with the cash you gave their friend's parent when they picked them up for the day
A friend has asked if you want to get the kids together in a few days time. You...
Check your calendar to determine which activity you'd planned that day
Agree without hesitation (parent company is always appreciated!)
Ask whichever friend/relative/carer will have your kids that day
Accept their invite - you'll work out the details later
During the school holidays, your house looks...
Clean one day, disastrous the next (repeat to fade...)
The same as it always does - you're hardly ever there!
Different every time you come home from work
Like a madhouse, and you don't even know who most of the mess belongs to
Your go-to form of childcare on the school holidays is...
Their favourite show or movie!
A school holiday camp or workshop that I booked in advance.
A mix of school holiday care, friends and relatives.
Whoever I can get!
At the end of the school holidays, you feel...
Worn out.
Ready for school to go back.
{"name":"What type of school holiday parent are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"It's the first day of school holidays. You've..., Your go-to school holiday meal is..., A friend has asked if you want to get the kids together in a few days time. You...","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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