The Reformation

A historical scene depicting key figures of the Reformation and Enlightenment, such as Martin Luther, John Locke, and Voltaire, symbolizing the clash of ideas and the pursuit of knowledge in a Renaissance backdrop.

The Reformation: A Journey through Enlightenment

Test your knowledge on the pivotal era of the Reformation and Enlightenment. This quiz covers key philosophers, concepts, and historical events that shaped modern Europe.

  • 83 thought-provoking questions
  • Dive into Enlightenment philosophy
  • Explore the roots of the Reformation
83 Questions21 MinutesCreated by ThinkingTree245
During the Renaissance, research in every field led to advancements that allowed people to understand more fully the world in which they lived. New laws and principles were made, especially in which subject?
The universe
The human body
All of the above
After the Renaissance, there was a period of time during which Europeans ventured into a new subject of study: human nature and natural rights humans have. What was this time period called?
The Enlightenment
The Middle Ages
The Light Age
Which of these was the English Enlightenment philosopher who concluded that human conflict must be a part of human nature and that without protection and intervention from government, mankind would destroy itself?
John Locke
Baron de Montesquieu
Thomas Hobbes
What did Hobbes witness which made him draw such a conclusion?
Horrors of the English Civil War
The overthrowing of the government due to its failure to acknowledge human rights
Neither of the above
Which of these was the English Enlightenment philosopher who viewed people as "clean slates" (neither good or bad) who have already existing human rights and governments for protecting these rights?
John Locke
Jean Jaques Rousseau
TRUE OR FALSE: Locke believed that if a government were to fail, the people have a right to overthrow it.
Which of these was the French philosopher who concluded that humans are born free, pure, and innocent, and that civilization/society corrupts them?
Jean Jaques Rousseau
Baron de Montesquieu
TRUE OR FALSE: Rousseau advised people to completely, blindly trust society and its institutions.
Which of these was the French philosopher who concluded that a "Separation of Powers" should be put in place in order to safeguard human rights (and followed John Locke's definition of such rights)?
Baron de Montesquieu
Thomas Hobbes
Which of these is NOT one of the three branches of government suggested by Baron de Montesquieu in order to separate government power and create a "Balance of Power"
Which of these was the French philosopher/poet/playwright who criticized French absolute monarchy and the control of organized religion?
John Locke
Andreas Vesalius
TRUE OR FALSE: Rousseau's and Voltaire's work both helped motivate the French people to rebel during the French Revolution.
Which of these was NOT one of three changes made before 1500 which set up the perfect conditions for the reformation?
Differences in people
Differences in Europe
Differences in faiths among the people
Differences in the Catholic church
What is the term used to describe a focus on making the most of/developing human life as opposed to the afterlife?
What is the main goal in Christian Humanism/the "Philosophy of Christ"
WWJD ("What Would Jesus Do")
Living life and making decisions the way Jesus might have
Both of the above
What is the definition of a European "nation state"?
The separation of European countries to form independent states
When multiple city states/kingdoms conjoin
Neither of the above
What was the common thread which wove its way through a politically fragmented Europe during the Middle Ages?
Common faith (Roman Catholicism)
Enlightenment philosophy
Neither of the above
TRUE OR FALSE: The church was the most powerful POLITICAL AND RELIGIOUS institution in Medieval Europe.
What lead to a widespread increase of literacy in Europe and around the world? What did that lead to?
Mass printing of the Bible; more people converted to Christianity
Invention of the printing press; less dependence on the clergy for written information
Neither of the above
Who was credited with the development of Christian Humanism?
Desiderius Erasmus
Andreas Vasalius
Nicolaus Copernicus
Which of these was NOT one of the kingdoms which Spain was originally composed of?
Which two royals' marriage led to the conjoining of Spain? Which two kingdoms were they from?
Henry VIII & Catherine; England & Aragon
Isabella & Ferdinand; Castile & Aragon
Neither of the above
Which other events contributed to the conjoining of the Spanish kingdoms? (Select TWO)
Catholic Reformation
French Revolution
What was the relationship between popes and kings during the Middle Ages? During the Renaissance?
POPE : king; POPE : KING
Pope : KING; POPE : king
Neither of the above
What happened to some clergy members as the church gained more power and wealth?
They become known as public figures and are still talked about today
They became worldly (greedy) and lost sight of their initial mission as members of the clergy
Neither of the above
Who was the main person to begin/inspire the reformation of the Catholic church?
Martin Luther
Henry VIII
What did Martin Luther study before becoming a priest? (HINT: He never actually pursued a career in this subject, but he gained skills which would come in handy later in life.)
What skill did Luther gain during his studies of law which became an advantage as he questioned Catholic traditions?
Use of words to craft persuasive arguments
Use of facts to draw reasonable conclusions
Use of texts to analyze the world around him, including the bible
What event in Luther's life supposedly changed his career path (and overall direction in life)? (From law to religion)
Witnessed the death of a dear friend and wished to contact him
Had an epiphany during a near-death experience which made him want to become a priest
Neither of the above; he always wanted to become a priest, even when he studied law
To which place did Luther go in order to train to be a priest?
A monestary
A local cathedral
A seminary
What is the word used to describe the study of religion?
Religious Ideology
What was one piece of knowledge Luther gained through his theological studies? What could he compare this to?
Expertise on the way a church is supposed to run; the then-current condition of the church (not going accordingly with theological practice)
The way Jesus lived his life; the way Europeans lived then and how different it was compared to Jesus' time
Neither of the above
What is commonly known as the requirement for God's forgiveness of sins?
Apology & an act to make up for the sin committed
Going to church and socializing with other members of the faith
Neither of the above
What did the church do that was against its intended purpose?
Sell indulgences (forgiveness of sins) to others in order to gain even more wealth
Have people pay the church in order to "ensure" theirs of their loved ones' ascendence to heaven (which was bogus and guilted ignorant churchgoers into giving money to the church)
Both of the above
Which church was this done by?
St. Peter's Basilica
The Protestant Church
St. Paul's Cathedral
What did Martin Luther think should be done about this?
Have more Bibles printed in order to give one to all members of the church, which would counteract the problem and give people some sort of hope regarding their afterlife
Go directly to God to forgive sins, instead on relying on the church to fix one's problems ("cut out the middle man")
Nothing, he agreed with this practice
What was this Lutheran concept called (faith in God instead of donation to the church)?
Justification by Faith
TRUE OR FALSE: If Luther's ideas were to spread it would affect and potentially reduce the clergy's power.
How many theses/arguments did Luther nail to the door of All Souls Chapel in Wittenburg? What did they contain?
34; his ideas on how the church can take more political control in Europe
86; a plea to be allowed back to the church after being banned as a religious outlaw
95; suggestions dealing with the church's teachings/practices which had become an issue
How were Luther's ideas (which were laid out in the written theses) able to spread rapidly throughout Europe?
Widespread increase of literacy among Europeans
The invention of horse-drawn mail carriers
Through the newly printed newspapers
Why was Luther excommunicated, or banned, from the church in 1521?
He disrespected God within his theses
He refused to stop campaigning his new ideas
Neither of the above
During which meeting did Holy Roman leaders decide to ban Luther?
Diet of Worms
Diet of Milan
Camp David
What ruling was passed which officially made Luther a religious outlaw?
Treaty of Versailles
Edict of Worms
Edict of Milan
Who protected Luther while in hiding?
Frederick of Saxony
Ferdinand of Aragon
Henry VIII
Luther and Frederick translated the Bible from Latin to which of these languages?
What did John Calvin train to do before leading the Calvinist movement?
Both of the above (Lawyer → Priest
What gave Calvin the reputation of a new Protestant leader?
He wrote a book of Protestant thought
He led a protest against the Catholic church during mass
Neither of the above
TRUE OR FALSE: Calvin disagreed with Martin Luther's concept of justification by faith.
Which idea differed Calvin's and Luther's ideas?
The existence of Purgatory
Neither of the above
What is predestination?
The idea that everyone has some sort of purpose in life/a destiny on Earth
The idea that God has predetermined the elect and the reprobate
Neither of the above
What does is mean to be "elect"? What does it mean to be "reprobate"
Destined for heaven; destined for hell
Elected to take God's place; not elected, and thus sent to hell
Neither of the above
Which city did Calvin work to reform in 1536?
What religious law was in place in Geneva before Calvin's reforms?
Theocracy of Geneva
Edict of Geneva
Neither of the above
Essentially, what was prohibited by this theocracy?
Selling indulgences
Killing people
Having any sort of fun
Who was King Henry VIII's first wife?
Anne Boylen
Catherine of Aragon (Spain)
Isabella of Castile (Spain)
What is a dispensation?
The waiving or excusing of a rule
The act of dispensing or throwing away something
Both of the above, but with a historical emphasis on A
Why did Henry need a dispensation from the pope in order to marry Catherine?
Catherine was previously married to Henry's deceased brother, Arthur
There is a biblical law against marrying one's brother's widow
Both of the above
After having a girl, why did Henry wish to have the pope annul (declare invalid) his marriage to Catherine?
Catherine was not of the proper age to give birth
He wanted a boy to become the heir of the throne
Both of the above
Who did Henry wish to marry after his annulment was fulfilled?
Anne Boylen
Isabella of Castile
Elizabeth I
TRUE OR FALSE: Thomas More was known for his intelligence, confidence, and overall mature sense of his own self.
Did Thomas More agree to annul Henry and Catherine's marriage? What happened to him as a result of this decision
No; he was killed and was okay with it due to his confidence that he did the right thing in order to maintain a healthy relationship with God
Yes; he was promoted, which made him happier in the long run during life
Neither of the above
Which archbishop ruled Henry and Catherine's marriage null and void?
Thomas Cranmer
Thomas More
Thomas Hobbes
In 1534, the English parliament finalized the break of the Catholic church in England with the Roman people. During this same year, which act was passed which gave the king (Henry VIII) control of religious affairs and discipline within the clergy?
Tariff Act
Act of Supremecy
Act of Religious Absolutism
TRUE OR FALSE: The king used this new religious power to dissolve monasteries and sell land/possessions
Henry had three more wives after Catherine and Anne. During his third marriage, he had his first and only son, who succeeded him as king at the age of nine. What was his name?
Edward VI
Martin VIII
Ignatius Loyola
TRUE OR FALSE: Edward's rule was fair, well-liked, and did not encounter much opposition.
After Edward, which of Henry's children became the king/queen?
Elizabeth I
Henry Fitzroy
How did Mary receive the nickname of "Bloody Mary"?
She had as many as 300+ Protestants burned as heretics
She was brutally stabbed to death by one of her servants
Neither of the above
What were the Anabapsists opposed to?
Catholic teachings in general
Reformers letting the state play an important role in church affairs
Neither of the above
TRUE OR FALSE: Anabaptists believed that "true" Christian believers are those who have undergone rebirth and been baptized as an adult as well as during childhood. They also believed in a clear difference between church and state
TRUE OR FALSE: Anabaptists DID NOT elect their ministers due to their belief that not everyone is equal.
Were Anabaptists regarded to as proper people of the church of as dangerous, threatening radicals? Were they persecuted by other faiths?
People of the church; no
Radicals; yes
Who founded the Jesuits? Where was he/she from?
Ignatius Loyola of Spain
Isabella of Castile
Elizabeth I of England
What does the term "Jesuit" mean?
"Society of the Pope"
"Society of Jesus"
"Society of the People"
What did Jesuits vow their lives to?
Obedience to the pope
A life of poverty
Both of the above
How did the Jesuits spread their message?
Through education
Through missionaries
Through protests
How did popes seem corrupt at this time?
They became involved in financial/political/military affairs
They tried to be more philanthropic, but always kept any donations for themselves
Neither of the above
Why didn't the Vatican and the Jesuits get along?
The Jesuits tried to hold meetings inside of the Vatican
Power VS. Poor/relatable to people
Neither of the above
Which pope saw a need for change regarding the pope/papal policies?
Pope Francis
Pope Urban II
Pope Paul III
What did Paul III do to fix these problems?
He appointed a Reform Commission to reform the papal policies
He passed new laws prohibiting certain corrupted policies
Neither of the above
Where did a council of clergy members (led by Paul III) meet to reaffirm traditional Catholic teachings and opposition to Protestantism? (HINT: Council of _____ )
As a result of these meetings, what/who possessed supreme power/confidence in Europe?
The church/pope
The king
Neither of the above
TRUE OR FALSE: The Council of Trent came up with punishments for selling indulgences, ending this problem.
{"name":"The Reformation", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on the pivotal era of the Reformation and Enlightenment. This quiz covers key philosophers, concepts, and historical events that shaped modern Europe.83 thought-provoking questionsDive into Enlightenment philosophyExplore the roots of the Reformation","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}
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