Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Mon, 11 Apr 22
[2204.03658] Tommaso Zana, Simona Gallerani, Stefano Carniani et al.: Enhanced star formation in $z\sim6$ quasar companions
[2204.03661] Bao-Minh Hoang, Smadar Naoz, Melodie Sloneker: Binary Natal Kicks in the Galactic Center: X-ray Binaries, Hypervelocity Stars, and Gravitational Waves
[2204.03662] Yanbin Yang, Roger Ianjamasimanana, Francois Hammer et al.: Evidence of ram pressure stripping of WLM, a dwarf galaxy far away from any large host galaxy
[2204.03663] Prantik Sarmah, Sovan Chakraborty, Irene Tamborra et al.: High energy particles from young supernovae: gamma-ray and neutrino connections
[2204.03666] M. Leemker, A. S. Booth, E. F. van Dishoeck et al.: Gas temperature structure across transition disk cavities
[2204.03668] Jonathan Holdship, Jeffrey G. Mangum, Serena Viti et al.: Energizing Star Formation: The Cosmic Ray Ionization Rate in NGC 253 Derived From ALCHEMI Measurements of H$_3$O$^+$ and SO
[2204.03672] Stela Ishitani Silva, Clément Ranc, David P. Bennett et al.: MOA-2020-BLG-135Lb: A New Neptune-class Planet for the Extended MOA-II Exoplanet Microlens Statistical Analysis
[2204.03679] Sofia Covarrubias, Sarah Blunt, Jason J. Wang: N-body Interactions will be Detectable in the HR-8799 System within 5 years with VLTI-GRAVITY
[2204.03681] Piyali Saha, Archana Soam, Tapas Baug et al.: Magnetic fields and young stellar objects in cometary cloud LDN 1616
[2204.03683] Zihao Yang, Hui Tian, Xianyong Bai et al.: Can we detect coronal mass ejections through asymmetries of Sun-as-a-star extreme-ultraviolet spectral line profiles?
[2204.03700] Konstantin Batygin, Alessandro Morbidelli: A Self-Consistent Model for Dust-Gas Coupling in Protoplanetary Disks
[2204.03710] Zeyu Sun, Monica G. Bobra, Xiantong Wang et al.: Predicting Solar Flares Using CNN and LSTM on Two Solar Cycles of Active Region Data
[2204.03716] Lindsey A. Kwok, Marc Williamson, Saurabh W. Jha et al.: Ultraviolet Spectroscopy and TARDIS Models of the Broad-lined Type-Ic Supernova 2014ad
[2204.03723] Mario Soto, Mario A. Sgró, Laura D. Baravalle et al.: Galaxy clustering in the VVV Near-IR Galaxy Catalogue
[2204.03732] Sarah A. Jaeggli, Thomas A. Schad, Lucas A. Tarr et al.: A Model-based Technique for Ad Hoc Correction of Instrumental Polarization in Solar Spectropolarimetry
[2204.03745] Giacomo Fragione, Abraham Loeb, Bence Kocsis et al.: Merger rates of intermediate-mass black hole binaries in nuclear star clusters
[2204.03762] Alejandro Hernandez-Arboleda, Davi C. Rodrigues, Aneta Wojnar: Normalized additional velocity distribution: a fast sample analysis for dark matter or modified gravity models
[2204.03765] R. Carrera, L. Casamiquela, A. Bragaglia et al.: One Star to Tag Them All (OSTTA): I. Radial velocities and chemical abundances for 20 poorly studied open clusters
[2204.03766] Fábio Cruz, Thomas Grismayer, Simon Iteanu et al.: Model of pulsar pair cascades in non uniform electric fields: growth rate, density profile and screening time
[2204.03767] Cheng-Rui Zhu, Ming-Yang Cui, Zi-Qing Xia et al.: GeV antiproton/gamma-ray excesses and the $W$-boson mass anomaly: three faces of $\sim 60-70$ GeV dark matter particle?
[2204.03769] Jose I. Vines, James S. Jenkins: ARIADNE: Measuring accurate and precise stellar parameters through SED fitting
[2204.03814] Andrew L. Miller, Francesca Badaracco, Cristiano Palomba: Distinguishing between dark-matter interactions with gravitational-wave detectors
[2204.03817] Wentao Luo, John D. Silverman, Surhud More et al.: Dark matter halos of luminous AGNs from galaxy-galaxy lensing with the HSC Subaru Strategic Program
[2204.03820] Hai-Liang Chen, Thomas M. Tauris, Xuefei Chen et al.: Investigating the stability of mass transfer in neutron star-helium white dwarf binaries
[2204.03823] Hao-Xuan Gao, Jin-Jun Geng, Lei Hu et al.: Gravitationally Lensed Orphan Afterglows of Gamma-Ray Bursts
[2204.03853] Andrew Chen, Anthony Harness, Peter Melchior: Lightweight starshade position sensing with convolutional neural networks and simulation-based inference
[2204.03859] Rafid Mahbub, Aritra De: Smooth coarse-graining and colored noise dynamics in stochastic inflation
[2204.03868] Francisco Maion, Raul E. Angulo, Matteo Zennaro: Statistics of biased tracers in variance-suppressed simulations
[2204.03922] Sixiang Wen, Peter G. Jonker, Nicholas C. Stone et al.: A Library of Synthetic X-ray Spectra for Fitting Tidal Disruption Events
[2204.03933] Changmin Kim, Young Sun Lee, Timothy C. Beers et al.: Estimation of Nitrogen-to-Iron Abundance Ratios From Low-Resolution Spectra
[2204.03945] R. T. Duffy, C. H. A. Logan, B. J. Maughan et al.: The XXL Survey: XLVIII; X-ray follow-up of distant XXL clusters: Masses, scaling relations and AGN contamination
[2204.03949] Joseph S. W. Lewis, Pierre Ocvirk, Yohan Dubois et al.: DUSTiER (DUST in the Epoch of Reionization): dusty galaxies in cosmological radiation-hydrodynamical simulations of the Epoch of Reionization...
[2204.03979] Philip J. Carter, Sarah T. Stewart: Did Earth eat its leftovers? Impact ejecta as a component of the late veneer
[2204.03986] Guinevere Kauffmann, Claudia Maraston, Johan Comparat et al.: A study of 1000 galaxies with unusually young and massive stars in the SDSS: a search for hidden black holes
[2204.03999] Krsna Dev: On the derivations of the Equation of Hydrostatic Equilibrium
[2204.04019] Zuo-Lin Tu, Qin Wu, Wenbo Wang et al.: Convolutional Neural Networks for Searching Superflares from Pixel-level Data of TESS
[2204.04027] N. Alipour, H. Safari, C. Verbeeck et al.: Automatic detection of small-scale EUV brightenings observed by the Solar Orbiter/EUI
[2204.04077] Qing-Bo Ma, Silvia Fiaschi, Benedetta Ciardi et al.: A CRASH simulation of the contribution of binary stars to the epoch of reionization
[2204.04097] Imad Pasha, Nir Mandelker, Frank C. Van den Bosch et al.: Quenching in Cosmic Sheets: Tracing the Impact of Large Scale Structure Collapse on the Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies
[2204.04103] Spandan Dash, Liton Majumdar, Karen Willacy et al.: Linking atmospheric chemistry of the hot Jupiter HD 209458b to its formation location through infrared transmission and emission spectra
[2204.04115] R. Spiewak, M. Bailes, M. T. Miles et al.: The MeerTime Pulsar Timing Array -- A Census of Emission Properties and Timing Potential
[2204.04121] Renu Malhotra, Takashi Ito: Pluto near the edge of chaos
[2204.04128] Shlomo Dado, Arnon Dar, A. De Rújula: Critical Tests of Leading Gamma Ray Burst Theories II
[2204.04131] Florian Amann, Francesca Badaracco, Riccardo DeSalvo et al.: Tunnel configurations and seismic isolation optimization in underground gravitational wave detectors
[2204.04134] Alan P. Boss: Possible Implications of Relatively High Levels of Initial $^{60}$Fe in Iron Meteorites for the Non-Carbonaceous -- Carbonaceous Meteorite Dichotomy and Solar Nebula Formation
[2204.04150] Francesca Badaracco, Joris V. van Heijningen, Elvis Ferreira et al.: A cryogenic and superconducting inertial sensor for the Lunar Gravitational--Wave Antenna, the Einstein Telescope and Selene-phy...
[2204.04152] Gavin A. L. Coleman, Richard P. Nelson, Amaury H. M. J. Triaud: Dusty circumbinary discs: inner cavity structures and stopping locations of migrating planets
[2204.04167] D. Van der Vlugt, J. A. Hodge, H. S. B. Algera et al.: An ultra-deep multi-band VLA survey of the faint radio sky (COSMOS-XS): New constraints on the cosmic star formation history
[2204.04192] A. Emran, V. F. Chevrier: Discrepancy in Grain Size Estimation of H${}_{2}$O Ice in the Outer Solar System and the Interstellar Medium
[2204.04193] K. M. Hiremath, Manjunath Hegde, K. R. Varsha: Rotation rate of high latitude and near polar coronal holes
[2204.04201] Shang-Min Tsai, Elspeth K. H. Lee, Raymond Pierrehumbert: A Mini-Chemical Scheme with Net Reactions for 3D GCMs I.: Thermochemical Kinetics
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Mon, 11 Apr 22","img":""}
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