Howarts House Quiz

An enchanting image of the Hogwarts castle during twilight, with the four house banners (Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff) subtly in the foreground and magical creatures flying around.

Hogwarts House Quiz

Are you ready to discover which Hogwarts house suits you best? Take our engaging quiz and find out whether you belong to Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff!

Answer a variety of fun questions about your personality, preferences, and magical inclinations!

  • 25 unique questions
  • Multiple choice and checkbox formats
  • Perfect for Potterheads and newcomers alike!
25 Questions6 MinutesCreated by CastingWand472
Which house fo you WANT to be in?
Which do you prefer?
How would you describe yourself?
Which are you?
Extrovert (outgoing)
Introvert (drawn in)
Extrovert with your friends introvert with others.
Introvert with your friends extrovert with others.
How would you like to be know as?
The Great
The Bold
The Good
The Wise
Which would you rather be?
You are walking the hallways when you find a wallet with some credit cards and $100. There is no one in sight and you dont hear anyone down the hall. What do you do?
Keep the cards and money.
Leave it where it is.
Take the money but take the wallet to a teacher.
Take the wallet to a teacher.
Which do you find most difficult to deal with?
Being ignored
Which would you most be excited to learn at Hogwarts?
History of Magic
Dark Arts
Apparition and Disapparition
Ancient Ruins
Care of Magical Creatures
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Hexes and Jinxes
Muggle Studies
Every area of magic you can learn
Which would you most hate for people to call you?
Late at night, walking down the street, you hear a peculiar cry that you believe has a magical source. You:
Proceed with caution, keeping one hand on your hidden wand.
Withdraw into the shadows waiting for further developments, calculating which spells to use just incase.
Draw you wand and stand your ground.
Draw your wand and try to discover the source of the noise.
Which power do you wish you had?
Change your apprearance at will.
Change the past
Speak to animals
Superhuman strength
Read minds
Your friend come back from class with a jinx and can’t tell you want happened. He/she is also refusing to go to the Hospital Wing. What do you do?
Take care of them but insisit they go to Madme Pomfrey
Tell them how they should have avoided getting jinxed but search for the counter-curse.
Figure out who cursed them and take revenge while still taking care of them.
Drag them to the Hospital Wing. They could be serious injured.
You’re locked in a duel with a skilled opponent. They fire an unknown spell at you. You shout...
Protego (shield charm)
Stupefy (stunning spell)
Sectumsempra (cuts opponent)
Expelliarmus (disarming spell)
It’s your fifth year at Hogwarts, and you've just recieved a Howler from your Parents. What for?
Steaking into the Forbidden Forest at night on a dare.
Getting caught cheating on my Charms O.W.L.
Being put into detention after I was caught in the library after hours.
Nothing! I wouldn’t do anything to warrant a Howler.
How would describe your relationship with your friends?
I have very few friends that I would trust my life with.
I tend to be wary around new people, so I don’t make friends often.
I find myself becoming friends with people who can help me succeed.
I love to surround myself with people- the more friends the better.
A student has gone missing at Hogwarts and you were the last person to see him/her. No one seems to fully trust you anymore. What do you do?
Calculate the only possible places as to where they went and tell a teacher.
Try and convince your friends you had nothing to do with it, but just move on with life.
Try and collect a group of friends to help in the staff’s effort to find the student.
Find them on your own not caring how many rules you break.
What skill are you most proud of?
My ability to get what I want.
My ability to absorb new information.
My ability to keep secrets.
My ability to make new friends.
The first Quidditch match of the season is coming up and you can’t wait to get involved. What is your role?
Seeker. I want all the glory.
Chaser. I like to be involved and work as a team.
Beater. I like having all that power.
I’ll be in the crowd, keeping the supporter moral high.
You are on class and your friend is cheating on the test. Would you...
Offer to help them study for the next one.
Tell on them. Cheating is cheating.
Ignore it.
Offer to let them cheat off your test.
Which animagus would you feel best fits you?
The Weasley Twins are making their Wizard Wheeze products. They have put up posters asking for test subjects and are offering money. What do you do?
Offer yourself up as a test subject. Anything to get yourself out of class. And they are offering money...
Tell on them. They could seriously injure someone.
Offer instead your potion skills and to help make the products.
Wait for the products to officially come out. Then you know they are safer.
What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?
Myself, surrounded by riches.
Myself, surrounded by my loving family.
Myself, knowledgable above all.
Myself, experiencing a marvelous adventure.
Which Wizarding treat do you like most?
Fizzing Whizzbees
Bertie Botts Every Flavored Beans
Chocolate Frogs
Pumpkin Juice
Which path do you intend to follow after leaving Hogwarts?
I'd join the Ministry – I want to make a difference in the world.
I think I'd travel for a while before committing to a career.
I'd settle down and start a family as soon as possible!
I'd continue to work hard in order to achieve as much success as possible.
{"name":"Howarts House Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Are you ready to discover which Hogwarts house suits you best? Take our engaging quiz and find out whether you belong to Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff! Answer a variety of fun questions about your personality, preferences, and magical inclinations! 25 unique questions Multiple choice and checkbox formats Perfect for Potterheads and newcomers alike!","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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