Robert & Lola Mae Descendant Information

What is your full name?
If you are married, what is your spouse's full name?
If you are married, what is your wedding date (MM/DD/YYYY)?
If you are married, how did you meet?
If you have children, what are their names and birthdays?
What are some of your talents?
What's something unique about you?
What's a memory of Grandma (Lola Mae Walker) that you have?
What's a memory of Grandpa (Robert Walker) that you have?
For an updated family directory, what is your home address?
For an updated family directory, what is your phone number?
Can you text with your phone?
For an updated family directory, what is your email?
{"name":"Robert & Lola Mae Descendant Information", "url":"","txt":"What is your full name?, If you are married, what is your spouse's full name?, If you are married, what is your wedding date (MM\/DD\/YYYY)?","img":""}
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