Which member of Atropos are you?

When are you born in the year?
First half (January–June)
Second half (July–December)
Which Swedish city do you feel the most connected to?
How long have you been larping?
20 years or more
15 years or more
Seven years or more
Less than six years
How approachable are you?
Relatively approachable. People often raise concerns with me.
Very approachable! Everyone comes to me to vent.
Not approachable. People tend to find me aloof.
People don’t often come to me with their issues. I don’t know why.
Are you easily affected by other people’s opinions?
Yes, especially the opinions of my friends.
Yes, I often worry about what people in general think.
Yes, I am very affected by any opinion that I hear about.
Only if I think they’re right.
When organizing larps, do people remember what you did?
Yes, they often refer to them as my larps.
Yes, I even get credit for larps I didn't work on.
Yes, even though I usually don't interact with players.
No, they often ask me afterwards if I played the larp.
Someone breaks the code of conduct at your event and hurt another player, do you:
Comfort the wronged party and make them feel safe.
Methodically and utterly patient explain to the offender why they are wrong and not welcome back.
Not know about it because you were busy getting the larp to run smoothly.
Not know about it because you were off sleeping after a 48 h long prep shift.
The first time you organised, what were you in charge of? Choose the alternative that fits best.
Food, rituals and workshops.
Story, practical tasks and helping players.
Character writing, historical research, GM-ing and workshops.
Costume design, costume guide and practical tasks
In a functional work team, which of these are you?
The Diplomat in the team, the Dictator outwards.
The Carer
The Creative Chaos and Builder
The Dictator in the team, the Diplomat outwards.
What brings you more joy:
Working with your hands
Drama and tears
Pretty words
Which of these tropes apply to you?
The good girl who tries to do too much.
The broken artist who is clueless when it comes to emotions.
The harsh truth-sayer with the tragic past.
The lonely genius who just wants to be liked.
Which of these is your artistic skill (that is not writing or scenography)?
Graphic Design
Which historical era style do you feel like you look your best in?
Regency era
Which type of music do you prefer?
Pop rock
Where would you like to live?
An apartment in central New York, writing in cafés late at night.
In a modern semi-detached house in a large city, with my closest friends in the same neighbourhood.
A small rustic and strangely shaped house in the woods.
A cabin that is both close to the sea and the city.
{"name":"Which member of Atropos are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"When are you born in the year?, Which Swedish city do you feel the most connected to?, How long have you been larping?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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