Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in gr-qc on Tue, 12 May 20
[2005.04219] Zhen-Ming Xu, Bin Wu, Tao Yang et al.: A new measure of thermal micro-behavior for the AdS black hole
[2005.04222] Julien Grain, Vincent Vennin: Unavoidable shear from quantum fluctuations in contracting cosmologies
[2005.04443] Alessandro Fabbri, Roberto Balbinot: Ramp-up of Hawking radiation in BEC analogue black holes
[2005.04515] Renan B. Magalhães, Luiz C. S. Leite, Luís C. B. Crispino: Schwarzschild-like black holes: Light-like trajectories and massless scalar absorption
[2005.04547] Alexander M. Grant, Éanna É. Flanagan: A class of conserved currents for linearized gravity in the Kerr spacetime
[2005.04550] Miguel Cruz, Fernando Izaurieta, Samuel Lepe: Non-zero torsion and late cosmology
[2005.04659] Xiaokai He, Naqing Xie: Quasi-local energy and Oppenheimer-Snyder collapse
[2005.04677] M. Nouri-Zonoz, A. Nouri-Zonoz: Stationary analogs of de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spacetimes: Evidence in favor of $Λ$ as a dark fluid
[2005.04693] Aurélien Barrau: A pure general relativistic non-singular bouncing origin for the Universe
[2005.04747] José Edgar Madriz Aguilar, J. Zamarripa, M. Montes et al.: Extending $Λ(t)-$CDM to the inflationary epoch using dynamical foliations from 5D geometrical vacuum as a unifiying mechanism
[2005.04752] Bakhtiyor Narzilloev, Javlon Rayimbaev, Ahmadjon Abdujabbarov et al.: Charged particle motion around non-singular black holes in conformal gravity in the presence of external magnetic field
[2005.04770] Andrea Giusti, Valerio Faraoni: Quasilocal mass in scalar-tensor gravity: spherical symmetry
[2005.05130] Lokesh Mishra: Theories of Massive Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions
[2005.05183] Gaurav Narain, Hai-Qing Zhang: Cosmic evolution in novel-Gauss Bonnet Gravity
[2005.05258] Antonio Ferreiro, Jose Navarro-Salas: Running gravitational couplings, decoupling, and curved spacetime renormalization
[2005.05299] Kimet Jusufi, Mubasher Jamil, Tao Zhu: Shadows of Sgr A$^*$ Black Hole Surrounded by Superfluid Dark Matter Halo
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in gr-qc on Tue, 12 May 20","img":""}
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