Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in nucl-ex on Fri, 11 Feb 22
[2202.04776] T. Ishikawa, A. Fix, H. Fujimura et al.: Coherent photoproduction of the neutral pion and eta meson on the deuteron at incident energies below 1.15 GeV
[2202.05000] T. V. Chuvilskaya: Experimental study of the relative probability of high-spin isomeric states population in ($α$,n)-reactions
[2202.05055] Annika Thiel, Farah Afzal, Yannick Wunderlich: Light Baryon Spectroscopy
[2202.05070] Changbo Fu, Guoqiang Zhang, Yugang Ma: New Opportunities in Femto-to-Nanometer Scale with High-Intensity Lasers
[2202.05075] Karsten Riisager: Beta decay of halo nuclei
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in nucl-ex on Fri, 11 Feb 22","img":""}
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