Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-ph on Tue, 30 Nov 21
[2111.13709] Nicolas Fernandez, Yonatan Kahn, Jessie Shelton: Freeze-in, glaciation, and UV sensitivity from light mediators
[2111.13711] Yoav Afik, Shaouly Bar-Shalom, Kuntal Pal et al.: Multi-lepton probes of new physics and lepton-universality in top-quark interactions
[2111.13722] McKenzie Myers, Theo Cooper, MacKenzie Warren et al.: Neutrino flavor mixing with moments
[2111.13724] Gino Isidori, Julie Pagès, Felix Wilsch: Flavour alignment of New Physics in light of the $(g-2)_μ$ anomaly
[2111.13731] Soeren Schlichting, Ismail Soudi: Splitting rates in QCD plasmas from a non-perturbative determination of the momentum broadening kernel $C(q_{\bot})$
[2111.13732] Luiz L. Lopes, Carline Biesdorf, Débora P. Menezes: Hypermassive quark cores
[2111.13821] Ri-Qing Qian, Qi Huang, Xiang Liu: The induced $Λ\barΛ$ and $Ξ^-\barΞ^+$ decay modes of the $Y(4220)$ as a vector charmonium
[2111.13842] Qian Zhao, Liang Tang, Feng Wan et al.: Signatures of linear Breit-Wheeler pair production in polarized $γγ$ collisions
[2111.13893] M. C. Rodriguez: The Masses of Gauge Bosons and Scalars at $SU(3)_{C}\otimes SU(2)_{L}\otimes U(1)_{Y^{\prime}}\otimes U(1)_{B-L}$ gauge model with non-identical right-handed neutrinos
[2111.13897] Shuang-Hong Li, Ze-Sheng Chen, Hong-Ying Jin et al.: mass of $1^{-+}$ fourqurk-hyrbird mixed states
[2111.13916] Dimitri Colferai: Is BFKL factorization valid for Mueller-Tang jets?
[2111.13917] Ze-Yang Zhang, Xu-Chang Zheng, Xing-Gang Wu: Production of the $B_c$ meson at the CEPC
[2111.14028] Zejian Zhuang, Ying Zhang, Yuanzhuo Ma et al.: The lineshape of the compact fully heavy tetraquark
[2111.14111] Peng-Yu Niu, Qian Wang, Qiang Zhao: Study of heavy quark conserving weak decays in the quark model
[2111.14116] Sebastian Grieninger, Sergio Morales-Tejera: Far from equilibrium Chiral Magnetic Effect in Strong Magnetic Fields from Holography
[2111.14130] Ming-Ming Long, Ren-You Zhang, Wen-Gan Ma et al.: Master integrals for mixed QCD-QED corrections to charged-current Drell-Yan production of a massive charged lepton
[2111.14172] Ming-Ming Long, Ren-You Zhang, Wen-Gan Ma et al.: Two-loop master integrals for the single top production associated with $W$ boson
[2111.14178] Yang Li, Meijian Li, James P. Vary: Two-photon transitions of charmonia on the light front
[2111.14184] Jadeep Datta, Bana Singh, S. Uma Sankar: Neutrino Oscillation parameter determination at INO-ICAL using track and hit information from GEANT
[2111.14195] Anirban Kundu, Poulami Mondal, Palash B. Pal: Custodial symmetry, the Georgi-Machacek model, and other scalar extensions
[2111.14265] Vittorio Del Duca, Robin Marzucca, Bram Verbeek: The gluon Regge trajectory at three loops from planar Yang-Mills theory
[2111.14286] Jayita Lahiri: Analyzing polarized boosted top from stop decay at high luminosity and high energy LHC
[2111.14298] W. Yang: Handedness Correlation from Quark Polarization
[2111.14336] Hai-Xing Lin, Pedro Pasquini, Jian Tang et al.: Non-minimal Lorentz invariance violation in light of muon anomalous magnetic moment and long-baseline neutrino oscillation data
[2111.14418] Oleg Andreev: On the $QQ\bar q\bar q$-Quark Potential in String Models
[2111.14429] Koji Ishiwata, Eiichiro Komatsu, Ippei Obata: Axion-Gauge Field Dynamics with Backreaction
[2111.14440] Angel Gómez Nicola, Jacobo Ruiz de Elvira, Andrea Vioque-Rodríguez: Chiral Symmetry Restoration, Thermal Resonances and the $U(1)_A$ symmetry
[2111.14472] Qin Qin, Chao Wang, Di Wang et al.: The factorization-assisted topological-amplitude approach and its applications
[2111.14503] Jens O. Andersen, Magdalena Eriksson, Anders Tranberg: Stochastic inflation from quantum field theory and the parametric dependence of the effective noise amplitude
[2111.14509] Stefano Camarda, Leandro Cieri, Giancarlo Ferrera: Fiducial perturbative power corrections within the q$_{\bf T}$ subtraction formalism
[2111.14567] S. A. Yost, M. Dittrich, S. Jadach et al.: New Developments in KKMChh: Quark-Level Exponentiated Radiative Corrections and Semi-analytical Results
[2111.14571] K. G. Chetyrkin, A. G. Grozin: Correlators of heavy-light quark currents in HQET: OPE at three loops
[2111.14586] Bhavesh Chauhan, Basudeb Dasgupta, Amol Dighe: Large Energy Singles at JUNO from Atmospheric Neutrinos and Dark Matter
[2111.14589] Yue Shi Lai, James Mulligan, Mateusz Płoskoń et al.: The information content of jet quenching and machine learning assisted observable design
[2111.14670] Arnd Behring: Mixed QCD-electroweak corrections to $Z$ and $W$ boson production and their impact on the $W$ mass measurements at the LHC
[2111.14701] V. V. Vien: Fermion mass hierarchies and mixings in a $B-L$ model with $D_4\times Z_4\times Z_2$ symmetry
[2111.14719] Srubabati Goswami, Vishnudath K. N., Ananya Mukherjee et al.: Leptogenesis and eV scale sterile neutrino
[2111.14750] J. Bonilla, I. Brivio, M.B. Gavela et al.: One-loop corrections to ALP couplings
[2111.14760] Lingxiao Wang, Shuzhe Shi, Kai Zhou: Reconstructing spectral functions via automatic differentiation
[2111.14768] Paul Caucal, Alba Soto-Ontoso, Adam Takacs: Dynamically groomed jet radius in heavy-ion collisions
[2111.14788] Ibrahim Chahrour, James D. Wells: Function Approximation for High-Energy Physics: Comparing Machine Learning and Interpolation Methods
[2111.14808] Benedetta Belfatto, Dario Buttazzo, Christian Gross et al.: Dark Matter abundance via thermal decays and leptoquark mediators
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Tue, 30 Nov 21","img":""}
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