How much of a heartless bastard are you quiz

Your has broke his arm what do you do
Feel sorry for him and comfort him
Feel a little bad
Laugh to yourself
Make fun of him for the rest of his life post him on the internet to make fun of him
An old lady is crossing the street what do you do
Help her
Feel bad, but ignore it
Laugh it her
Push her and post a picture of her online
You find a little boy lost and crying what do you do
Help him out
Call someone to help him
Ignore him
Make fun of him and tormate him
Do you like making fun of people
No I would never do that
Usually I don't do that, but sometimes I do that hey nobody is perfect
Yeah its funny
Hell yeah in fact I like to put pain and misery on others
You see a homeless man he has no home what do you do
Give him 100 dollars with food
Give him a bit of change and move on your day
Tell him to get a job
Burn him with gasoline and post a video of him dying on the internet
You found out your grandpa died what do you do
Cry for days
Feel really sad
Feel a little sad I mean you I didn't care that much about him
Laugh and celebrate always hated that loser
You see a stray dog what do you do
Help it give it shelter
Give it some food
I don't give a shit
Stomp on it what its funny
You see a handicap kid at your school what do you do
Be his friend
Ignore him
Make fun of him
Push him down the stairs leading him his death
Have you committed crimes before
No! I wouldn't do such a thing
Once or twice I will not do that again
Yeah I have committed some crimes I dont give a shit though
Hell yeah I have in fact I have killed people
Your at a hospital you see an old lady dying what do you do
Give her flowers
Ignore her
Laugh at her and post a picture of her on the internet
Pull the plug and post a video of it lol
You see a kid getting bullied what do you do
Stand up
Tell an adult or feel bad and walk away
Join in and pick on him
Pick on him and after school beat him to death after school LMAO
Are people afraid of you
No people love me because I protect them
Some kids at my school are
Hell yeah everyone is including my family I put pain on others everyone is scared of me
You see a man crying what do you do
Comfort him
Feel sorry for him but ignore him
Post pictures of him crying because its funny and beat him to death with rocks
Your friends dog had died what do you do
Feel really bad for him and comfort him
Feel bad for him but I don't want to get in the way
I really don't give a flying fuck
Ha ha I killed it and shows his dogs corpse to him and make fun of him
Your Friend's mother died what do you do
Comfort him
Feel very bad for him
I really don't give a shit
Make fun of him what a loser
Your bully has cancer what do you do
Cry and cry and help him
Feel sad even though he was an asshole to you
Karma's a bitch
Make fun of him and mock him when he dies
Your grandma gives you something that you dont like what do you do
Thank you grandma your the best
Uhhh thanks and make a fake smile
Thats it fuck you you didn't give me shit
Scream and swear at her and slit her throat
Do you like violence in movies and video games
No it bothers me
I like it,but I would never kill anyone in real life
Not only do I like it ,but I love violence in real life
I love violence in video games and movies and im violent in real life
What do you do in your spare time
Feed the homeless
Play video games watch movies or read a book
Internet trolling time
Kill people and laugh at dying people and put pain on toddlers and little kids because its funny
What is your goal
To save the world
Get a job or make a difference
Troll the internet
Conquer the weak slavery and world domination
{"name":"How much of a heartless bastard are you quiz", "url":"","txt":"your has broke his arm what do you do, an old lady is crossing the street what do you do, You find a little boy lost and crying what do you do","img":""}
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