
175. Which of the following is a granulocyte?
σ� Thrombocyte
σ� Lymphocyte
σ� Eosinophil
σ� Monocyte
176. Which of the following is NOT a term used for a neutrophil?
σ� Polymorphonuclear neutrophils
σ� Poly's
σ� PMN
σ� NP
σ� Polymorph
177. Which leukocyte has a multi-lobed (3-5 lobes) nucleus?
σ� Neutrophil
σ� Lymphocytes
σ� Monocytes
σ� Eosinophil
σ� Basophils
178. Which cell has large blue granules, often obscuring the nucleus
σ� Neutrophil
σ� Lymphocytes
σ� Monocytes
σ� Eosinophil
σ� Basophils
179. Which of the following is not considered a "formed element"?
σ� Plasma
σ� Erythrocytes
σ� Platelets
σ� Leukocytes
σ� Red blood cells
180. Which of the following is the most abundant in a peripheral smear of blood?
σ� Neutrophils
σ� Basophils
σ� Erythrocytes
σ� Leukocytes
σ� Platelets
181. Which leukocyte is the least abundant in a peripheral smear of blood
σ� Lymphocytes
σ� Basophils
σ� Neutrophil
σ� Monocytes
σ� Eosinophils
182. Which of the following is not a granulocyte?
σ� PMN
σ� Basophils
σ� Neutrophil
σ� Monocytes
σ� Eosinophils
183. Which of the following is a granulocyte?
σ� Thrombocyte
σ� Monocyte
σ� Lymphocyte
σ� Basophil
σ� Erythrocyte
184. Which of the following is described as having a "central pallor"?
σ� Leukocytes
σ� Monocytes
σ� Eosinophils
σ� Platelets
σ� Erythrocytes
185. Which is the smallest leukocyte?
σ� Neutrophil
σ� Lymphocytes
σ� Monocytes
σ� Eosinophil
σ� Basophils
186. Which leukocyte usually has a bi-lobed nucleus?
σ� Neutrophil
σ� Lymphocytes
σ� Monocytes
σ� Eosinophil
σ� Basophils
187. What is the buffy coat?
σ� Leukocytes
σ� Platelets
σ� Erythrocytes
σ� Plasma
σ� Leukocytes and Platelets
188. What is another term for a platelet?
σ� Thrombocyte
σ� Monocyte
σ� Lymphocyte
σ� Basophil
σ� Erythrocyte
189. What is the connective tissue covering of a muscle fascicle?
σ� Sarcolemma
σ� Endomysium
σ� Epimysium
σ� Sarcoplasm
σ� Perimysium
190. What is actin?
σ� Myofilament
σ� Myosin
σ� Muscle fibers
σ� Myofibrils
σ� Myocardium
191. Which of the following is composed of smooth muscle?
σ� Upper esophagus
σ� Heart
σ� Tongue
σ� Biceps muscle
σ� Walls of the visceral organs
192. What is a receptor in muscle?
σ� Motor unit
σ� Motor neuron
σ� Motor end plate
σ� Neuromuscular spindle
σ� Neurotransmitter
193. Which fiber type is larger in diameter?
σ� Red fibers
σ� White fibers
σ� Intermediate fibers
σ� All of the above
σ� None of the above
194. Which fiber type is make up fast-twitch muscle
σ� Red fibers
σ� White fibers
σ� Intermediate fibers
σ� All of the above
σ� None of the above
195. Which fiber type has more myoglobin?
σ� Red fibers
σ� White fibers
σ� Intermediate fibers
σ� All of the above
σ� None of the above
196. Which fiber type gets its energy primarily from glycogen?
σ� Red fibers
σ� White fibers
σ� Intermediate fibers
σ� All of the above
σ� None of the above
197. Which fiber type is seen in skeletal muscle?
σ� Red fibers
σ� White fibers
σ� Intermediate fibers
σ� All of the above
σ� None of the above
198. What is line that bisects the dark band in muscle
σ� A band
σ� I band
σ� Z line
σ� H band
σ� M line
199. What is the outer connective tissue covering of a muscle?
σ� Epimysium
σ� Sarcoplasm
σ� Perimysium
σ� Sarcolemma
σ� Endomysium
200. What is myosin?
σ� Muscle fibers
σ� Myofibrils
σ� Myocardium
σ� Myofilament
σ� Muscle cell
201. Where is cardiac muscle found
σ� Myofilaments
σ� Myosin
σ� Muscle fibers
σ� Myofibrils
σ� Myocardium
202. What type of muscle has visible cross striations
σ� Skeletal muscle
σ� Cardiac muscle
σ� Smooth muscle
σ� Skeletal muscle and Cardiac muscle
σ� Skeletal muscle, Cardiac muscle and Smooth muscle
203. What type of muscle is specialized for contraction?
σ� Skeletal muscle
σ� Cardiac muscle
σ� Smooth muscle
σ� Skeletal muscle and Cardiac muscle
σ� Skeletal muscle, Cardiac muscle and Smooth muscle
204. What is released at a synapse?
σ� Motor unit
σ� Motor neuron
σ� Motor end plate
σ� Neuromuscular spindle
σ� Neurotransmitter
205. Which fiber type is more resistant to fatigue?
σ� Red fibers
σ� White fibers
σ� Intermediate fibers
σ� All of the above
σ� None of the above
206. What region is made of thin filaments
σ� A band
σ� I band
σ� Z line
σ� H band
σ� M line
207. On a cross section of a muscle, how many thin filaments surround each thick filament?
σ� 2
σ� 3
σ� 4
σ� 6
σ� 8
208. What is the plasma membrane of a muscle cell called?
σ� Endomysium
σ� Sarcolemma
σ� Sarcoplasm
σ� Perimysium
σ� Epimysium
209. What are the thin filaments?
σ� Myocardium
σ� Myofibrils
σ� Myofilaments
σ� Muscle fibers
σ� Myosin
210. Which of the following is composed of skeletal muscle?
σ� Tongue
σ� Blood vessel
σ� Walls of the visceral organs
σ� Lower esophagus
σ� Heart
211. What type of muscle is composed of spindle shaped cells?
σ� Skeletal muscle
σ� Cardiac muscle
σ� Smooth muscle
σ� Skeletal muscle and Cardiac muscle
σ� Skeletal muscle, Cardiac muscle and Smooth muscle
212. What type of muscle is always multinucleated
σ� Skeletal muscle
σ� Cardiac muscle
σ� Smooth muscle
σ� Skeletal muscle and Cardiac muscle
σ� Skeletal muscle, Cardiac muscle and Smooth muscle
213. Which fiber type is smaller in diameter?
σ� Red fibers
σ� White fibers
σ� Intermediate fibers
σ� All of the above
σ� None of the above
214. Which fiber type fatigues more readily?
σ� Red fibers
σ� White fibers
σ� Intermediate fibers
σ� All of the above
σ� None of the above
215. What is line that bisects the light band in muscle?
σ� A band
σ� I band
σ� Z line
σ� H band
σ� M line
216. What is the name of the tissue which surrounds muscle fascicles
σ� Perimysium
σ� Periosteum
σ� Perichondrium
σ� Perineurium
σ� Endosteum
217. What is the covering of an individual muscle fiber?
σ� Sarcoplasm
σ� Perimysium
σ� Endomysium
σ� Epimysium
σ� Sarcolemma
218. What are the thick filaments composed of?
σ� Myofilaments
σ� Myosin
σ� Muscle fibers
σ� Myofibrils
σ� Myocardium
219. Which of the following is composed of cardiac muscle?
σ� Biceps muscle
σ� Tongue
σ� Heart
σ� Upper esophagus
σ� Walls of the visceral organs
220. What type of muscle contains centrally placed nuclei?
σ� Smooth muscle
σ� Cardiac muscle
σ� Skeletal muscle
σ� Smooth muscle, Cardiac muscle
σ� Smooth muscle, Cardiac muscle and Skeletal muscle
221. What is the point that a neuron contacts a muscle called?
σ� Motor unit
σ� Motor neuron
σ� Motor end plate
σ� Neuromuscular spindle
σ� Neurotransmitter
222. Which fiber type makes up slow-twitch muscle?
σ� Red fibers
σ� White fibers
σ� Intermediate fibers
σ� All of the above
σ� None of the above
223. Which fiber type uses more anaerobic metabolism?
σ� Red fibers
σ� White fibers
σ� Intermediate fibers
σ� All of the above
σ� None of the above
224. What is the dark band in muscle?
σ� A band
σ� I band
σ� Z line
σ� H band
σ� M line
225. What bisects the H band
σ� A band
σ� I band
σ� Z line
σ� E band
σ� M line
226. What type of muscle has intercalated discs
σ� Skeletal muscle
σ� Cardiac muscle
σ� Smooth muscle
σ� Skeletal muscle, Cardiac muscle
227. What are the supporting cells in the central nervous system called?
σ� Schwann cells
σ� Basket cells
σ� Ganglion
σ� Neuroglia
σ� Satellite cells
228. Which of the following is an element of the peripheral nervous system?
σ� Receptors
σ� Brachial plexus
σ� Ganglia
σ� Sciatic nerve
σ� All of the above
229. What are most neurons in the body?
σ� Unipolar
σ� Pseudounipolar
σ� Bipolar
σ� Multipolar
σ� Unipolar, Pseudounipolar
230. What is the cell body of a neuron called?
σ� Ganglion
σ� Perikaryon
σ� Astrocyte
σ� Nissl
σ� Terminal bouton
231. Which cell is a macrophage found in the central nervous system?
σ� Kupffer cells
σ� Histiocyte
σ� Dust cell
σ� Langerhans cell
σ� Microglia
232. Which type of neuron is multipolar?
σ� Motor neurons
σ� Interneurons
σ� Sensory neurons
σ� Motor neurons and Interneurons
σ� All of the above
233. What provides tensile strength to a neuron?
σ� Meninges
σ� Myelinated nerve fibers
σ� Cell bodies
σ� Nodes of Ranvier
σ� Neurofilaments
234. Which meninx is made of a delicate web like connective tissue?
σ� Dura mater
σ� Arachnoid
σ� Pia mater
σ� Dura mater and Arachnoid
σ� All of the above
235. What are the conglomerations of gray matter deep within the cerebrum and cerebellum called?
σ� Tracts
σ� Islets
σ� Soma
σ� Cortex
σ� Nuclei
236. Which of the following is involved in the blood brain barrier?
σ� Astrocytes
σ� Ependymal cells
σ� Oligodendrocytes
σ� Microglia
σ� Schwann cells
237. Which of the following forms myelin in the peripheral nervous system?
σ� Schwann cells
σ� Basket cells
σ� Ganglion
σ� Neuroglia
σ� Satellite cells
238. Which of the following is an element of the central nervous system
σ� Receptors
σ� Brachial plexus
σ� Sciatic nerve
σ� Ganglia
σ� Spinal cord
239. What are motor neurons?
σ� Unipolar
σ� Pseudounipolar
σ� Bipolar
σ� Multipolar
σ� Unipolar and Pseudounipolar
240. What is a collection of cell bodies outside the CNS called
σ� Ganglion
σ� Perikaryon
σ� Astrocyte
σ� Nissl
σ� Terminal bouton
241. What is tissue which surrounds a nerve fascicle
σ� Perimysium
σ� Periosteum
σ� Perichondrium
σ� Perineurium
σ� Endosteum
242. The colloquialism "gray matter" refers to somebody using his intellect or reasoning ability. In reality, what is gray matter?
σ� Meninges
σ� Myelinated nerve fibers
σ� Cell bodies
σ� Nodes of Ranvier
σ� Neurofilaments
243. Where is the cerebrospinal fluid?
σ� Between the dura mater and bone
σ� Subdural space
σ� Subarachnoid space
σ� Between the pia mater and brain
σ� None of the above
244. Which of the following are considered to be part of the meninges
σ� Dura mater
σ� Arachnoid
σ� Pia mater
σ� Both a and c
σ� All of the above
245. What is the outer gray matter of the brain called
σ� Tracts
σ� Islets
σ� Soma
σ� Cortex
σ� Nuclei
246. Which of the following is the most abundant neuroglia cell
σ� Astrocytes
σ� Ependymal cells
σ� Oligodendrocytes
σ� Microglia
σ� Schwann cells
247. Which of the following is a supporting cell found in the ganglia
σ� Schwann cells
σ� Basket cells
σ� Ganglion
σ� Neuroglia
σ� Satellite cells
248. Which of the following is an element of the central nervous system?
σ� Receptors
σ� Brachial plexus
σ� Brain
σ� Ganglia
σ� Sciatic nerve
249. What are interneurons?
σ� Unipolar
σ� Pseudounipolar
σ� Bipolar
σ� Multipolar
σ� Both a and b
250. Which of the following is supporting cell of the central nervous
σ� Ganglion
σ� Perikaryon
σ� Astrocyte
σ� Nissl
σ� Terminal bouton
251. What are the gaps that occur within the myelin sheath
σ� Meninges
σ� Myelinated nerve fibers
σ� Cell bodies
σ� Nodes of Ranvier
σ� Neurofilaments
252. What is the dura mater composed of?
σ� Loose irregular connective tissue
σ� Dense irregular connective tissue
σ� Dense regular connective tissue
σ� Simple squamous epithelium
σ� Nervous tissue
253. Where is gray matter?
σ� Outer surface of the cerebrum and cerebellum
σ� Outer surface of the spinal cord
σ� Inner portion of the spinal cord
σ� Outer surface of the cerebrum and cerebellum and Outer surface of the spinal cord
σ� Outer surface of the cerebrum and cerebellum and Inner portion of the spinal cord
254. What surrounds a nerve?
σ� Neurium
σ� Perineurium
σ� Epineurium
σ� Endoneurium
σ� None of the above
255. Which of the following lines the ventricles?
σ� Astrocytes
σ� Ependymal cells
σ� Oligodendrocytes
σ� Microglia
256. What is a collection of nerve cell bodies outside of the central nervous system called?
σ� Schwann cells
σ� Basket cells
σ� Ganglion
σ� Neuroglia
σ� Satellite cells
257. What are sensory neurons?
σ� Unipolar
σ� Pseudounipolar
σ� Bipolar
σ� Multipolar
σ� Unipolar and Pseudounipolar
258. What is the end of an axon called?
σ� Ganglion
σ� Perikaryon
σ� Astrocyte
σ� Nissl
σ� Terminal bouton
259. What is the connective tissue covering around the brain and spinal cord?
σ� Dura mater
σ� Arachnoid
σ� Pia mater
σ� Both a and b
σ� All of the above
261. What is a group of fibers traveling together
σ� Tracts
σ� Islets
σ� Soma
σ� Cortex
σ� Nuclei
260. Which meninge is made of a dense irregular connective tissue?
σ� Dura mater
σ� Arachnoid
σ� Pia mater
σ� Both a and b
σ� All of the above
262. Where is white matter
σ� Outer surface of the cerebrum and cerebellum
σ� Outer surface of the spinal cord
σ� Inner portion of the brain
σ� Outer surface of the cerebrum and cerebellum and Outer surface of the spinal cord
σ� Outer surface of the spinal cord and Inner portion of the brain
263. Which of the following forms myelin in the central nervous system
σ� Astrocytes
σ� Ependymal cells
σ� Oligodendrocytes
σ� Microglia
σ� Schwann cells
264. What is the primary component of myelin?
σ� Amino acids
σ� Protein
σ� Carbohydrate
σ� Lipid
σ� Both b and c Amino acids, Protein,Carbohydrate
{"name":"His3", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"175. Which of the following is a granulocyte?, 176. Which of the following is NOT a term used for a neutrophil?, 177. Which leukocyte has a multi-lobed (3-5 lobes) nucleus?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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