Progress Test Lesson 20

A vibrant classroom with students engaged in learning Ukrainian, featuring posters with verbs and vocabulary on the walls.

Ukrainian Language Progress Test

Welcome to the Progress Test for Lesson 20! This quiz is designed to help you reinforce your understanding of Ukrainian verbs, vocabulary, and translations.

Test your skills with the following:

  • Verb conjugation
  • Translation challenges
  • Multiple choice questions
20 Questions5 MinutesCreated by LearningLion47
пиѝати-пиѝав (напишіть ці форми дієѝлова через дефіѝ)
керувати авто-керував
ламати-зламав (розбив)
TRANSLATE Де ѝ можу купити морозиво?
Що ми можемо робити у ѝуботу?
Не запрошуй Джона на вечірку!
Not invite John to the party!
Don't invite John to the party!
Він- такий диванний критик!
He's such an armchair critic!
He's an arm chair critic!
Чекати ззовні багатоквартирного будинку
Wait out-side apartment building
Wait outside apartment building
A/some/any There's__________________big board on the classroom wall (у відповіді впишіть лише a/some/any)
A/some/any There aren't__________________computers in the music room
A/some/any Are there________________students in the lab?
A/some/any There are_______________magazines on the table.
A/some/any There aren't ________ books on the desk
{"name":"Progress Test Lesson 20", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to the Progress Test for Lesson 20! This quiz is designed to help you reinforce your understanding of Ukrainian verbs, vocabulary, and translations.Test your skills with the following:Verb conjugationTranslation challengesMultiple choice questions","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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