Levels of Attraction

Are they head over heels for you? Do they see you as just a friend? Or is it time to start looking in a new direction?
I designed this quiz to determine if your crush is interested. At the end, you'll get better insight into your crush's level of attraction, and more importantly, receive a profile of yourself, including what your next steps are after learning if they're into you!
Are they head over heels for you? Do they see you as just a friend? Or is it time to start looking in a new direction?
I designed this quiz to determine if your crush is interested. At the end, you'll get better insight into your crush's level of attraction, and more importantly, receive a profile of yourself, including what your next steps are after learning if they're into you!
When they see you out at a bar, party, or other social event, how do they react?
They don’t usually notice you.
They usually make eye contact and smile.
They look at you, smile, and then immediately start up a conversation.
It's "hit and miss" - Sometimes they makes eye contact, other times they don’t
They acknowledge you by giving you a nod, or a casual "hey.", like with everyone else at the event
How often do you guys talk?
You've never had a conversation yet. You actually tried once, but it seems like he didn't hear what you were saying.
You've had a few flirty conversations, with a good balance of questions from him and you.
You've had many conversations but they're mostly about friendly things, nothing flirty.
Too many to count. Flirty, romantic, and frequent. Initiated by you and initiated by them (via texting, in-person, and on social media)
They’ve approached you a few times to start up a conversation but other times they act aloof and you go unnoticed.
On a scale of 1-5, how much do you think they like you?
I like them a lot, but I honestly don't believe they like me. I have a feeling they like one of my friends.
I'm about 80% sure they like me.
I am honestly not sure. Some days they act like they like me, other days they don't. I'm 50/50.
I do believe they like hanging out with me, but maybe more like a sibling or a buddy. Not totally sure if they feel a romantic connection.
I strongly believe they like me a lot.
How do they make When they look at you, what is behind their expression?you feel when you’re around them?
Great. It's fun to have a crush who seems interested in me.
Totally comfortable, but sometimes maybe a little too comfortable.
Like a million dollars. I feel confident and beautiful.
Sometimes amazing, sometimes not. They’re so hard to read!
So far it's been pretty discouraging, we either haven't had a conversation or I feel like they’re avoiding me.
When they look at you, what is behind their expression?
I don't really see much.
They look comfortable and relaxed.
Sometimes their expression says they’re interested, other times they look disinterested.
They look at me intently, with a look of genuine affection. When I have a moment of humiliation or make a mistake, they look at me even more affectionately.
They seem intrigued and excited.
What best describes their interaction with your group of friends?
They’ve been hanging around us a bit lately, and other times they’re hanging around with another group of people.
They make an active effort to talk to my friends lately, especially when I'm around.
They are already a part of my group of friends and have been forever. Nothing has changed.
They aren't a part of my group and have never interacted with my group.
They’ve always talked to my friends and told them how awesome I am.
Has he ever asked you on a romantic date or activity?
We've been out with our group of friends but it has never been them setting it up.
No. I wish!
Yes, we went on a group date once but I haven't been able to read them since.
Yes. They’ve asked me on a romantic date.
Just recently. We are going on an individual or group date sometime in the next two weeks.
What does their body language look like when they’re near you?
They stand tall and stiff, with an open body, a smile, and usually their feet and legs are pointed toward me.
What body language? I can never seem to find them.
They lean in and look like a puppy dog, and seem to hang onto every word I say.
The same as it looks with all their other friends.
Sometimes they smile, with an open body and excited facial expressions, and other times they’re slouching and seem disinterested.
Have they added you on their social media?
Yes, they added me to Tik Tok, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter. We also text and call each other.
Yes, they recently added me to one social media site, the one their most active on.
We've been connected on social media forever.
Yes, we like each other's content, too.
What statement best describes how much they know about your life?
They know everything because we grew up together. They don’t really ask me questions about what's happening today though.
They have asked some important things about me, and have remembered a few key facts (like my birthday, details about my family, or what I do in my free time).
They know everything because we've had conversations about my life, my friends, my job, and my family forever. I know everything about them, too.
They know absolutely nothing and haven't tried to change that.
Sometimes they seem super interested, sometimes it's like they couldn't care less.
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