
Please enter your name:
What is the minimum length we require for a secure password?
4 characters
6 characters
8 characters
10 characters
What should I do when I get an unexpected popup saying I have a virus?
Contact IT immediately
Attempt to close the page/popup
Restart my PC
Ignore it
If the IRS needs to contact you, they will:
Text you asking for a phone call
Email you a link to their website
Add you on Facebook
Mail you a bill
Vishing is
Video phising: fishing for info through programs like Skype
Voice phishing: fishing for info over the phone
Variable phishing: fishing for info through a variety of methods
Version phishing: fishing for info based on different versions of software
What types of businesses are targeted by hackers?
All types of businesses
It is best practice to have:
Many complex passwords that I update regularly
1 easy to remember password I use on every website
Many complex passwords so I never have to change them
A password based on information about me
I got an unexpected email from a customer we haven't contacted in almost 2 years. They are urgently asking that I update the quote we sent them, which they have attached as a Word document called "Quote.docx".
Immediately open the document, as it is important.
Forward the email to IT
Scan the document for viruses before opening it, just in case.
Open the document, and contact IT if anything seems off about it.
Someone calls from Xerox asking for the model number of the copier down the hall.
Put them on hold for a moment as you get the info from the copier.
Politely tell them you aren't in charge of printers and transfer them to the IT department.
Confirm they know basic company info about us before getting them the information they request.
Hang up on them.
{"name":"Security", "url":"","txt":"Please enter your name:, What is the minimum length we require for a secure password?, What should I do when I get an unexpected popup saying I have a virus?","img":""}
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