US History

The Articles of Confederation were fully ratified and became effective:
In 1776.
In 1789.
Because most people wanted a strong central government
The treaty with Britain that ended the Revolutionary War:
Imposed war damages on the British.
recognized American independence.
gave Florida to the United States.
Gave America a claim to Newfoundland.
Protected the rights of Loyalists.
Which of the following provided most of the money raised by the Continental Congress for the Revolution?
requisitions from the states
new issues of paper money
Direct taxes on the American people
Contributions from patriotic citizens
Loans from foreign countries
Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress:
Would elect the president.
Shared power with a Supreme Court.
Was largely a debating society with no clear areas of authority.
Combined legislative and executive power.
was superior to the various state governments.
Because of associations with the British, the Revolution was especially detrimental to the status of the:
The news of Yorktown inspired the British to:
End the war.
Replace their commanders.
recruit more soldiers.
replace George III.
Sign a peace treaty with France.
Americans won a tremendous victory in October 1777 with the surrender of ________ at Saratoga.
Lord Cornwallis
Banastre Tarleton
Benedict Arnold
Lord Howe
Johnny Burgoyne
In 1777, Washington dealt with the threat of smallpox to his army by:
Sending most of his soldiers home. .
ordering a mass inoculation
Providing his soldiers with clean quarters and healthy food.
Placing his camp under quarantine.
Asking for a halt in the fighting.
In August 1776, General Washington had 28,000 men under his command. By December, he had:
Immediately after the end of the Revolution, the most popular public ritual in the United States became:
Washington’s birthday.
Independence Day.
Lexington and Concord.
On the western frontier, Indian tribes such as the Mohawks, Shawnees, and Cherokees:
Fled further west to escape the fighting.
attacked frontier settlements in Virginia and the Carolinas.
Switched sides constantly.
Stayed neutral.
Supported the Americans.
Which of the following was NOT a power of the national government under the Articles of Confederation?
the right to levy taxes on trade and commerce
Control of government in the western territories
Authority to coin money, run a postal service, and direct Indian affairs
authority to settle disputes between states
full authority over foreign affairs
During the war, Tories:
probably outnumbered Patriots.
Generally lived at peace with their Whig neighbors.
Refused to take prisoners.
came from all classes of society.
controlled large areas for an extended time.
Which of the following was NOT true of the expedition against Canada in 1775–1776?
It resulted in an important American victory and set the tone for the coming campaign.
It was led in part by General Benedict Arnold.
Its main goal was the expulsion of Indian tribes in the area.
It made Americans see the long-term nature of their struggle.
Smallpox was perhaps their greatest adversary on that campaign.
When the British attacked New York in late August 1776:
The American army was fortunate to escape.
Washington learned the superiority of the militia to regular troops.
Washington ambushed and routed them.
The Americans received French reinforcements just in time.
Washington met them with a larger, more experienced force.
The war in the South was characterized by:
Killing of prisoners by both sides.
Massive use of slave soldiers by the Americans.
conventional military tactics.
Massive civilian casualties.
An unbroken series of British victories.
The most complete American victory of the Revolution took place at:
Guilford Courthouse.
Bunker (Breeds) Hill.
. Saratoga.
The state militia units that made up the initial American military force and later came to augment the Continental army:
Provided the most seasoned troops of the war because of their past experience fighting the Indians.
often seemed to appear at crucial moments and then evaporate.
Frequently mutinied and joined the British.
Generally refused to ambush the British or to engage in hand-to-hand combat.
were highly successful as organized units, even though they refused to wear uniforms.
The Revolution did all of the following, EXCEPT:
encourage greater participation in politics.
Establish American independence.
Foster a spirit of social equality.
limit opportunities to acquire land in the West.
Lower property requirements for the vote.
The American victory at Yorktown would have been impossible without:
British incompetence. .
Divine intervention.
Superior weapons.
Favorable weather.
French assistance.
The peace treaty was signed in:
Thomas Paine’s The American Crisis:
Bolstered American morale.
stated the impossibility of beating the British.
blamed Congress for the army’s defeats.
Urged Congress to make Washington a temporary dictator.
supplied Washington with battle plans.
The Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom marked the general trend away from:
public prayer.
state-supported churches.
belief in God.
religious diversity.
Most of the state constitutions adopted during the Revolution:
Contained bills of rights.
granted universal manhood suffrage.
Gave governors extensive powers.
were rejected by Congress.
abolished slavery.
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