
Did kids go to school
If wealthy boys would go but girls would stay home
What rights did women have
Women had no rights
They had alot of rights
What did the children do all day
Children were expected to work around the house and girls were tought to cook and do other chores
They didnt have to do anything
Did the greeks keep pets
Yes mostly dogs and other working animals
No they had no pets
What did the greeks drink
Water mostly goat milk and alchohol for celebrations
Where did the olympics take place
In the greek city-state of olympia
In athens
What did the winner get
They got a wreath of laurel leaves about the head
They got a trophy
The games were held in honor of which god
They were held in honor of zeus
They were held in honor of apollo
How often were the games held
They were held every four years
They were held every eight years
What were the greek olympics
Athletic contests that each state would send their best athletes to compete
They were a competition between two people
Which city-states had democracy
Several had democracy for government famous was athens
Every city state had democracy
Who was an athenian sitizen
Only men born in athens could be sitizens
A human born in athens was a sitizen
Which city-states were oligarchies
Most city-states were but most was sparta
All city states were
Who ruled the many city-states
There was no one government. Each city-state had its own type of government
Sparta ruled
Who or what were the Greek gods
The Greeks had many gods, half gods, and beings with special or godlike powers
A regular sitizan was a god
What or who is an oracle
An oracle is a wise women able to see the future
A glass ball
Is mount olympis a real place
Yes it is the highest point in geece
No it is not
Who were the most important gods
Zeus and gods related to zeus
Where did the other Greek gods and magical beings live
They believed that they lived in the heavens on earth and underneath earth
Only in the heavans
What king led the Spartans in their famous suicidal stand against Xerxes' Persian army
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