What Inanimate Insanity Contestant are You?

Do you call the stuff on Paintbrush's head "hair" or "bristles"?
Ice Cream Cones are INFAMOUS for being dropped. What's your Ultimate Ice Cream Cone Dropping Prevention Plan? (Pick the one that Best Applies)
GLUE THE CONE TO MY HAND! Even if something tries to knock it out, it'll stay on! The scoop may fall off, but I'll always have what's inside!
TWO ice cream cones! Two! One in each hand, and I've got to end up with at least some ice cream by the end
I'm more of the frozen yogurt type, and everyone knows froyo is like a yo-yo (it's undroppable)
Just? Eat it out of a dish instead?? Duh???
What's your favorite type of shoe?
Opinion on Candy Corn?
Did you notice that I put slacks as a type of shoes, when in fact they're a type of pants?
I mean yeah it's hard to miss
I wasn't really paying attention
It occurs to me how little I know about either pants or shoes
What's your main hobby?
I just like to read
Watching shows!
Sitting around and feeling Bad
Do you like sweet knife tricks?
I'm unnerved by knives
Another Actually II Related Question: Who's your favorite Mephone? (If you don't really like any of them, pick by visual design)
MePhone 3GS
Mephone 4S
Mephone 5
Mephone 5S & 5C
Mephone 6 & 6+
MePhone 7 & 7+
Do you like plushies?
Of course!! Who doesn't?
They're for kids.
I'm not a fan of them, but folks can enjoy what they like, I guess?
I'm pretty neutral, but I do have a favorite that holds a lot of memories.... Just the one, though.
What's your ideal pet!
Aquatic Critter!
My ideal pet is A Pokemon.
Do you find yourself angered often?
Not really! I'm honestly more sad
I don't WANT to anger easily, but it's hard not to around here
?? Is everyone else okay?
What's the closest to your opinion on tomatoes?
I really enjoy them!! In all forms!
I like them ground up, like into sauce or whatever and put on something else, but I wouldn't eat a whole tomato.
I just. Take Chomps out of full tomatoes sometimes, like it's an apple. It's super messy.
Ketchup is literally the only acceptable form of tomatoes.
If I was a villain, I'd make it my mission to extinct the entire tomato crop is how much I dislike tomatoes.
Do you consider yourself high standardy?
Nah, I'm kinda chill with whatever!
Only for myself
I do have high standards, but they're not unreasonable. I just like things to be a certain way
How many blankets do you like to have?
A lot of blankets, just a LOT of blankets. Cozy.
It really depends on the season, but I have a reasonable amount? One or two?
I mostly just have a sheet and a duvet, sometimes just a sheet.
I Do Not Sleep. Why Does It Matter.
What does "Waughter" mean
Water Daughter
Waluigi Daughter
Both, clearly
Were you kinda sad that MePad wasn't an option before, when I asked who your favorite was?
Yeah!! I like him a lot, actually!
Nah, there were enough options as-is.
I don't feel anything for him, sir.
You didn't add MePhone 4. Why would I care about MePad.
Do you tend to see the glass as Half Empty or Half Full?
Half Full! You've got so much left to drink!
Half empty. Everything's ending soon, isn't it?
Okay but wouldn't half a glass spill all the drink on the table, half a glass isn't viable
What's your ideal "look"? Clothes wise, specifically!
Just something with a TON of bright colors!! Yellows, sky blues, rose pinks, maybe even neon orange! I wanna look like a paint truck crashed into a person
I wanna be fancy? Suits, or expensive dresses. A bowtie collection? Lots of earrings?? I want to be taken seriously! I want to look like I came out of an old movie except I know how a smartphone works!
There's a certain clothing culture I enjoy. Punk? Goth? Lolita? My favorite is my FAVORITE, I wanna EMBODY it! I wanna look like I came from an alt fashion instagram page!
I tend to follow the current trends, and I don't want that changing! I want my hair dyed in whatever looks Good, the person who wrote this didn't know enough about current trends and didn't wanna date this.. I wanna look like something from someone's Insp tag!
Do you tend to be early to things or late?
Early! Almost to a fault!! It's annoying when I'm left sitting around, waiting for everyone else to arrive, but you don't know what traffics' gonna be like!!
Late? Not that I want to be! I just lose track of time, and so I always seem to be running to places! Bleh!!
On time, actually. I pay attention to what time it is, but really don't. Worry too much?
What? We had something today?? I completely missed it!!!
Are you actually answering truthfully, or just picking what's the funniest?
I'm answering truthfully.
I'm here for fun, I do what I want, yo (and I've been just clicking the funniest ones to see what happens)
I'm answering truthfully this time, but next time I'm totally going with funniest
Do you like doing dishes?
Ghgmgmmgm wother.... Wa anmr.................
No! Tedious!! I have better things to do!
Eugfhghgh the food left on the plates is GROSS and so I am not a big fan
Oh I completely zone out when I do dishes! I don't have many thoughts on it because of this
Do you tend to collect little bits and bobs?
Absolutely! Anything, really, too!! Half of a computer mouse I found on the side of the road? Yoink! I don't really have a purpose for these things.
Only things that are helpful to my craft! If I sew, maybe it's buttons!! If I play Tabletop RPGs, maybe it's dice.. They just draw me in!
I only like my nicknacks purchased, sometimes little figures of my favorite characters, or pom-poms on keychains.. They don't need a purpose, but they DO need to be pretty.
I don't really collect, but I do have trouble.. Getting rid of things. I keep old books, you know. And have trouble getting rid of my drawings from when I was a kid..
Surprisingly? I'm not really too attached to material things! If things are useful, that's good. I decorate my space to a degree but! It's not super important to me.
What season's aesthetic do you prefer? Temperature tolerance nonexistent, what would you just love to Look At forever?
Summer is so bright! With the sun so close, everything is illuminated so much, not to mention the deeper green all the plants have now... Beaches, storms, wow.
Autumn. When you've heard one person talk about leaves, you've heard them all, but it's a cozy kind of month! There's crunching, and pumpkins, and COLORS! Wow, my dude!
Winter!! It's nice and calm. White snow, translucent icicles, some brown from the trees to set it apart... Goodness. Also snowfolks are really cute!
Spring. Baby animals, bright green EVERYTHING, flowers in bloom!! Seeing the world come to life? Amazing.
Thank you for coming this far!! This is the last question!!! What one (1) skill do you most want above all the other options?
The ability to play a musical instrument! I want to be able to make my own tunes! Play others' tunes!! TUNES!
Speak another language! Talking to others is super important to me, and I'd love to be able to talk to as many people as possible!
Computer programming? Seems useful, seems fun! Or, really tedious. Maybe I'll make a video game? :0
To sew or some other craft thing! Maybe cross stitch, or crochet, or even just General Art? I wanna CREATE! I wanna be able to create in a LOT of different ways!
{"name":"What Inanimate Insanity Contestant are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Do you call the stuff on Paintbrush's head \"hair\" or \"bristles\", What's your Ultimate Ice Cream Cone Dropping Prevention Plan?, What's your favorite type of shoe?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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