Your name? (DON'T TAKE THE QUIZ TWICE!!!!)
What is my first memory?
Holding a balloon at the zoo
Looking into a pond with fish
Walking through Disney World
Watching TV and playing with my stuffed panda
Falling in a furniture store
My mom reading a book
What is something my parents never did for me when I was little?
Give me stuffed animals
Let me play with the computer
Buy me a cake every month
Buy bouncy balls in the vending machine
Read me a bedtime story
Give me a kiss before I went to bed
What are the reasons why my parents decided I should go to Silver Trail and not Pines Charter?
Pines Charter is farther from where I live
The staff at Pines Charter was very rude when they went on a tour there
The students at Pines Charter said the school was very strict
I didn't win the lottery to get into Pines Charter
Silver Trail looked nicer
My parents accidentally signed me up for Silver Trail instead of Pines Charter
Which historic American Girl doll do I have?
Nazwiesz trzech moich piątych kuzynów.
Jason del Rosario
Justo Tolentino
Merlinda Salvador
Andrea Kristina Amarille
Eric Joseph San Miguel
Jasmine Dahab
What was the first Royal Diaries Book I read?
Elizabeth I
Marie Antoinette
Catherine the Great
Why did my 3rd grade teacher give me a C on the last project of the year?
I turned it in late
My handwriting was too small
I colored over the letters and you couldn't see what I wrote
I didn't outline the letters
I didn't include enough information
I didn't decorate it enough
Why did my 3rd grade teacher get mad at me while we were doing a barn project?
I was being too bossy to my group
I was talking while the other groups were presenting
I cursed during the presentation
I spilled water on her
I kept on bragging that my group was the best
I was crying too much
Who's my least favorite teacher ever, and why?
My 4th grade teacher because she was racist to me since I'm not black
My 8th grade math teacher because she embarrassed me in front of the whole class
My 7th grade science teacher because she accused me of stealing someone's phone, but I didn't
My 2nd grade teacher because she made fun of how fat I was
My 6th grade English teacher because I got C's every quarter since she never taught anything
My 5th grade teacher because she always screamed at me for doing the smallest things
What was the first Marina song I ever listened to and who introduced me to it?
Numb; my best friend
Teen Idle; my Internet friend
Hollywood; one of my classmates
Froot; I found it myself
Immortal; I heard it at a store
How to be a Heartbreaker; my mom
What was my favorite song in 6th grade?
Blank Space by Taylor Swift
Perfect by Ed Sheeran
Team by Lorde
To be Human by Marina
Salvatore by Lana Del Rey
Goodness Gracious by Ellie Goulding
What did I drink after my 1st surgery?
Water from the hospital
Milk from my house
Iced coffee from Einstein's Bagels
Coke from a vending machine
Frappe from Starbucks
Tea from the gas station
What are 4 things I've stolen?
A ring from Walmart
My Little Pony dog tags
A stuffed animal
Earrings from Cracker Barrel
A butterfly necklace from Brighton
Sunglasses from Oakley
Why did I steal those things?
Because I'm a kleptomaniac
Because no one was in the area and I thought, "Hey why not just steal something?"
Because I thought those pieces of jewelry would look nice on me
Because I was pretending I had a boyfriend and I stole those things to make it seem like he bought it for me
Because I thought they were free
Because my mom told me
What are 2 things on my bucket list?
Go to every continent except for Antarctica
Go on a plane
Own my own boat
Learn how to speak Tagalog
Go to every state in the US
Drive a race car
What are the 3 states I've been to, not including Florida?
North Dakota
New Jersey
New York
Here's a freebie: What's my ethnicity?
1/2 Peruvian, 1/2 Thai
1/2 Polish, 1/2 Japanese
1/2 Filipino, 1/2 Colombian
1/2 Filipino, 1/2 Polish
1/2 Chinese, 1/2 Czech
1/2 Russian, 1/2 Malaysian
Never have I ever...
Cried because of a boy
Turned in an assignment late
Been on a boat
Accidentally stabbed myself with a strawberry carton
Went trick or treating
Had a major surgery
Which of these statements is false?
I used to be a model for the Miami Fashion Board
I took singing classes
I took acting classes and met Adrian R'Mante and Phill Lewis
I met Kenny Anderson at Dunkin Donuts
I never played Club Penguin
I used to have a membership for Animal Jam
{"name":"AP FINAL ON ANGELINA", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Your name? (DON'T TAKE THE QUIZ TWICE!!!!), What is my first memory?, What is something my parents never did for me when I was little?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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