Photography for Dummies Quiz 3

What is shutter speed?
The speed that the shutter mechanism makes
The time that it takes the shutter to go up and down
The time that the shutter remains open
The time that the sensor is covered by the shutter
What is the curtain like mechanism that exposes light onto the sensor called?
Blinder mechanism
Sensor mechanism
Exposure mechanism
Shutter mechanism
What does a fast shutter speed do?
Create motion blur
Freeze motion
Make a loud noise
Correctly expose your image
What does a slow shutter do?
Create motion blur
Freeze motion
Make a loud noise
Correctly expose your image
How is shutter speed typically presented when it's less than 1 second? Pick the most correct answer
As a decimal
As a fraction
In letters
As Roman numerals
As a fraction of a second
If you change your shutter from 1/100s to 1/25s you have...
Increased the shutter speed
Decreased the shutter speed
More information required
Neither increased or decreased the shutter speed
It's a very bright day outside and you want to take photos, do you use a slow shutter speed?
Yes, a slow shutter is best for this situation
No, a slow shutter is not ideal
more information required
How does E-Shutter work?
E shutter works by using ISO
E shutter works by turning the sensor on and off
E shutter works by using a mechanical device
E shutter works by shifting the sensor
How is E shutter different to a Mechanical shutter ?
E shutter has physical limitations
E shutter has no moving parts
E shutter has moving parts
Mechanical shutter has no moving parts
Mechanical shutter is faster than E shutter
{"name":"Photography for Dummies Quiz 3", "url":"","txt":"What is shutter speed?, What is the curtain like mechanism that exposes light onto the sensor called?, What does a fast shutter speed do?","img":""}
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