Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 3 Mar 21
[2103.01227] Sheridan B. Green, Frank C. Van den Bosch, Fangzhou Jiang: The tidal evolution of dark matter substructure -- II. The impact of artificial disruption on subhalo mass functions and radial profiles
[2103.01229] Shu-Fan Chen, Hayden Lee, Cora Dvorkin: Precise and Accurate Cosmology with CMBxLSS Power Spectra and Bispectra
[2103.01231] Jan D. Burger, Jesús Zavala: SN-driven mechanism of cusp-core transformation: an appraisal
[2103.01233] Michał Pawlak: Connection between the Long Secondary Period phenomenon and the red giant evolution
[2103.01236] Haochang Jiang, Chris W. Ormel: Survival of ALMA Rings in the Absence of Pressure Maxima
[2103.01239] Brianna Zawadzki, Daniel Carrera, Eric Ford: Rapid Formation of Super-Earths Around Low-Mass Stars
[2103.01245] Jeremy Meinke, Kathrin Böckmann, Seth Cohen et al.: The Thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect from Massive, Quiescent 0.5 $\leq$ z $\leq$ 1.5 Galaxies
[2103.01246] Larissa A. Nofi, Christopher M. Johns-Krull, Ricardo López-Valdivia et al.: Projected Rotational Velocities and Fundamental Properties of Low-Mass Pre-Main Sequence Stars in the Taurus-Auriga Star ...
[2103.01247] Alex McDaniel, Tesla Jeltema, Stefano Profumo: X-Ray Shapes of Elliptical Galaxies and Implications for Self-Interacting Dark Matter
[2103.01260] Xin Ren, Thomas Hong Tsun Wong, Yi-Fu Cai et al.: Data-driven Reconstruction of the Late-time Cosmic Acceleration with f(T) Gravity
[2103.01274] Christopher G. Tully, Gemma Zhang: Multi-Messenger Astrophysics with the Cosmic Neutrino Background
[2103.01277] Marcelo C. Vicentin, Pablo Araya-Araya, Laerte Sodré Jr. Et al.: The environment of QSO triplets at 1 $\lesssim$ z $\lesssim$ 1.5
[2103.01295] M. Bhardwaj, B. M. Gaensler, V. M. Kaspi et al.: A nearby repeating fast radio burst in the direction of M81
[2103.01316] Zsolt Sándor, Zsolt Regály: Increased isolation mass for pebble accreting planetary cores in pressure maxima of protoplanetary discs
[2103.01317] Paula Benaglia, Santiago del Palacio, Christopher Hales et al.: High-sensitivity radio study of the non-thermal stellar bow shock EB27
[2103.01318] Celia Escamilla-Rivera: A dynamical dark energy solution to Hubble-Lemaître tension in the light of the multimessenger era
[2103.01336] Takashi J. Moriya, Ke-Jung Chen, Kimihiko Nakajima et al.: Observational properties of a general relativistic instability supernova from a primordial supermassive star
[2103.01367] D. Anish Roshi, N. Aponte, E. Araya et al.: The Future Of The Arecibo Observatory: The Next Generation Arecibo Telescope
[2103.01373] A. Ćiprijanović, D. Kafkes, K. Downey et al.: DeepMerge II: Building Robust Deep Learning Algorithms for Merging Galaxy Identification Across Domains
[2103.01388] Yutaka Ohira: The Biermann battery driven by a streaming plasma
[2103.01410] Chenliang Huang, David R. Rice, Zachary M. Grande et al.: Implications of an improved water equation of state for water-rich planets
[2103.01424] Wen-Yong Kang, Jun-Xian Wang, Zhen-Yi Cai et al.: More variable quasars have stronger emission lines
[2103.01431] Longqi Wang, Jing Jin, Lu Liu et al.: A Method for Pulsar Searching: Combining a Two-dimensional Autocorrelation Profile Map and a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
[2103.01446] Shin'ichiro Ando, Koji Ishiwata: Sommerfeld-enhanced dark matter searches with dwarf spheroidal galaxies
[2103.01459] Themiya Nanayakkara, James Esdaile, Karl Glazebrook et al.: Massive High-Redshift Quiescent Galaxies With JWST
[2103.01469] I. V. Moskalenko, A. A. Andrianov, A. V. Bytenko et al.: Proton-induced activation cross sections in the energy range below 1 GeV
[2103.01504] Jean-Luc Margot, Donald B. Campbell, Jon D. Giorgini et al.: Spin state and moment of inertia of Venus
[2103.01505] Y. I. Izotov, N. G. Guseva, K. J. Fricke et al.: Low-redshift compact star-forming galaxies as analogues of high-redshift star-forming galaxies
[2103.01514] Y. I. Izotov, G. Worseck, D. Schaerer et al.: Lyman continuum leakage from low-mass galaxies with Mstar < 1.E8 Msun
[2103.01522] Mutsumi Minoguchi, Atsushi J. Nishizawa, Tsutomu T. Takeuchi et al.: Dynamical Evolution of Voids with Surrounding Gravitational Tidal Field
[2103.01536] Hector Socas-Navarro, Jacob Haqq-Misra, Jason T. Wright et al.: Concepts for future missions to search for technosignatures
[2103.01557] Kwan-Lok Li, Y. X. Jane Yap, Chung Yue Hui et al.: Revealing a New Black Widow Binary 4FGL J0336.0+7502
[2103.01571] David Figueruelo, Miguel Aparicio Resco, Florencia A. Teppa Pannia et al.: J-PAS: Forecasts for dark matter - dark energy elastic couplings
[2103.01579] Maarten Baes, Peter Camps: The dynamical structure of broken power-law and double power-law models for dark matter haloes
[2103.01583] Ryohko Ishikawa, Javier Trujillo Bueno, Tanausu del Pino Aleman et al.: Mapping Solar Magnetic Fields from the Photosphere to the Base of the Corona
[2103.01586] Wolfgang Kastaun, Frank Ohme: Numerical Inside View of Hypermassive Remnant Models for GW170817
[2103.01601] A. Owens, J. Tennyson, S. N. Yurchenko: ExoMol line lists -- XLI. High-temperature molecular line lists for the alkali metal hydroxides KOH and NaOH
[2103.01610] Hiroshi Kondo, Kazuki Tokuda, Kazuyuki Muraoka et al.: ALMA Observations of Giant Molecular Clouds in M33 III: Spatially Resolved Features of the Star-Formation Inactive Million-solar-mass Cloud
[2103.01631] Áron Süli: Statistics of collision parameters computed from 2D simulations
[2103.01635] José Miguel Rodriguez Espinosa, J. Miguel Mas-Hesse, Rosa Calvi: Is the Bremer Deep Field ionised, at z~7?
[2103.01641] J. McGinn, C. Messenger, I.S. Heng et al.: Generalised gravitational burst generation with Generative Adversarial Networks
[2103.01643] Katsuya T. Abe, Hiroyuki Tashiro: Population III star explosions and Planck 2018 data
[2103.01656] Rosario López, Angels Riera, Robert Estalella et al.: A survey of IRAS young stellar object candidates. Searching for large-scale Herbig-Haro objects
[2103.01657] Robert Reischke, Victor Bosca, Tim Tugendhat et al.: Testing modified (Horndeski) gravity by combining intrinsic galaxyalignments with cosmic shear
[2103.01699] Y. R. Cochetti, M. L. Arias, M. Kraus et al.: Intriguing detection of $^{12}$CO molecular emission in a classical Be star
[2103.01707] Lauri Siltala, Mikael Granvik: Mass and Density of Asteroid (16) Psyche
[2103.01733] Cosmin Stachie, Michael W. Coughlin, Tim Dietrich et al.: Perfect is the enemy of good enough: predicting electromagnetic counterparts using low-latency, gravitational-wave data products
[2103.01741] Bradley Munson, Emmanouil Chatzopoulos, Juhan Frank et al.: R Coronae Borealis Star Evolution: Simulating 3D Merger Events to 1D Stellar Evolution Including Large Scale Nucleosynthesis
[2103.01747] Paul A. Canton, Kurtis A. Williams, Mukremin Kilic et al.: The White Dwarfs of the Old, Solar Metallicity Open Star Cluster Messier 67: Properties and Progenitors
[2103.01753] J. Nevalainen, I. Valtchahov, R. D. Saxton et al.: Accuracy of the recovered flux of extended sources obscured by bad pixels in the central EPIC FOV
[2103.01787] A. M. W. Mitchell, G. P. Rowell, S. Celli et al.: Using Interstellar Clouds to Search for Galactic PeVatrons: Gamma-ray Signatures from Supernova Remnants
[2103.01793] Olivier Mousis, Artyom Aguichine, Alexis Bouquet et al.: Cold traps of hypervolatiles in the protosolar nebula at the origin of comet C/2016 R2 (PanSTARRS)'s peculiar composition
[2103.01794] Mahmood Roshan, Indranil Banik, Neda Ghafourian et al.: Barred spiral galaxies in modified gravity
[2103.01796] Linfeng Xiao, Andre A. Costa, Bin Wang: Forecasts on Interacting Dark Energy from 21-cm Angular Power Spectrum with BINGO and SKA observations
[2103.01797] Pooja Pareek, Akhilesh Nautiyal: Reheating constraints on K-inflation
[2103.01814] Yiwei Bao, Yang Chen: On the hard $γ$-ray spectrum of the supernova remnant G106.3$+$2.7
[2103.01820] N. I. Shakura, D. A. Kolesnikov, K. A. Postnov: On the nature of the 35-day cycle in HZ Her/Her X-1
[2103.01832] Robert J. Scherrer: Does inhomogeneous big bang nucleosynthesis produce an inhomogeneous element distribution today?
[2103.01839] Jumei Yao, Weiwei Zhu, Richard N. Manchester et al.: The first evidence for three-dimensional spin-velocity alignment in pulsars
[2103.01865] Daniela Galdeano, Luis Pereyra, Fernanda Duplancic et al.: Overdensity of VVV galaxies behind the Galactic bulge
[2103.01881] Lauren Rhodes, Rob Fender, David R.A. Williams et al.: An early peak in the radio light curve of short-duration Gamma-Ray Burst 200826A
[2103.01884] Shenghua Yu, Youjun Lu, C. Simon Jeffery: Orbital Evolution of Neutron-Star -- White-Dwarf Binaries by Roche-Lobe Overflow and Gravitational Wave Radiation
[2103.01896] Weicheng Zang, Cheongho Han, Iona Kondo et al.: An Earth-mass Planet in a Time of Covid-19: KMT-2020-BLG-0414Lb
[2103.01900] G. Gogaberishvili, Z.N. Osmanov, S.M. Mahajan: Synchrotron emission from a nearby zone of SgrA$^*$
[2103.01923] Tao Yang: Gravitational-Wave Detector Networks: Standard Sirens on Cosmology and Modified Gravity Theory
[2103.01930] Kamsali Nagaraja, Praveen Kumar Basuvaraj, S. C. Chakravarty et al.: Solar wind-driven day-to-day effects on the Martian thermosphere/exosphere composition
[2103.01943] Serena Banfi, Franco Vazza, Claudio Gheller: On the alignment of haloes, filaments and magnetic fields in the simulated cosmic web
[2103.01952] A. Pagul, F. J. Sánchez, I. Davidzon et al.: Hubble Frontier Field Clusters and their Parallel Fields: Photometric and Photometric Redshift Catalogs
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 3 Mar 21","img":""}
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