Quarterly Quiz Q2 2018 - APAC_OneSEA & India

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Welcome to our Quarterly Quiz!
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App Links / Universal Links
What are some of the consequences of NOT using Universal Links? (Multiple correct answers)
A user who has the app installed would be asked if they want to open in app. The conversion can get lost if they don’t
A user who has the app installed would be asked if they want to open in app. The conversion will be counted whether they do or not open in app
A user who doesn’t have the app installed would be redirected to the advertiser’s mobile website. The conversion will be counted
A user who doesn’t have the app installed would receive an error message. The conversion is lost
What are App Links? (Multiple correct answers)
App Links are HTTP URLs that enable the App to launch when users clicks on the link, if the App is installed
App Links are HTTL URLs that enable the App to Launch whether or not the App is installed
App Links are HTTP URLs that will give Users a pop up for them to choose if they would like to Launch the App or open their browser when the link is clicked
App Links are HTTP URLs that enable Users to be redirected to the website with no errors, if the App is not installed
What are some of the advantages of App Links? (Multiple correct answers)
It is secure and specific to an advertiser’s website domain
It allows for a seamless user experience
User gets to choose their preferred choice of action
There is no link ownership verification process, so the user will be able to open the link in the app or in their browser
What are Universal Links, and what are they needed for?
Universal Links is a Criteo feature that the client needs to implement in the app. It allows Criteo to track sales properly
Universal Links is a feature available in both Android and IOS. It helps with the redirect into the app
Universal Links is an iOS feature that allows to seamlessly redirect clicks between mobile environments (browser and app)
Universal Links is a mandatory event that needs to be implemented in the app in order for Criteo to track the redirection properly
What is the estimated time needed on the advertiser side to implement Universal Links?
1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks
App Retargeting with Universal Links has generated a 71% increase in transactions completed in-app and a 42% decrease in CPO because… (Multiple correct answers)
€� one click seamlessly brings the user to content within an advertiser’s app or website
Without Universal Links, a dialog box interrupts the conversation journey for users with app installed, and users with no app installed will get an error message. This creates an additional barrier to a valuable conversion.
... Setup is easy
... Estimated time required for implementation is less than a week
Which of the following correctly describe the user experience with Universal Links? (Multiple correct answers)
A user who has the app installed would be asked if they want to open the content in app or in browser
A user who has the app installed would be redirected to the app
A user who doesn’t have the app installed would be redirected to the advertiser’s mobile website
A user who doesn’t have the app installed would be asked if they wanted to install the app
Criteo Shopper Graph / identity graph
Why do we prefer hashed emails to CRM IDs to enable Cross-Device? (Multiple correct answers)
Because hashed emails have a match rate that is 3 times higher
Because hashed emails can be collected without the advertiser’s agreement
Because hashed emails can be stored in a user’s cookie
Because hashed emails are unique to the user across advertisers - the user matching can be done across our advertiser network
What are the benefits for clients of sharing hashed emails? (Multiple correct answers)
Enhance relevancy of Criteo’s banners
Enhance engine prediction for greater performance
Enable optimizing on XD sales
Enhance CAM match rate
With Cross Device, how does product recommendation work?
We take into account all products seen on all matched devices for a given user
We only take into account products seen on 2 matched devices for a given user
With Cross Device, we only take into account best of products
With Cross Device, we only take into account most viewed products
What "opt-out of cross-device matching" options do our Users have? (Multiple correct answers)
Users have the option to opt out on all Criteo Banners
Users can opt out of Criteo Display on their current browser
Users can opt out of Criteo Display for all matched devices
Users cannot opt out through Criteo banners, but must change their device or browser settings.
For how long does Criteo store hashed emails to perform cross-device matches?
90 days
6 months
12 months
13 months
What happens if a matched user deletes their cookies? (Multiple correct answers)
The user will still be matched across devices and browsers
The user will still be matched across devices, but not the browser where they deleted cookies
The user will not be matched anymore until their email is hashed and collected again
The user who opted-out previously will be eligible for retargeting
Which of the following statements are TRUE about user matching with Criteo identity graph? (Multiple correct answers)
User Matching can be done across advertisers because shoppers tend to use the same email with different advertisers
As soon as 2 devices are matched and linked to the same user, all advertisers will benefit from this, no matter if the user has recently or not visited their website
The user needs to be logged-in each time to be matched
The matched Cross-Device Sales can be seen and included in the Sales column in the Management Center
What are common challenges clients face that Criteo’s identity graph could solve? (Multiple correct answers)
Inability to optimize campaigns with user-centric, cross-device focus
Inability to accurately attribute cross-device sales to campaigns
Inability to see a complete uninterrupted view of the path to purchase
Inability to reach inventory to deliver ads to target audience.
Can Criteo’s identity graph service be used inside a Data Management Platform (DMP)?
No, Criteo identity graph cannot be used with any third parties
No, Criteo identity graph can only be used with third party attribution vendors
Yes, Criteo identity graph has no limitations on clients’ third party use
Yes, but the client must sign additional T&C
What is required for a client to participate in Criteo’s identity graph service? (Multiple correct answers)
The client must first participate in Criteo Shopper Graph
The client must change their budget setup to include Criteo identity graph
The client must sign an addendum for a custom integration or leverage the 3rd-party vendors with whom we have a direct integration
The client must have signed Criteo’s Terms & Conditions
{"name":"Quarterly Quiz Q2 2018 - APAC_OneSEA & India", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Welcome to our Quarterly Quiz!   Please read the following instructions before starting the quiz:   There is always ONE correct answer UNLESS stated \"multiple correct answers\", in which case you have to select more than one good answer. You have to click on 'NEXT' after each category to move on. You won't be able to go back to the previous category once you clicked on 'NEXT'. You have to complete the quiz to have your results captured. If you stopped in between, your results may not be accounted for. Your results + the correct answers will be shown to you when you finish the quiz.   GOOD LUCK :), Name:","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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