ALS461: Critical Thinking Revision

A classroom setting with students discussing logical fallacies, books about critical thinking on desks, and a whiteboard with fallacy examples written on it.

Critical Thinking Challenge: Identify the Fallacies

Test your critical thinking skills with our engaging quiz designed to identify common logical fallacies in various passages. Each question will challenge you to analyze arguments and recognize flawed reasoning.

Whether you're a student, educator or just curious about persuasive techniques, this quiz will sharpen your analytical skills!

10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by AnalyzingTurtle57
Instructions: Identify the fallacies committed in the following passages.
Skylight City has accused our company of exploitative labour practices. But Skylight City's labour practices are much more exploitative than ours are. I happen to know they regularly employ children as young as nine in their overseas factories. Clearly, these accusations are groundless.
Teacher: Sarah’s mother called the other day and complained about the three hours of homework Sarah is required to do each night. Apparently, Sarah’s mother believes that schoolchildren should spend all their time talking on the phone, surfing the Net, and hanging out at the mall. Some parents can be so unreasonable.
The program chairman of the Minnesota Lodge wrote to the president of the local college about getting a speaker from the college to address the Lodge. “Please do not send us anything lower than a dean, requested the program chairman. The college president replied: “There isn’t anything lower than a dean.”
Johnson: I can kick you.
Harris: What makes you think you can kick me?
Johnson: Because I'm tougher than you are.
Harris: What makes you think you're tougher than I am?
Johnson: Because I can kick you.
Professor Russel Crowe conducted extensive and long-term studies of the television- watching habits of school children. Based on these studies, Professor Crowe has concluded that children who watch more than two hours of television a day do not perform as well in school as those who watch less than two hours a day. But Professor Crowe must be wrong about that. Television is a source of news, entertainment, and information--and all for an extremely modest cost. Life would be much less interesting without television.
Legislators in Miami want to make it a criminal offense for citizens not to use seat belts when they drive. Mark my words: If they get away with this, it will not be long before they ban beer drinking and cigarette smoking. Then they will restrict our intake of cholesterol, perhaps setting up cholesterol testing sites along major highways. We must not let this infringement of our liberties get started, or there will be no stopping it.
Officer, I admit I was driving 140 mph on this congested highway, but I do not deserve a speeding ticket. There is no speed limit on this highway, and the law requires only that vehicle be driven “at a safe speed,” which, for me, is well over 140 mph. Also, I apologize for not pulling over sooner. I was talking on my cell phone and did not hear your siren.
I was six years old and an only child, and I yearned to have a dog for a pet. My parents got me a cocker spaniel. I was happy beyond words. I named the dog Pooch, but as it turned out, I should have called him Lout, Thug, or Stinker. That dog was perfectly awful—vicious, disobedient, pathologically territorial, and it refused to be housebroken. I learned my lesson the hard way: cocker spaniels make dreadful pets. Don’t even think about getting one.
Amanda: Are you still reading that wacky New Age magazine?
Miranda: Yes.
Amanda: Well, at least you admit it's wacky.
No one has proven that the lost continent of Atlantis does not exist. Therefore, the lost continent of Atlantis probably does exist.
{"name":"ALS461: Critical Thinking Revision", "url":"","txt":"Test your critical thinking skills with our engaging quiz designed to identify common logical fallacies in various passages. Each question will challenge you to analyze arguments and recognize flawed reasoning.Whether you're a student, educator or just curious about persuasive techniques, this quiz will sharpen your analytical skills!","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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