How Well Do You Measure Impact?

If you are a social purpose organisation, how well is your purpose translated in your operational and strategic activities? Impact should be embedded in your organisation's DNA, with processes in place to enable the understanding, collection, analysis and use of good quality impact data to reach your goals, such as being more sustainable, growing, finding new beneficiaries, receiving funding, obtaining more contracts...
Take our questionnaire based on our Good Analyst methodology to understand your gaps in your processes!
If you are a social purpose organisation, how well is your purpose translated in your operational and strategic activities? Impact should be embedded in your organisation's DNA, with processes in place to enable the understanding, collection, analysis and use of good quality impact data to reach your goals, such as being more sustainable, growing, finding new beneficiaries, receiving funding, obtaining more contracts...
Take our questionnaire based on our Good Analyst methodology to understand your gaps in your processes!
What kind of social purpose organisation are you?
Social Enterprise
International NGO
UK based Social Sector Organisation
Not UK based Social Sector Organisation
Social Mission
Social Mission
Does your social mission clearly describe the issue (social or environmental) that the organisation is tackling?
Does your social mission statement clearly describe your targeted beneficiaries?
Does your mission clearly describe the anticipated outcomes and impact?
Is the organisation’s business model congruent with its mission?
Yes - our main activities and operations are directly contributing to the creation of social impact
Partially - social impact is generated through some of our activities, but not the major ones
No - it is indirect, social impact is created through specific activities or schemes, not connected to the business model of the organisation
Mission lock - Is the mission embedded in the organisation’s governance structures and governing documents?
Is there a policy in place for anticipation of use of profits for social purpose? For example, that 50% of profits or more must be used for socially-beneficial purposes (this may include reinvestment in impact-generating activities, or donation to a suitable charity, such as a partner-foundation?
Is there a limit to the proportion of profits that can be distributed to shareholders, or in bonuses or salary packages to executives?
Mission lock - Is the mission embedded in the organisation’s governance structures and governing documents?
Is there a policy in place for anticipation of use of profits for social purpose? For example, that 50% of profits or more must be used for socially-beneficial purposes (this may include reinvestment in impact-generating activities, or donation to a suitable charity, such as a partner-foundation)
Is there a limit to the proportion of profits that can be distributed to shareholders, or in bonuses or salary packages to executives?
Internal Organisation
Internal Organisation
Do you have a person dedicated to impact in your organisation?
Please select the following staff who are formally trained on impact theory and its importance in strategy planning?
Impact person
Understanding of Impact
Understanding of Impact
Which of the following have you properly identified and defined?
Direct beneficiaries and their issues
Indirect beneficiaries and their issues
Activities and inputs
Does the organisation have formalised the above in a Theory of Change model?
Not sure
Understanding of Impact 2
Understanding of Impact 2
Which stakeholders were consulted for the creation of the Theory of Change model?
Management, staff, trustees/ directors, beneficiaries
Management team or staff
None, only impact person/CEO
Not sure
Is the Theory of Change model publicly available?
Not Sure
Is the Theory of Change validated with more than one beneficiary?
Not sure
Are the Theory of Change’s assumptions supported by academic research?
Not sure
How have you used your Theory of Change?
For strategic decision-making
To engage internal and external stakeholders (staff, volunteers, investors, trustees…)
In internal or external communication: to explain the organisation's impact
Not sure
I don't think we have ever used it!
Impact Data
Impact Data
Are you collecting impact data?
Not sure
Impact Data 2
Impact Data 2
Do you collect quantitative and qualitative indicators?
Only quantitative
Only qualitative
Are you collecting output indicators?
Are you collecting outcomes indicators?
What is your scope of measurement?
Depends on external stakeholders demands (e.g. commissioners, funders)
All activities being identified as impactful and significant for the fulfillment of our mission
How many years of usable/insightful data do you have?
Less than 1 year
1 to 2 years
3+ years
Which of these media do you use for data collection and storage?
Softwares or apps (Excel, Web apps for online surveying, emailing etc.)
Dedicated CRM system and/or hardware (ex: Ipads for data collection)
Is the team responsible for data collection trained on impact measurement processes and tools?
How have you used the results of collection so far?
To identify and analyse successes and failures in the process/activities
Make changes to internal processes/activities for an optimised performance
Shared with staff for engagement and celebrating successes
For strategy discussion with Board of Directors
Used in external communication (for business development, hiring of volunteers, reaching more beneficiaries… etc.)
For funding purposes (investment, contracts, bids…)
For accountability to external stakeholders (commissioners, investors, public bodies, etc.)
Have not used the results so far
Final Questions!
Final Questions!
How is the board of directors/trustees engaged with the impact performance?
Very engaged - impact results are systematically: shared to the Board and taken into consideration for decision-making
Somewhat engaged - impact results are occasionally shared and discussed by the board
Not engaged - the impact results are not shared or not discussed at board level
What is your position in your organisation?
Trustee/ Director
Impact person
What is your email?
{"name":"How Well Do You Measure Impact?", "url":"","txt":"What kind of social purpose organisation are you?, What is your email? (Optional), What is your position in your organisation?","img":""}
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